Chapter 2. Building a 3scale API Management system image with the Oracle Database relational database management system

By default, 3scale has a component called system which stores configuration data in a MySQL database. You have the option to override the default database and store your information in an external Oracle Database. Follow the steps in this document to build a custom system container image with your own Oracle Database client binaries and deploy 3scale to OpenShift.

2.1. Before you begin

2.1.1. Obtain Oracle software components

Before you can build the custom 3scale system container image, you must acquire a supported version of the following Oracle software components:

  • Oracle Instant Client Package Basic or Basic Light
  • Oracle Instant Client Package SDK
  • Oracle Instant Client Package ODBC

2.1.2. Meet prerequisites

You must also meet the following prerequisites:

  • A supported version of Oracle Database accessible from your OpenShift cluster
  • Access to the Oracle Database system user for installation procedures
  • Possess the Red Hat 3scale 2.3 amp.yml template

2.2. Preparing Oracle Database

  1. Create a new database

    The following settings are required for the Oracle Database to work with 3scale:

    ALTER SYSTEM SET max_string_size=extended SCOPE=SPFILE;
  2. Collect the database details.

    Get the following information that will be needed for 3scale configuration:

    • Oracle Database URL
    • Oracle Database service name
    • Oracle Database system user name and password
    • Oracle Database service name

For information on creating a new database in Oracle Database, refer to the Oracle documentation.

2.3. Building the system image

  1. clone the 3scale-amp-openshift-templates github repository
  2. place your Oracle Database Instant Client Package files into the 3scale-amp-openshift-templates/amp/system-oracle/oracle-client-files directory
  3. run the oc new-app command with the -f option and specify the build.yml OpenShift template

    $ oc new-app -f build.yml
  4. run the oc new-app command with the -f option, specifying the amp.yml OpenShift template, and the -p option, specifying the WILDCARD_DOMAIN parameter with the domain of your OpenShift cluster

    $ oc new-app -f amp.yml -p
  5. enter the following shell for loop command, specifying the following information you collected in the Preparing Oracle Database section previously:

    • {USER}: the username that will represent 3scale in your Oracle Database
    • {PASSWORD}: the password for USER
    • {ORACLE_DB_URL}: the URL of your Oracle Database
    • {DATABASE}: the service name of the database you created in Oracle Database
    • {PORT}: the port number of your Oracle Database

      for dc in system-app system-resque system-sidekiq system-sphinx; do oc env dc/$dc --overwrite DATABASE_URL="oracle-enhanced://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{ORACLE_DB_URL}:{PORT}/{DATABASE}"; done
  6. enter the following oc patch command, specifying the same USER, PASSWORD, ORACLE_DB_URL, PORT, and DATABASE values that you provided in the previous step above:

    $ oc patch dc/system-app -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/strategy/rollingParams/pre/execNewPod/env/1/value", "value": "oracle-enhanced://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{ORACLE_DB_URL}:{PORT}/{DATABASE}"}]' --type=json
  7. enter the following oc patch command, specifying your own Oracle Database system user password in the SYSTEM_PASSWORD field:

    $ oc patch dc/system-app -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/strategy/rollingParams/pre/execNewPod/env/-", "value": {"name": "ORACLE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD", "value": "SYSTEM_PASSWORD"}}]' --type=json
  8. enter the oc start-build command to build the new system image:

    oc start-build 3scale-amp-system-oracle --from-dir=.