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2.4. Configuring the Network

This section examines the network configuration for the Overcloud. This includes isolating our services to use specific network traffic and configuring the Overcloud with our IPv6 options.

2.4.1. Configuring Composable Network Details

  1. Copy the default network_data file:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml /home/stack/.
  2. Edit the local copy of the network_data.yaml file and modify the parameters to suit your IPv6 networking requirements. For example, the External network contains the following default network details:

    - name: External
      vip: true
      name_lower: external
      vlan: 10
      ipv6: true
      ipv6_subnet: '2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64'
      ipv6_allocation_pools: [{'start': '2001:db8:fd00:1000::10', 'end': '2001:db8:fd00:1000:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe'}]
      gateway_ipv6: '2001:db8:fd00:1000::1'
    • name is the only mandatory value, however you can also use name_lower to normalize names for readability. For example, changing InternalApi to internal_api.
    • vip: true creates a virtual IP address (VIP) on the new network with the remaining parameters setting the defaults for the new network.
    • ipv6 defines whether to enable IPv6.
    • ipv6_subnet and ipv6_allocation_pools, and gateway_ip6 set the default IPv6 subnet and IP range for the network.

Include the custom network_data file with your deployment using the -n option. Without the -n option, the deployment command uses the default network details.