11.3. Configuring the Cleaning Unused Tasks Feature

Satellite performs regular cleaning to reduce disc space in the database and limit the rate of disk growth. As a result, Satellite backup completes faster and overall performance is higher.

By default, Satellite executes a cron job that cleans tasks every day at 19:45. Satellite removes the following tasks during the cleaning:

  • Tasks that have run successfully and are older than thirty days
  • All tasks that are older than a year

For Satellites Upgraded from Previous Versions

Until BZ#1788615 is resolved, this functionality works only on fresh installations of Satellite 6.8 and later. If you upgrade Satellite from previous versions, this functionality is disabled by default. To enable Satellite to perform regular cleaning, enter the following command:

# satellite-installer --foreman-plugin-tasks-automatic-cleanup true

Optionally use this procedure to adjust the configuration to serve your needs.


  1. Optional: To configure the time at which Satellite runs the cron job, set the --foreman-plugin-tasks-cron-line parameter to the time you want in cron format. For example, to schedule the cron job to run every day at 15:00, enter the following command:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-plugin-tasks-cron-line "00 15 * * *"
  2. Optional: To configure the period after which Satellite deletes the tasks, edit the :rules: section in the /etc/foreman/plugins/foreman-tasks.yaml file.