Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

4.19.2. Modo de rescate

Rescue mode provides the ability to boot a small Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment entirely from boot media or some other boot method instead of the system's hard drive. There may be times when you are unable to get Red Hat Enterprise Linux running completely enough to access files on your system's hard drive. Using rescue mode, you can access the files stored on your system's hard drive, even if you cannot actually run Red Hat Enterprise Linux from that hard drive. If you need to use rescue mode, try the following method:
  • Utilice el CD-ROM de arranque en un sistema x86, AMD64 o Intel® 64, escriba linux rescue en el intérprete de comandos de la instalación. Los usuarios de máquinas Itanium deben escribir elilo linux rescue para ingresar al modo de rescate.
Para obtener información adicional, consulte Manual de Implementación de Red Hat Enterprise Linux.