Distributed compute node and storage deployment

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2

Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform distributed compute node technologies

OpenStack Documentation Team


You can deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) with a distributed compute node (DCN) architecture for edge site operability with heat stack separation. Each site can have its own Ceph storage back end for Image service (glance) multi store.

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Chapter 1. Understanding DCN


An upgrade from Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2 to RHOSP 17.1 is not supported for Distributed Compute Node (DCN) deployments.

Distributed compute node (DCN) architecture is for edge use cases allowing remote compute and storage nodes to be deployed remotely while sharing a common centralised control plane. DCN architecture allows you to position workloads strategically closer to your operational needs for higher performance.

The central location can consist of any role, however at a minimum, requires three controllers. Compute nodes can exist at the edge, as well as at the central location.

DCN architecture is a hub and spoke routed network deployment. DCN is comparable to a spine and leaf deployment for routed provisioning and control plane networking with Red Hat OpenStack Platform director.

  • The hub is the central site with core routers and a datacenter gateway (DC-GW).
  • The spoke is the remote edge, or leaf.

Edge locations do not have controllers, making them architecturally different from traditional deployments of Red Hat OpenStack Platform:

  • Control plane services run remotely, at the central location.
  • Pacemaker is not installed.
  • The Block Storage service (cinder) runs in active/active mode.
  • Etcd is deployed as a distributed lock manager (DLM).
high level dcn

1.1. Required software for distributed compute node architecture

The following table shows the software and minimum versions required to deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform in a distributed compute node (DCN) architecture:


Red Hat Enterprise Linux



Red Hat OpenStack Platform



Red Hat Ceph Storage



1.2. Multistack design

When you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) with a DCN design, you use Red Hat director’s capabilities for multiple stack deployment and management to deploy each site as a distinct stack.

Managing a DCN architecture as a single stack is unsupported, unless the deployment is an upgrade from Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13. There are no supported methods to split an existing stack, however you can add stacks to a pre-existing deployment. For more information, see Section A.3, “Migrating to a multistack deployment”.

The central location is a traditional stack deployment of RHOSP, however you are not required to deploy Compute nodes or Red Hat Ceph storage with the central stack.

With DCN, you deploy each location as a distinct availability zone (AZ).

1.3. DCN storage

You can deploy each edge site, either without storage, or with Ceph on hyperconverged nodes. The storage you deploy is dedicated to the site you deploy it on.

DCN architecture uses Glance multistore. For edge sites deployed without storage, additional tooling is available so that you can cache and store images in the Compute service (nova) cache. Caching glance images in nova provides the faster boot times for instances by avoiding the process of downloading images across a WAN link. For more information, see Chapter 10, Precaching glance images into nova.

1.4. DCN edge

With Distributed Compute Node architecture, the central location is deployed with the control nodes that manage the edge locations. When you then deploy an edge location, you deploy only compute nodes, making edge sites architecturally different from traditional deployments of Red Hat OpenStack Platform. At edge locations:

  • Control plane services run remotely at the central location.
  • Pacemaker does not run at DCN sites.
  • The Block Storage service (cinder) runs in active/active mode.
  • Etcd is deployed as a distributed lock manager (DLM).

Chapter 2. Planning a Distributed Compute Node (DCN) deployment

When you plan your DCN architecture, check that the technologies that you need are available and supported.

2.1. Considerations for storage on DCN architecture

The following features are not currently supported for DCN architectures:

  • Fast forward updates (FFU) on a distributed compute node architecture from Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13 to 16.
  • Copying a volume snapshot between edge sites. You can work around this by creating an image from the volume and using glance to copy the image. After the image is copied, you can create a volume from it.
  • Ceph Rados Gateway (RGW) at the edge.
  • CephFS at the edge.
  • Instance high availability (HA) at the edge sites.
  • RBD mirroring between sites.
  • Instance migration, live or cold, either between edge sites, or from the central location to edge sites. You can still migrate instances within a site boundary. To move an image between sites, you must snapshot the image, and use glance image-import. For more information see Confirming image snapshots can be created and copied between sites.

Additionally, you must consider the following:

  • You must upload images to the central location before copying them to edge sites; a copy of each image must exist in the Image service (glance) at the central location.
  • Before you create an instance at an edge site, you must have a local copy of the image at that edge site.
  • You must use the RBD storage driver for the Image, Compute and Block Storage services.
  • For each site, assign a unique availability zone, and use the same value for the NovaComputeAvailabilityZone and CinderStorageAvailabilityZone parameters.
  • You can migrate an offline volume from an edge site to the central location, or vice versa. You cannot migrate volumes directly between edge sites.

2.2. Considerations for networking on DCN architecture

The following features are not currently supported for DCN architectures:

  • Octavia
  • DHCP on DPDK nodes
  • Conntrack for TC Flower Hardware Offload

Conntrack for TC Flower Hardware Offload is available on DCN as a Technology Preview, and therefore using these solutions together is not fully supported by Red Hat. This feature should only be used with DCN for testing, and should not be deployed in a production environment. For more information about Technology Preview features, see Scope of Coverage Details.

The following ML2/OVS technologies are fully supported:

  • OVS-DPDK without DHCP on the DPDK nodes
  • SR-IOV
  • TC flower hardware offload, without conntrack
  • Neutron availability zones (AZs) with networker nodes at the edge, with one AZ per site
  • Routed provider networks

The following ML2/OVN networking technologies are fully supported:

  • OVS-DPDK without DHCP on the DPDK nodes
  • SR-IOV (without DHCP)
  • TC flower hardware offload, without conntrack
  • Routed provider networks
  • OVN GW (networker node) with Neutron AZs supported


    Ensure that all router gateway ports reside on the OpenStack Controller nodes by setting OVNCMSOptions: 'enable-chassis-as-gw' and by providing one or more AZ values for the OVNAvailabilityZone parameter. Performing these actions prevent the routers from scheduling all chassis as potential hosts for the router gateway ports. For more information, see Configuring Network service availability zones with ML2/OVN in the Networking Guide.

