第12章 PMML support in Red Hat Decision Manager

Red Hat Decision Manager includes consumer conformance support for the following PMML 4.2.1 model types:

For a list of all PMML model types, including those not supported in Red Hat Decision Manager, see the DMG PMML specification.

Red Hat Decision Manager does not include a built-in PMML model editor, but you can use an XML or PMML-specific authoring tool to create PMML models and then integrate the PMML models in your decision services in Red Hat Decision Manager. You can import PMML files into your project in Business Central (Menu → Design → Projects → Import Asset) or package the PMML files as part of your project knowledge JAR (KJAR) file without Business Central.

When you add a PMML file to a project in Red Hat Decision Manager, multiple assets are generated. Each type of PMML model generates a different set of assets, but all PMML model types generate at least the following set of assets:

  • A DRL file that contains all of the rules associated with your PMML model
  • At least two Java classes:

    • A data class that is used as the default object type for the model type
    • A RuleUnit class that is used to manage data sources and rule execution

If a PMML file has MiningModel as the root model, multiple instances of each of these files are generated.

For more information about including assets such as PMML files with your project packaging and deployment method, see Packaging and deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager project.

12.1. PMML naming conventions in Red Hat Decision Manager

The following are naming conventions for generated PMML packages, classes, and rules:

  • If no package name is given in a PMML model file, then the default package name org.kie.pmml.pmml_4_2 is prefixed to the model name for the generated rules in the format "org.kie.pmml.pmml_4_2"+modelName.
  • The package name for the generated RuleUnit Java class is the same as the package name for the generated rules.
  • The name of the generated RuleUnit Java class is the model name with RuleUnit added to it in the format modelName+"RuleUnit".
  • Each PMML model has at least one data class that is generated. The package name for these classes is org.kie.pmml.pmml_4_2.model.
  • The names of generated data classes are determined by the model type, prefixed with the model name:

    • Regression models: One data class named modelName+"RegressionData"
    • Scorecard models: One data class named modelName+"ScoreCardData"
    • Tree models: Two data classes, the first named modelName+"TreeNode" and the second named modelName+"TreeToken"
    • Mining models: One data class named modelName+"MiningModelData"

The mining model also generates all of the rules and classes that are within each of its segments.