84.9. Sliding windows of time or length

In stream mode, the decision engine can process events from a specified sliding window of time or length. A sliding time window is a specified period of time during which events can be processed. A sliding length window is a specified number of events that can be processed. When you declare a sliding window in a DRL rule or Java application, the decision engine, at compile time, identifies and creates the proper internal structures to use data from only that sliding window to evaluate that rule.

For example, the following DRL rule snippets instruct the decision engine to process only the stock points from the last 2 minutes (sliding time window) or to process only the last 10 stock points (sliding length window):

Process stock points from the last 2 minutes (sliding time window)

StockPoint() over window:time(2m)

Process the last 10 stock points (sliding length window)

StockPoint() over window:length(10)

84.9.1. Declaring sliding windows for rule data

You can declare a sliding window of time (flow of time) or length (number of occurrences) for events so that the decision engine uses data from only that window to evaluate the rules.


In the DRL rule file, specify over window:<time_or_length>(<value>) for the inserted fact.

For example, the following two DRL rules activate a fire alarm based on an average temperature. However, the first rule uses a sliding time window to calculate the average over the last 10 minutes while the second rule uses a sliding length window to calculate the average over the last one hundred temperature readings.

Average temperature over sliding time window

rule "Sound the alarm if temperature rises above threshold"
  TemperatureThreshold($max : max)
  Number(doubleValue > $max) from accumulate(
    SensorReading($temp : temperature) over window:time(10m),
  // Sound the alarm.

Average temperature over sliding length window

rule "Sound the alarm if temperature rises above threshold"
  TemperatureThreshold($max : max)
  Number(doubleValue > $max) from accumulate(
    SensorReading($temp : temperature) over window:length(100),
  // Sound the alarm.

The decision engine discards any SensorReading events that are more than 10 minutes old or that are not part of the last one hundred readings, and continues recalculating the average as the minutes or readings "slide" forward in real time.

The decision engine does not automatically remove outdated events from the KIE session because other rules without sliding window declarations might depend on those events. The decision engine stores events in the KIE session until the events expire either by explicit rule declarations or by implicit reasoning within the decision engine based on inferred data in the KIE base.