Additionally, you must consider the following:

  • Network latency: Balance the latency as measured in round-trip time (RTT), with the expected number of concurrent API operations to maintain acceptable performance. Maximum TCP/IP throughput is inversely proportional to RTT. You can mitigate some issues with high-latency connections with high bandwidth by tuning kernel TCP parameters.Contact Red Hat support if a cross-site communication exceeds 100 ms.
  • Network drop outs: If the edge site temporarily loses connection to the central site, then no OpenStack control plane API or CLI operations can be executed at the impacted edge site for the duration of the outage. For example, Compute nodes at the edge site are consequently unable to create a snapshot of an instance, issue an auth token, or delete an image. General OpenStack control plane API and CLI operations remain functional during this outage, and can continue to serve any other edge sites that have a working connection. Image type: You must use raw images when deploying a DCN architecture with Ceph storage.
  • Image sizing:

    • Overcloud node images - overcloud node images are downloaded from the central undercloud node. These images are potentially large files that will be transferred across all necessary networks from the central site to the edge site during provisioning.
    • Instance images: If there is no block storage at the edge, then the Image service images traverse the WAN during first use. The images are copied or cached locally to the target edge nodes for all subsequent use. There is no size limit for glance images. Transfer times vary with available bandwidth and network latency.

      If there is block storage at the edge, then the image is copied over the WAN asynchronously for faster boot times at the edge.

  • Provider networks: This is the recommended networking approach for DCN deployments. If you use provider networks at remote sites, then you must consider that the Networking service (neutron) does not place any limits or checks on where you can attach available networks. For example, if you use a provider network only in edge site A, you must ensure that you do not try to attach to the provider network in edge site B. This is because there are no validation checks on the provider network when binding it to a Compute node.
  • Site-specific networks: A limitation in DCN networking arises if you use networks that are specific to a certain site: When you deploy centralized neutron controllers with Compute nodes, there are no triggers in neutron to identify a certain Compute node as a remote node. Consequently, the Compute nodes receive a list of other Compute nodes and automatically form tunnels between each other; the tunnels are formed from edge to edge through the central site. If you use VXLAN or Geneve, every Compute node at every site forms a tunnel with every other Compute node and Controller node, whether or not they are local or remote. This is not an issue if you are using the same neutron networks everywhere. When you use VLANs, neutron expects that all Compute nodes have the same bridge mappings, and that all VLANs are available at every site.
  • Additional sites: If you need to expand from a central site to additional remote sites, you can use the openstack CLI on Red Hat OpenStack Platform director to add new network segments and subnets.
  • If edge servers are not pre-provisioned, you must configure DHCP relay for introspection and provisioning on routed segments.
  • Routing must be configured either on the cloud or within the networking infrastructure that connects each edge site to the hub. You should implement a networking design that allocates an L3 subnet for each Red Hat OpenStack Platform cluster network (external, internal API, and so on), unique to each site.

2.3. Storage topologies and roles at the edge

When you deploy Red Hat OpenStack platform with a distributed compute node architecture, you must decide if you need storage at the edge. Based on storage and performance needs, you can deploy each site with one of three configurations. Not all edge sites must have an identical configuration.

DCN without storage

To deploy this architecture, use the Compute role.

dcn with compute only example

Without block storage at the edge:

  • The Object Storage (swift) service at the control plane is used as an Image (glance) service backend.
  • Multi-backend image service is not available.

  • The instances are stored locally on the Compute nodes.
  • Volume services such as Block Storage (cinder) are not available at edge sites.


    If you do not deploy the central location with Red Hat Ceph storage, you will not have the option of deploying an edge site with storage at a later time.

    For more information about deploying without block storage at the edge, see Section 6.1, “Deploying edge nodes without storage”.

DCN with storage

To deploy DCN with storage you must also deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage at the central location. You need to use the dcn-storage.yaml and ceph-ansible.yaml environment files. For edge sites that include non-hyperconverged Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes, use the DistributedCompute, DistributedComputeScaleOut, CephAll, and CephStorage roles.

dcn with nonhci at edge example

With block storage at the edge:

  • Red Hat Ceph Block Devices (RBD) is used as an Image (glance) service backend.
  • Multi-backend Image service (glance) is available so that images may be copied between the central and DCN sites.
  • The Block Storage (cinder) service is available at all sites and is accessed by using the Red Hat Ceph Block Devices (RBD) driver.
  • The Block Storage (cinder) service runs on the Compute nodes, and Red Hat Ceph Storage runs separately on dedicated storage nodes.
  • Nova ephemeral storage is backed by Ceph (RBD).

    For more information, see Section 5.2, “Deploying the central site with storage”.

DCN with hyperconverged storage

To deploy this configuration you must also deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage at the central location. You need to configure the dcn-storage.yaml and ceph-ansible.yaml environment files. Use the DistributedComputeHCI, and DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut roles. You can also use the DistributedComputeScaleOut role to add Compute nodes that do not participate in providing Red Hat Ceph Storage services.

dcn with hci at edge example

With hyperconverged storage at the edge:

  • Red Hat Ceph Block Devices (RBD) is used as an Image (glance) service backend.
  • Multi-backend Image service (glance) is available so that images may be copied between the central and DCN sites.
  • The Block Storage (cinder) service is available at all sites and is accessed by using the Red Hat Ceph Block Devices (RBD) driver.
  • Both the Block Storage service and Red Hat Ceph Storage run on the Compute nodes.

    For more information, see Section 7.1, “Deploying edge sites with storage”.

When you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform in a distributed compute architecture, you have the option of deploying multiple storage topologies, with a unique configuration at each site. You must deploy the central location with Red Hat Ceph storage to deploy any of the edge sites with storage.

dcn with storage mixed example

2.3.1. Roles for edge deployments

The following roles are available for edge deployments. Select the appropriate roles for your environment based on your chosen configuration.

