hammer content-view filter update


    hammer content-view filter update [OPTIONS]

 --content-view CONTENT_VIEW_NAME        Content view name to search by
 --content-view-id CONTENT_VIEW_ID       Content view numeric identifier
 --description DESCRIPTION               Description of the filter
 --id ID                                 Filter identifier
 --inclusion INCLUSION                   Specifies if content should be included or excluded, default:
                                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --new-name NEW_NAME                     New name for the filter
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Organization name to search by
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Organization ID to search by
 --organization-label ORGANIZATION_LABEL Organization label to search by
 --original-packages ORIGINAL_PACKAGES   Add all packages without errata to the included/excluded list. (package
                                         Filter only)
                                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --repositories REPOSITORY_NAMES         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --repository-ids REPOSITORY_IDS         List of repository ids
                                         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 -h, --help                              Print help