2.7.4. 対話モードでデータベースをデプロイする

odo は、デプロイをシンプルにするコマンドラインの対話モードを提供します。


  • 対話モードを実行し、プロンプトに対応します。

    $ odo service create


    ? Which kind of service do you wish to create database
    ? Which database service class should we use mongodb-persistent
    ? Enter a value for string property DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME (Database Service Name): mongodb
    ? Enter a value for string property MEMORY_LIMIT (Memory Limit): 512Mi
    ? Enter a value for string property MONGODB_DATABASE (MongoDB Database Name): sampledb
    ? Enter a value for string property MONGODB_VERSION (Version of MongoDB Image): 3.2
    ? Enter a value for string property VOLUME_CAPACITY (Volume Capacity): 1Gi
    ? Provide values for non-required properties No
    ? How should we name your service  mongodb-persistent
    ? Output the non-interactive version of the selected options No
    ? Wait for the service to be ready No
     ✓  Creating service [32ms]
     ✓  Service 'mongodb-persistent' was created
    Progress of the provisioning will not be reported and might take a long time.
    You can see the current status by executing 'odo service list'