The Compute role is used for edge deployments without storage.
The DistributedCompute role is used at the edge for storage deployments without hyperconverged nodes. The DistributedCompute role includes the GlanceApiEdge service, which ensures that Image services are consumed at the local edge site rather than at the central hub location. You can deploy up to three nodes using the DistributedCompute role. For any additional nodes use the DistributedComputeScaleOut role.
The DistributedComputeScaleOut role includes the HAproxyEdge service, which enables instances created on the DistributedComputeScaleOut role to proxy requests for Image services to nodes that provide that service at the edge site. After you deploy three nodes with a role of DistributedCompute, you can use the DistributedComputeScaleOut role to scale compute resources. There is no minimum number of hosts required to deploy with the DistrubutedComputeScaleOut role. This role is used at the edge for storage deployments without hyperconverged nodes.
The DistributedComputeHCI role enables a hyperconverged deployment at the edge by including Ceph Management and OSD services. You must use exactly three nodes when using the DistributedComputeHCI role. This role is used for storage deployments with fully converged nodes.
The DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut role includes the Ceph OSD service, which allows storage capacity to be scaled with compute when more nodes are added to the edge. This role also includes the HAproxyEdge service to redirect image download requests to the GlanceAPIEdge nodes at the edge site. This role enables a hyper converged deployment at the edge. You must use exactly three nodes when using the DistributedComputeHCI role. This role is used at the edge for storage deployments with hyperconverged nodes.
The CephAll role includes the Ceph OSD, Ceph mon, and Ceph Mgr services. This role is used at the edge for storage deployments without hyperconverged nodes. You can deploy up to three nodes using the CephAll role. For any additional storage capacity use the CephStorage role.
The CephStorage role includes the Ceph OSD service. This role is used at the edge for storage deployments without hyperconverged nodes. If three CephAll nodes do not provide enough storage capacity, then add as many CephStorage nodes as needed.

Chapter 3. Configuring routed spine-leaf in the undercloud

This section describes a use case about how to configure the undercloud to accommodate routed spine-leaf with composable networks.

3.1. Configuring the spine leaf provisioning networks

To configure the provisioning networks for your spine leaf infrastructure, edit the undercloud.conf file and set the relevant parameters included in the following procedure.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. If you do not already have an undercloud.conf file, copy the sample template file:

    [stack@director ~]$ cp /usr/share/python-tripleoclient/undercloud.conf.sample ~/undercloud.conf
  3. Edit the undercloud.conf file.
  4. Set the following values in the [DEFAULT] section:

    1. Set local_ip to the undercloud IP on leaf0:

      local_ip =
    2. Set undercloud_public_host to the externally facing IP address of the undercloud:

      undercloud_public_host =
    3. Set undercloud_admin_host to the administration IP address of the undercloud. This IP address is usually on leaf0:

      undercloud_admin_host =
    4. Set local_interface to the interface to bridge for the local network:

      local_interface = eth1
    5. Set enable_routed_networks to true:

      enable_routed_networks = true
    6. Define your list of subnets using the subnets parameter. Define one subnet for each L2 segment in the routed spine and leaf:

      subnets = leaf0,leaf1,leaf2
    7. Specify the subnet associated with the physical L2 segment local to the undercloud using the local_subnet parameter:

      local_subnet = leaf0
    8. Set the value of undercloud_nameservers.

      undercloud_nameservers =,

      You can find the current IP addresses of the DNS servers that are used for the undercloud nameserver by looking in /etc/resolv.conf.

  5. Create a new section for each subnet that you define in the subnets parameter:

    cidr =
    dhcp_start =
    dhcp_end =
    inspection_iprange =,
    gateway =
    masquerade = False
    cidr =
    dhcp_start =
    dhcp_end =
    inspection_iprange =,
    gateway =
    masquerade = False
    cidr =
    dhcp_start =
    dhcp_end =
    inspection_iprange =,
    gateway =
    masquerade = False
  6. Save the undercloud.conf file.
  7. Run the undercloud installation command:

    [stack@director ~]$ openstack undercloud install

This configuration creates three subnets on the provisioning network or control plane. The overcloud uses each network to provision systems within each respective leaf.

To ensure proper relay of DHCP requests to the undercloud, you might need to configure a DHCP relay.

3.2. Configuring a DHCP relay

You run the DHCP relay service on a switch, router, or server that is connected to the remote network segment you want to forward the requests from.


Do not run the DHCP relay service on the undercloud.

The undercloud uses two DHCP servers on the provisioning network:

  • An introspection DHCP server.
  • A provisioning DHCP server.

You must configure the DHCP relay to forward DHCP requests to both DHCP servers on the undercloud.

You can use UDP broadcast with devices that support it to relay DHCP requests to the L2 network segment where the undercloud provisioning network is connected. Alternatively, you can use UDP unicast, which relays DHCP requests to specific IP addresses.


Configuration of DHCP relay on specific device types is beyond the scope of this document. As a reference, this document provides a DHCP relay configuration example using the implementation in ISC DHCP software. For more information, see manual page dhcrelay(8).


DHCP option 79 is required for some relays, particularly relays that serve DHCPv6 addresses, and relays that do not pass on the originating MAC address. For more information, see RFC6939.

Broadcast DHCP relay

This method relays DHCP requests using UDP broadcast traffic onto the L2 network segment where the DHCP server or servers reside. All devices on the network segment receive the broadcast traffic. When using UDP broadcast, both DHCP servers on the undercloud receive the relayed DHCP request. Depending on the implementation, you can configure this by specifying either the interface or IP network address:

Specify an interface that is connected to the L2 network segment where the DHCP requests are relayed.
IP network address
Specify the network address of the IP network where the DHCP requests are relayed.

