5.2. Configurable DMN validation in Red Hat Decision Manager

By default, the kie-maven-plugin component in the pom.xml file of your Red Hat Decision Manager project uses the following <validateDMN> configurations to perform pre-compilation validation of DMN model assets and to perform DMN decision table static analysis:

  • VALIDATE_SCHEMA: DMN model files are verified against the DMN specification XSD schema to ensure that the files are valid XML and compliant with the specification.
  • VALIDATE_MODEL: The pre-compilation analysis is performed for the DMN model to ensure that the basic semantic is aligned with the DMN specification.
  • ANALYZE_DECISION_TABLE: DMN decision tables are statically analyzed for gaps or overlaps and to ensure that the semantic of the decision table follows best practices.

You can modify the default DMN validation and DMN decision table analysis behavior to perform only a specified validation during the project build, or you can disable this default behavior completely, as shown in the following examples:

Default configuration for DMN validation and decision table analysis


Configuration to perform only the DMN decision table static analysis


Configuration to perform only the XSD schema validation


Configuration to perform only the DMN model validation


Configuration to disable all DMN validation



If you enter an unrecognized <validateDMN> configuration flag, all pre-compilation validation is disabled and the Maven plugin emits related log messages.