2.32.12. hammer host interface


    hammer host interface [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

 SUBCOMMAND                    Subcommand
 [ARG] ...                     Subcommand arguments

 create                        Create an interface on a host
 delete                        Delete a host's interface
 info                          Show an interface for host
 list                          List all interfaces for host
 update                        Update a host's interface

 -h, --help                    Print help hammer host interface create


    hammer host interface create [OPTIONS]

 --attached-devices ATTACHED_DEVICES     Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1',
                                         'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond
                                         And bridges interfaces.
                                         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --attached-to ATTACHED_TO               Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1.
                                         Only for virtual interfaces.
 --bond-options BOND_OPTIONS             Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.
 --compute-attributes COMPUTE_ATTRS      Compute resource specific attributes
                                         Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --domain DOMAIN_NAME                    Domain name
 --domain-id DOMAIN_ID                   Numerical ID or domain name
 --host HOST_NAME                        Host name
 --host-id HOST_ID
 --identifier IDENTIFIER                 Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1
 --ip IP                                 IPv4 address of interface
 --ip6 IP6                               IPv6 address of interface
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Location name
 --location-id LOCATION_ID
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Location title
 --mac MAC                               MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.
 --managed MANAGED                       Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS capsule and should it be
                                         Configured during provisioning?
                                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --mode MODE                             Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.
                                         Possible value(s): 'balance-rr', 'active-backup', 'balance-xor', 'broadcast', '802.3ad', 'balance-tlb', 'balance-alb'
 --mtu MTU                               MTU, this attribute has precedence over the subnet MTU.
 --name NAME                             Interface's DNS name
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Organization name
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Organization ID
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Organization title
 --password PASSWORD                     Only for BMC interfaces.
 --primary                               Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface
 --provider PROVIDER                     Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.
                                         Possible value(s): 'IPMI', 'SSH'
 --provision                             Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface
 --subnet SUBNET_NAME                    Subnet name
 --subnet-id SUBNET_ID
 --subnet6-id SUBNET6_ID                 Satellite subnet ID of IPv6 interface
 --tag TAG                               VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for
                                         Virtual interfaces.
 --type TYPE                             Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is interface
                                         Possible value(s): 'interface', 'bmc', 'bond', 'bridge'
 --username USERNAME                     Only for BMC interfaces.
 --virtual VIRTUAL                       Alias or VLAN device
                                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 -h, --help                              Print help