Unicast DHCP relay

This method relays DHCP requests using UDP unicast traffic to specific DHCP servers. When you use UDP unicast, you must configure the device that provides the DHCP relay to relay DHCP requests to both the IP address that is assigned to the interface used for introspection on the undercloud and the IP address of the network namespace that the OpenStack Networking (neutron) service creates to host the DHCP service for the ctlplane network.

The interface used for introspection is the one defined as inspection_interface in the undercloud.conf file. If you have not set this parameter, the default interface for the undercloud is br-ctlplane.


It is common to use the br-ctlplane interface for introspection. The IP address that you define as the local_ip in the undercloud.conf file is on the br-ctlplane interface.

The IP address allocated to the Neutron DHCP namespace is the first address available in the IP range that you configure for the local_subnet in the undercloud.conf file. The first address in the IP range is the one that you define as dhcp_start in the configuration. For example, is the IP address if you use the following configuration:

local_subnet = leaf0
subnets = leaf0,leaf1,leaf2

cidr =
dhcp_start =
dhcp_end =
inspection_iprange =,
gateway =
masquerade = False

The IP address for the DHCP namespace is automatically allocated. In most cases, this address is the first address in the IP range. To verify that this is the case, run the following commands on the undercloud:

$ openstack port list --device-owner network:dhcp -c "Fixed IP Addresses"
| Fixed IP Addresses                                                         |
| ip_address='', subnet_id='7526fbe3-f52a-4b39-a828-ec59f4ed12b2' |
$ openstack subnet show 7526fbe3-f52a-4b39-a828-ec59f4ed12b2 -c name
| Field | Value  |
| name  | leaf0  |

Example dhcrelay configuration

In the following examples, the dhcrelay command in the dhcp package uses the following configuration:

  • Interfaces to relay incoming DHCP request: eth1, eth2, and eth3.
  • Interface the undercloud DHCP servers on the network segment are connected to: eth0.
  • The DHCP server used for introspection is listening on IP address:
  • The DHCP server used for provisioning is listening on IP address

This results in the following dhcrelay command:

  • dhcrelay version 4.2.x:

    $ sudo dhcrelay -d --no-pid \
      -i eth0 -i eth1 -i eth2 -i eth3
  • dhcrelay version 4.3.x and later:

    $ sudo dhcrelay -d --no-pid \
      -iu eth0 -id eth1 -id eth2 -id eth3

Example Cisco IOS routing switch configuration

This example uses the following Cisco IOS configuration to perform the following tasks:

  • Configure a VLAN to use for the provisioning network.
  • Add the IP address of the leaf.
  • Forward UDP and BOOTP requests to the introspection DHCP server that listens on IP address:
  • Forward UDP and BOOTP requests to the provisioning DHCP server that listens on IP address
interface vlan 2
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address

Now that you have configured the provisioning network, you can configure the remaining overcloud leaf networks.

3.3. Creating flavors and tagging nodes for leaf networks

Each role in each leaf network requires a flavor and role assignment so that you can tag nodes into their respective leaf. Complete the following steps to create and assign each flavor to a role.


  1. Source the stackrc file:

    [stack@director ~]$ source ~/stackrc
  2. Create flavors for each custom role:

    $ ROLES="control compute_leaf0 compute_leaf1 compute_leaf2 ceph-storage_leaf0 ceph-storage_leaf1 ceph-storage_leaf2"
    $ for ROLE in $ROLES; do openstack flavor create --id auto --ram <ram_size_mb> --disk <disk_size_gb> --vcpus <no_vcpus> $ROLE ; done
    $ for ROLE in $ROLES; do openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" --property resources:DISK_GB='0' --property resources:MEMORY_MB='0' --property resources:VCPU='0' $ROLE ; done
    • Replace <ram_size_mb> with the RAM of the bare metal node, in MB.
    • Replace <disk_size_gb> with the size of the disk on the bare metal node, in GB.
    • Replace <no_vcpus> with the number of CPUs on the bare metal node.
  3. Retrieve a list of your nodes to identify their UUIDs:

    (undercloud)$ openstack baremetal node list
  4. Tag each bare metal node to its leaf network and role by using a custom resource class:

    (undercloud)$ openstack baremetal node set \
     --resource-class baremetal.LEAF-ROLE <node>

    Replace <node> with the ID of the bare metal node.

    For example, enter the following command to tag a node with UUID 58c3d07e-24f2-48a7-bbb6-6843f0e8ee13 to the Compute role on Leaf2:

    (undercloud)$ openstack baremetal node set \
     --resource-class baremetal.COMPUTE-LEAF2 58c3d07e-24f2-48a7-bbb6-6843f0e8ee13
  5. Associate each leaf network role flavor with the custom resource class:

    (undercloud)$ openstack flavor set \
     --property resources:CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_LEAF_ROLE=1 \

    To determine the name of a custom resource class that corresponds to a resource class of a Bare Metal Provisioning service node, convert the resource class to uppercase, replace each punctuation mark with an underscore, and prefix with CUSTOM_.


    A flavor can request only one instance of a bare metal resource class.

  6. In the node-info.yaml file, specify the flavor that you want to use for each custom leaf role, and the number of nodes to allocate for each custom leaf role. For example, the following configuration specifies the flavor to use, and the number of nodes to allocate for the custom leaf roles compute_leaf0, compute_leaf1, compute_leaf2, ceph-storage_leaf0, ceph-storage_leaf1, and ceph-storage_leaf2:

      OvercloudControllerFlavor: control
      OvercloudComputeLeaf0Flavor: compute_leaf0
      OvercloudComputeLeaf1Flavor: compute_leaf1
      OvercloudComputeLeaf2Flavor: compute_leaf2
      OvercloudCephStorageLeaf0Flavor: ceph-storage_leaf0
      OvercloudCephStorageLeaf1Flavor: ceph-storage_leaf1
      OvercloudCephStorageLeaf2Flavor: ceph-storage_leaf2
      ControllerLeaf0Count: 3
      ComputeLeaf0Count: 3
      ComputeLeaf1Count: 3
      ComputeLeaf2Count: 3
      CephStorageLeaf0Count: 3
      CephStorageLeaf1Count: 3
      CephStorageLeaf2Count: 3

3.4. Mapping bare metal node ports to control plane network segments

To enable deployment on a L3 routed network, you must configure the physical_network field on the bare metal ports. Each bare metal port is associated with a bare metal node in the OpenStack Bare Metal (ironic) service. The physical network names are the names that you include in the subnets option in the undercloud configuration.


