16.5.7. Access to DRL declared types in application code

Declared types in DRL are typically used within the DRL files while Java models are typically used when the model is shared between rules and applications. Because declared types are generated at KIE base compile time, an application cannot access them until application run time. In some cases, an application needs to access and handle facts directly from the declared types, especially when the application wraps the decision engine and provides higher-level, domain-specific user interfaces for rules management.

To handle declared types directly from the application code, you can use the org.drools.definition.type.FactType API in Red Hat Decision Manager. Through this API, you can instantiate, read, and write fields in the declared fact types.

The following example code modifies a Person fact type directly from an application:

Example application code to handle a declared fact type through the FactType API

import java.util.Date;

import org.kie.api.definition.type.FactType;
import org.kie.api.KieBase;
import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession;


// Get a reference to a KIE base with the declared type:
KieBase kbase = ...

// Get the declared fact type:
FactType personType = kbase.getFactType("org.drools.examples", "Person");

// Create instances:
Object bob = personType.newInstance();

// Set attribute values:
personType.set(bob, "name", "Bob" );
personType.set(bob, "dateOfBirth", new Date());
personType.set(bob, "address", new Address("King's Road","London","404"));

// Insert the fact into a KIE session:
KieSession ksession = ...

// Read attributes:
String name = (String) personType.get(bob, "name");
Date date = (Date) personType.get(bob, "dateOfBirth");

The API also includes other helpful methods, such as setting all the attributes at once, reading values from a Map collection, or reading all attributes at once into a Map collection.

Although the API behavior is similar to Java reflection, the API does not use reflection and relies on more performant accessors that are implemented with generated bytecode.