B.2. クラスライブラリ

例B.1 Lock Manager

	public class LockResult
	public static final int GRANTED;
	public static final int REFUSED;
	public static final int RELEASED;
	public class ConflictType
	public static final int CONFLICT;
	public static final int COMPATIBLE;
	public static final int PRESENT;
	public abstract class LockManager extends StateManager
	public static final int defaultRetry;
	public static final int defaultTimeout;
	public static final int waitTotalTimeout;
	public final synchronized boolean releaselock (Uid lockUid);
	public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet);
	public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet, int retry);
	public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet, int retry, int sleepTime);
	public void print (PrintStream strm);
	public String type ();
	public boolean save_state (OutputObjectState os, int ObjectType);
	public boolean restore_state (InputObjectState os, int ObjectType);
	protected LockManager ();
	protected LockManager (int ot);
	protected LockManager (int ot, ObjectName attr);
	protected LockManager (Uid storeUid);
	protected LockManager (Uid storeUid, int ot);
	protected LockManager (Uid storeUid, int ot, ObjectName attr);
	protected void terminate ();

例B.2 StateManager

	public class ObjectStatus
	public static final int PASSIVE;
	public static final int PASSIVE_NEW;
	public static final int ACTIVE;
	public static final int ACTIVE_NEW;
	public class ObjectType
	public static final int RECOVERABLE;
	public static final int ANDPERSISTENT;
	public static final int NEITHER;
	public abstract class StateManager
	public boolean restore_state (InputObjectState os, int ot);
	public boolean save_state (OutputObjectState os, int ot);
	public String type ();
	public synchronized boolean activate ();
	public synchronized boolean activate (String rootName);
	public synchronized boolean deactivate ();
	public synchronized boolean deactivate (String rootName);
	public synchronized boolean deactivate (String rootName, boolean commit);
	public synchronized int status ();
	public final Uid get_uid ();
	public void destroy ();
	public void print (PrintStream strm);
	protected void terminate ();
	protected StateManager ();
	protected StateManager (int ot);
	protected StateManager (int ot, ObjectName objName);
	protected StateManager (Uid objUid);
	protected StateManager (Uid objUid, int ot);
	protected StateManager (Uid objUid, int ot, ObjectName objName);
	protected synchronized final void modified ();

例B.3 Input/OutputObjectState

	class OutputObjectState extends OutputBuffer
	public OutputObjectState (Uid newUid, String typeName);
	public boolean notempty ();
	public int size ();
	public Uid stateUid ();
	public String type ();
	class InputObjectState extends ObjectState
	public OutputObjectState (Uid newUid, String typeName, byte[] b);
	public boolean notempty ();
	public int size ();
	public Uid stateUid ();
	public String type ();

例B.4 Input/OutputBuffer

	public class OutputBuffer
	public	OutputBuffer ();
	public final synchronized boolean valid ();
	public synchronized byte[] buffer();
	public synchronized int length ();
	/* pack operations for standard Java types */
	public synchronized void packByte (byte b) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packBytes (byte[] b) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packBoolean (boolean b) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packChar (char c) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packShort (short s) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packInt (int i) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packLong (long l) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packFloat (float f) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packDouble (double d) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void packString (String s) throws IOException;
	public class InputBuffer
	public	InputBuffer ();
	public final synchronized boolean valid ();
	public synchronized byte[] buffer();
	public synchronized int length ();
	/* unpack operations for standard Java types */
	public synchronized byte unpackByte () throws IOException;
	public synchronized byte[] unpackBytes () throws IOException;
	public synchronized boolean unpackBoolean () throws IOException;
	public synchronized char unpackChar () throws IOException;
	public synchronized short unpackShort () throws IOException;
	public synchronized int unpackInt () throws IOException;
	public synchronized long unpackLong () throws IOException;
	public synchronized float unpackFloat () throws IOException;
	public synchronized double unpackDouble () throws IOException;
	public synchronized String unpackString () throws IOException;

例B.5 Uid

	public class Uid implements Cloneable
	public Uid ();
	public Uid (Uid copyFrom);
	public Uid (String uidString);
	public Uid (String uidString, boolean errorsOk);
	public synchronized void pack (OutputBuffer packInto) throws IOException;
	public synchronized void unpack (InputBuffer unpackFrom) throws IOException;
	public void print (PrintStream strm);
	public String toString ();
	public Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException;
	public synchronized void copy (Uid toCopy) throws UidException;
	public boolean equals (Uid u);
	public boolean notEquals (Uid u);
	public boolean lessThan (Uid u);
	public boolean greaterThan (Uid u);
	public synchronized final boolean valid ();
	public static synchronized Uid nullUid ();

例B.6 AtomicAction

	public class AtomicAction
	public AtomicAction ();
	public void begin () throws SystemException, SubtransactionsUnavailable,
	public void commit (boolean report_heuristics) throws SystemException, 
	NoTransaction, HeuristicMixed,
	public void rollback () throws SystemException, NoTransaction;
	public Control control () throws SystemException, NoTransaction;
	public Status get_status () throws SystemException;
	/* Allow action commit to be supressed */    
	public void rollbackOnly () throws SystemException, NoTransaction;
	public void registerResource (Resource r) throws SystemException, Inactive;
	public void registerSubtransactionAwareResource (SubtransactionAwareResource sr)
	throws SystemException, NotSubtransaction;
	public void registerSynchronization (Synchronization s) throws SystemException,