The physical network name of the subnet specified as local_subnet in the undercloud.conf file is always named ctlplane.


  1. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  2. Check the bare metal nodes:

    $ openstack baremetal node list
  3. Ensure that the bare metal nodes are either in enroll or manageable state. If the bare metal node is not in one of these states, the command that sets the physical_network property on the baremetal port fails. To set all nodes to manageable state, run the following command:

    $ for node in $(openstack baremetal node list -f value -c Name); do openstack baremetal node manage $node --wait; done
  4. Check which baremetal ports are associated with which baremetal node:

    $ openstack baremetal port list --node <node-uuid>
  5. Set the physical-network parameter for the ports. In the example below, three subnets are defined in the configuration: leaf0, leaf1, and leaf2. The local_subnet is leaf0. Because the physical network for the local_subnet is always ctlplane, the baremetal port connected to leaf0 uses ctlplane. The remaining ports use the other leaf names:

    $ openstack baremetal port set --physical-network ctlplane <port-uuid>
    $ openstack baremetal port set --physical-network leaf1 <port-uuid>
    $ openstack baremetal port set --physical-network leaf2 <port-uuid>
  6. Introspect the nodes before you deploy the overcloud. Include the --all-manageable and --provide options to set the nodes as available for deployment:

    $ openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide

3.5. Adding a new leaf to a spine-leaf provisioning network

When increasing network capacity which can include adding new physical sites, you might need to add a new leaf and a corresponding subnet to your Red Hat OpenStack Platform spine-leaf provisioning network. When provisioning a leaf on the overcloud, the corresponding undercloud leaf is used.


  • Your RHOSP deployment uses a spine-leaf network topology.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. In the /home/stack/undercloud.conf file, do the following:

    1. Locate the subnets parameter, and add a new subnet for the leaf that you are adding.

      A subnet represents an L2 segment in the routed spine and leaf:


      In this example, a new subnet (leaf3) is added for the new leaf (leaf3):

      subnets = leaf0,leaf1,leaf2,leaf3
    2. Create a section for the subnet that you added.


      In this example, the section [leaf3] is added for the new subnet (leaf3):

      cidr =
      dhcp_start =
      dhcp_end =
      inspection_iprange =,
      gateway =
      masquerade = False
      cidr =
      dhcp_start =
      dhcp_end =
      inspection_iprange =,
      gateway =
      masquerade = False
      cidr =
      dhcp_start =
      dhcp_end =
      inspection_iprange =,
      gateway =
      masquerade = False
      cidr =
      dhcp_start =
      dhcp_end =
      inspection_iprange =,
      gateway =
      masquerade = False
  4. Save the undercloud.conf file.
  5. Reinstall your undercloud:

    $ openstack undercloud install

Chapter 4. Preparing overcloud templates for DCN deployment

4.1. Prerequisites for using separate heat stacks

Your environment must meet the following prerequisites before you create a deployment using separate heat stacks:

  • A working Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16 undercloud.
  • For Ceph Storage users: access to Red Hat Ceph Storage 4.
  • For the central location: three nodes that are capable of serving as central Controller nodes. All three Controller nodes must be in the same heat stack. You cannot split Controller nodes, or any of the control plane services, across separate heat stacks.
  • Ceph storage is a requirement at the central location if you plan to deploy Ceph storage at the edge.
  • For each additional DCN site: three HCI compute nodes.
  • All nodes must be pre-provisioned or able to PXE boot from the central deployment network. You can use a DHCP relay to enable this connectivity for DCNs.
  • All nodes have been introspected by ironic.
  • Red Hat recommends leaving the <role>HostnameFormat parameter as the default value: %stackname%-<role>-%index%. If you do not include the %stackname% prefix, your overcloud uses the same hostnames for distributed compute nodes in different stacks. Ensure that your distributed compute nodes use the %stackname% prefix to distinguish nodes from different edge sites. For example, if you deploy two edge sites named dcn0 and dcn1, the stack name prefix helps you to distinguish between dcn0-distributedcompute-0 and dcn1-distributedcompute-0 when you run the openstack server list command on the undercloud.
  • Source the centralrc authentication file to schedule workloads at edge sites as well as at the central location. You do not require authentication files that are automatically generated for edge sites.

4.2. Limitations of the example separate heat stacks deployment

This document provides an example deployment that uses separate heat stacks on Red Hat OpenStack Platform. This example environment has the following limitations:

  • Spine/Leaf networking - The example in this guide does not demonstrate routing requirements, which are required in distributed compute node (DCN) deployments.
  • Ironic DHCP Relay - This guide does not include how to configure Ironic with a DHCP relay.

4.3. Designing your separate heat stacks deployment

To segment your deployment within separate heat stacks, you must first deploy a single overcloud with the control plane. You can then create separate stacks for the distributed compute node (DCN) sites. The following example shows separate stacks for different node types:

  • Controller nodes: A separate heat stack named central, for example, deploys the controllers. When you create new heat stacks for the DCN sites, you must create them with data from the central stack. The Controller nodes must be available for any instance management tasks.
  • DCN sites: You can have separate, uniquely named heat stacks, such as dcn0, dcn1, and so on. Use a DHCP relay to extend the provisioning network to the remote site.

