12.2. PMML extensions in Red Hat Decision Manager

The PMML specification supports Extension elements that extend the content of a PMML model. You can use extensions at almost every level of a PMML model definition, and as the first and last child in the main element of a model for maximum flexibility. For more information about PMML extensions, see the DMG PMML Extension Mechanism.

To optimize PMML integration, Red Hat Decision Manager supports the following additional PMML extensions:

  • modelPackage: Designates a package name for the generated rules and Java classes. Include this extension in the Header section of the PMML model file.
  • adapter: Designates the type of construct (bean or trait) that is used to contain input and output data for rules. Insert this extension in the MiningSchema or Output section (or both) of the PMML model file.
  • externalClass: Used in conjunction with the adapter extension in defining a MiningField or OutputField. This extension contains a class with an attribute name that matches the name of the MiningField or OutputField element.