You must create a separate availability zone (AZ) for each stack.


If you use spine/leaf networking, you must use a specific format to define the Storage and StorageMgmt networks so that ceph-ansible correctly configures Ceph to use those networks. Define the Storage and StorageMgmt networks as override values and enclose the values in single quotes. In the following example the storage network (referred to as the public_network) spans two subnets, is separated by a comma, and is enclosed in single quotes:

  public_network: ','

4.4. Reusing network resources in multiple stacks

You can configure multiple stacks to use the same network resources, such as VIPs and subnets. You can duplicate network resources between stacks by using either the ManageNetworks setting or the external_resource_* fields.


Do not use the ManageNetworks setting if you are using the external_resource_* fields.

If you are not reusing networks between stacks, each network that is defined in network_data.yaml must have a unique name across all deployed stacks. For example, the network name internal_api cannot be reused between stacks, unless you intend to share the network between the stacks. Give the network a different name and name_lower property, such as InternalApiCompute0 and internal_api_compute_0.

4.5. Using ManageNetworks to reuse network resources

With the ManageNetworks setting, multiple stacks can use the same network_data.yaml file and the setting is applied globally to all network resources. The network_data.yaml file defines the network resources that the stack uses:

- name: StorageBackup
  vip: true
  name_lower: storage_backup
  ip_subnet: ''
  allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
  gateway_ip: ''

When you set ManageNetworks to false, the nodes will use the existing networks that were already created in the central stack.

Use the following sequence so that the new stack does not manage the existing network resources.


  1. Deploy the central stack with ManageNetworks: true or leave unset.
  2. Deploy the additional stack with ManageNetworks: false.

When you add new network resources, for example when you add new leaves in a spine/leaf deployment, you must update the central stack with the new network_data.yaml. This is because the central stack still owns and manages the network resources. After the network resources are available in the central stack, you can deploy the additional stack to use them.

4.6. Using UUIDs to reuse network resources

If you need more control over which networks are reused between stacks, you can use the external_resource_* field for resources in the network_data.yaml file, including networks, subnets, segments, or VIPs. These resources are marked as being externally managed, and heat does not perform any create, update, or delete operations on them.

Add an entry for each required network definition in the network_data.yaml file. The resource is then available for deployment on the separate stack:

external_resource_network_id: Existing Network UUID
external_resource_subnet_id: Existing Subnet UUID
external_resource_segment_id: Existing Segment UUID
external_resource_vip_id: Existing VIP UUID

This example reuses the internal_api network from the control plane stack in a separate stack.


  1. Identify the UUIDs of the related network resources:

    $ openstack network show internal_api -c id -f value
    $ openstack subnet show internal_api_subnet -c id -f value
    $ openstack port show internal_api_virtual_ip -c id -f value
  2. Save the values that are shown in the output of the above commands and add them to the network definition for the internal_api network in the network_data.yaml file for the separate stack:

    - name: InternalApi
      external_resource_network_id: 93861871-7814-4dbc-9e6c-7f51496b43af
      external_resource_subnet_id: c85c8670-51c1-4b17-a580-1cfb4344de27
      external_resource_vip_id: 8bb9d96f-72bf-4964-a05c-5d3fed203eb7
      name_lower: internal_api
      vip: true
      ip_subnet: ''
      allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
      ipv6_subnet: 'fd00:fd00:fd00:2000::/64'
      ipv6_allocation_pools: [{'start': 'fd00:fd00:fd00:2000::10', 'end': 'fd00:fd00:fd00:2000:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe'}]
      mtu: 1400

4.7. Managing separate heat stacks

The procedures in this guide show how to organize the environment files for three heat stacks: central, dcn0, and dcn1. Red Hat recommends that you store the templates for each heat stack in a separate directory to keep the information about each deployment isolated.


  1. Define the central heat stack:

    $ mkdir central
    $ touch central/overrides.yaml
  2. Extract data from the central heat stack into a common directory for all DCN sites:

    $ mkdir dcn-common
    $ touch dcn-common/overrides.yaml
    $ touch dcn-common/central-export.yaml

    The central-export.yaml file is created later by the openstack overcloud export command. It is in the dcn-common directory because all DCN deployments in this guide must use this file.

  3. Define the dcn0 site.

    $ mkdir dcn0
    $ touch dcn0/overrides.yaml

To deploy more DCN sites, create additional dcn directories by number.


The touch is used to provide an example of file organization. Each file must contain the appropriate content for successful deployments.

4.8. Retrieving the container images

Use the following procedure, and its example file contents, to retrieve the container images you need for deployments with separate heat stacks. You must ensure the container images for optional or edge-specific services are included by running the openstack container image prepare command with edge site’s environment files.

For more information, see Preparing container images.


  1. Add your Registry Service Account credentials to containers.yaml.

      - push_destination: true
          ceph_namespace: registry.redhat.io/rhceph
          ceph_image: rhceph-4-rhel8
          ceph_tag: latest
          name_prefix: openstack-
          namespace: registry.redhat.io/rhosp16-rhel8
          tag: latest
        # https://access.redhat.com/RegistryAuthentication
          registry-service-account-username: registry-service-account-password
  2. Generate the environment file as images-env.yaml:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    -e containers.yaml \
    --output-env-file images-env.yaml

    The resulting images-env.yaml file is included as part of the overcloud deployment procedure for the stack for which it is generated.

4.9. Creating fast datapath roles for the edge

To use fast datapath services at the edge, you must create a custom role that defines both fast datapath and edge services. When you create the roles file for deployment, you can include the newly created role that defines services needed for both distributed compute node architecture and fast datapath services such as DPDK or SR-IOV.

For example, create a custom role for distributedCompute with DPDK:


A successful undercloud installation. For more information, see Installing the undercloud.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Copy the default roles directory:

    cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles ~/.
  3. Create a new file named DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml from the DistributedCompute.yaml file:

    cp roles/DistributedCompute.yaml roles/DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml
  4. Add DPDK services to the new DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml file. You can identify the parameters that you need to add by identifying the parameters in the ComputeOvsDpdk.yaml file that are not present in the DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml file.

    diff -u roles/DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml roles/ComputeOvsDpdk.yaml

    In the output, the parameters that are preceded by + are present in the ComputeOvsDpdk.yaml file but are not present in the DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml file. Include these parameters in the new DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml file.

  5. Use the DistributedComputeDpdk.yaml to create a DistributedComputeDpdk roles file :

    openstack overcloud roles generate --roles-path ~/roles/ -o ~/roles/roles-custom.yaml DistributedComputeDpdk

You can use this same method to create fast datapath roles for SR-IOV, or a combination of SR-IOV and DPDK for the edge to meet your requirements.

If you are planning to deploy edge sites without block storage, see the following:

If you plan to deploy edge sites with Red Hat Ceph Storage, see the following:

Chapter 5. Installing the central location

When you deploy the central location for distributed compute node (DCN) architecture, you can deploy the cluster:

  • With or without Compute nodes
  • With or without Red Hat Ceph Storage

If you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform without Red Hat Ceph Storage at the central location, you cannot deploy any of your edge sites with Red Hat Ceph storage. Additionally, you do not have the option of adding Red Hat Ceph Storage to the central location later by redeploying.

5.1. Deploying the central controllers without edge storage

You can deploy a distributed compute node cluster without Block storage at edge sites if you use the Object Storage service (swift) as a back end for the Image service (glance) at the central location. A site deployed without block storage cannot be updated later to have block storage due to the differing role and networking profiles for each architecture.

Important: The following procedure uses lvm as the backend for Cinder which is not supported for production. You must deploy a certified block storage solution as a backend for Cinder.

Deploy the central controller cluster in a similar way to a typical overcloud deployment. This cluster does not require any Compute nodes, so you can set the Compute count to 0 to override the default of 1. The central controller has particular storage and Oslo configuration requirements. Use the following procedure to address these requirements.


The following procedure outlines the steps for the initial deployment of the central location.


The following steps detail the deployment commands and environment files associated with an example DCN deployment without glance multistore. These steps do not include unrelated, but necessary, aspects of configuration, such as networking.

  1. In the home directory, create directories for each stack that you plan to deploy.

    mkdir /home/stack/central
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn0
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn1
  2. Create a file called central/overrides.yaml with settings similar to the following:

        - 0.pool.ntp.org
        - 1.pool.ntp.org
      ControllerCount: 3
      ComputeCount: 0
      OvercloudControllerFlavor: baremetal
      OvercloudComputeFlavor: baremetal
        'capabilities:node': '0-controller-%index%'
      GlanceBackend: swift
    • ControllerCount: 3 specifies that three nodes will be deployed. These will use swift for glance, lvm for cinder, and host the control-plane services for edge compute nodes.
    • ComputeCount: 0 is an optional parameter to prevent Compute nodes from being deployed with the central Controller nodes.
    • GlanceBackend: swift uses Object Storage (swift) as the Image Service (glance) back end.

      The resulting configuration interacts with the distributed compute nodes (DCNs) in the following ways:

    • The Image service on the DCN creates a cached copy of the image it receives from the central Object Storage back end. The Image service uses HTTP to copy the image from Object Storage to the local disk cache.


      The central Controller node must be able to connect to the distributed compute node (DCN) site. The central Controller node can use a routed layer 3 connection.

  3. Generate roles for the central location using roles appropriate for your environment:

    openstack overcloud roles generate Controller \
    -o ~/central/control_plane_roles.yaml
  4. Generate an environment file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    -e containers.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml
  5. Configure the naming conventions for your site in the site-name.yaml environment file. The Nova availability zone, Cinder storage availability zone must match:

    cat > /home/stack/central/site-name.yaml << EOF
        NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: central
            nova::availability_zone::default_schedule_zone: central
        NovaCrossAZAttach: false
        CinderStorageAvailabilityZone: central
  6. Deploy the central Controller node. For example, you can use a deploy.sh file with the following contents:

    source ~/stackrc
    time openstack overcloud deploy \
    --stack central \
    --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
    -e ~/central/containers-env-file.yaml \
    -e ~/central/overrides.yaml \
    -e ~/central/site-name.yaml

You must include heat templates for the configuration of networking in your openstack overcloud deploy command. Designing for edge architecture requires spine and leaf networking. See Spine Leaf Networking for more details.

5.2. Deploying the central site with storage

To deploy the Image service with multiple stores and Ceph Storage as the back end, complete the following steps:


  • Hardware for a Ceph cluster at the central location and in each availability zone, or in each geographic location where storage services are required.
  • Hardware for three Image Service servers at central location and in each availability zone, or in each geographic location where storage services are required.

The following is an example deployment of two or more stacks:

  • One stack at the central location called central.
  • One stack at an edge site called dcn0.
  • Additional stacks deployed similarly to dcn0, such as dcn1, dcn2, and so on.


The following procedure outlines the steps for the initial deployment of the central location.


The following steps detail the deployment commands and environment files associated with an example DCN deployment that uses the Image service with multiple stores. These steps do not include unrelated, but necessary, aspects of configuration, such as networking.

  1. In the home directory, create directories for each stack that you plan to deploy.

    mkdir /home/stack/central
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn0
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn1
  2. Set the name of the Ceph cluster, as well as configuration parameters relative to the available hardware. For more information, see Configuring Ceph with Custom Config Settings:

    cat > /home/stack/central/ceph.yaml << EOF
      CephClusterName: central
        osd_scenario: lvm
        osd_objectstore: bluestore
          - /dev/sda
          - /dev/sdb
      CephPoolDefaultSize: 3
      CephPoolDefaultPgNum: 128
  3. Generate roles for the central location using roles appropriate for your environment:

    openstack overcloud roles generate Compute Controller CephStorage \
    -o ~/central/central_roles.yaml
    cat > /home/stack/central/role-counts.yaml << EOF
      ControllerCount: 3
      ComputeCount: 2
      CephStorage: 3
  4. Generate an environment file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    -e containers.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml
  5. Configure the naming conventions for your site in the site-name.yaml environment file. The Nova availability zone and the Cinder storage availability zone must match:

    cat > /home/stack/central/site-name.yaml << EOF
        NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: central
            nova::availability_zone::default_schedule_zone: central
        NovaCrossAZAttach: false
        CinderStorageAvailabilityZone: central
        GlanceBackendID: central
  6. Configure a glance.yaml template with contents similar to the following:

        GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
        GlanceBackend: rbd
        GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
        GlanceBackendID: central
        CephClusterName: central
  7. After you prepare all of the other templates, deploy the central stack:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
           --stack central \
           --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
           -r ~/central/central_roles.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
           -e ~/central/central-images-env.yaml \
           -e ~/central/role-counts.yaml \
           -e ~/central/site-name.yaml \
           -e ~/central/ceph.yaml \
           -e ~/central/glance.yaml

You must include heat templates for the configuration of networking in your openstack overcloud deploy command. Designing for edge architecture requires spine and leaf networking. See Spine Leaf Networking for more details.

The ceph-ansible.yaml file is configured with the following parameters:

  • NovaEnableRbdBackend: true
  • GlanceBackend: rbd

When you use these settings together, the glance.conf parameter image_import_plugins is configured by heat to have a value image_conversion, automating the conversion of QCOW2 images with commands such as glance image-create-via-import --disk-format qcow2.

This is optimal for the Ceph RBD. If you want to disable image conversion, use the GlanceImageImportPlugin parameter:

     GlanceImageImportPlugin: []

5.3. Integrating external Ceph

You can deploy the central location of a distributed compute node (DCN) architecture and integrate a pre-deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage solution.


  • Hardware for a Ceph cluster at the central location and in each availability zone, or in each geographic location where storage services are required.
  • Hardware for three Image Service servers at the central location and in each availability zone, or in each geographic location where storage services are required.

The following is an example deployment of two or more stacks:

  • One stack at the central location called central.
  • One stack at an edge site called dcn0.
  • Additional stacks deployed similarly to dcn0, such as dcn1, dcn2, and so on.

dcn external ceph at central

You can install the central location so that it is integrated with a pre-existing Red Hat Ceph Storage solution by following the process documented in Integrating an Overcloud with an Existing Red Hat Ceph Cluster. There are no special requirements for integrating Red Hat Ceph Storage with the central site of a DCN deployment, however you must still complete DCN specific steps before deploying the overcloud:

  1. In the home directory, create directories for each stack that you plan to deploy. Use this to separate templates designed for their respective sites.

    mkdir /home/stack/central
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn0
    mkdir /home/stack/dcn1
  2. Use roles that RHOSP director manages to generate roles for the central location. When you integrate with external Ceph, do not use Ceph roles:

    cat > /home/stack/central/role-counts.yaml << EOF
      ControllerCount: 3
      ComputeCount: 2
  3. Generate an environment file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    -e containers.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/central/central-images-env.yaml
  4. Configure the naming conventions for your site in the site-name.yaml environment file. The Compute (nova) availability zone and the Block Storage (cinder) availability zone must match:

    cat > /home/stack/central/site-name.yaml << EOF
        NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: central
            nova::availability_zone::default_schedule_zone: central
        NovaCrossAZAttach: false
        CinderStorageAvailabilityZone: central
        GlanceBackendID: central
  5. Configure a glance.yaml template with contents similar to the following:

        GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
        GlanceBackend: rbd
        GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
        GlanceBackendID: central
        CephClusterName: central
  6. When Ceph is deployed without Red Hat OpenStack Platform director, do not use the ceph-ansible.yaml environment file. Use the ceph-ansible-external.yaml environment file instead.

    openstack overcloud deploy \
           --stack central \
           --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
           -r ~/central/central_roles.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible-external.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
           -e ~/central/central-images-env.yaml \
           -e ~/central/role-counts.yaml \
           -e ~/central/site-name.yaml \
           -e ~/central/ceph.yaml \
           -e ~/central/glance.yaml

Chapter 6. Deploy the edge without storage

You can deploy a distributed compute node cluster without Block storage at edge sites if you use the Object Storage service (swift) as a back end for the Image service (glance) at the central location. A site deployed without block storage cannot be updated later to have block storage due to the differing role and networking profiles for each architecture.


The following procedure uses lvm as the back end for the Block Storage service (cinder), which is not supported for production. You must deploy a certified block storage solution as a back end for the Block Storage service.

6.1. Deploying edge nodes without storage

You can deploy edge compute nodes that will use the central location as the control plane. This procedure shows how to add a new DCN stack to your deployment and reuse the configuration from the existing heat stack to create new environment files. The first heat stack deploys an overcloud within a centralized datacenter. Create additional heat stacks to deploy Compute nodes to a remote location.

6.1.1. Configuring the distributed compute node environment files

This procedure creates a new central-export.yaml environment file and uses the passwords in the plan-environment.yaml file from the overcloud. The central-export.yaml file contains sensitive security data. To improve security, you can remove the file when you no longer require it.

When you specify the directory for the --config-download-dir option, use the central hub Ansible configuration that director creates in /var/lib/mistral during deployment. Do not use Ansible configuration that you manually generate with the openstack overcloud config download command. The manually generated configuration lacks certain files that are created only during a deployment operation.

You must upload images to the central location before copying them to edge sites; a copy of each image must exist in the Image service (glance) at the central location.

You must use the RBD storage driver for the Image, Compute, and Block Storage services.


  1. Generate the configuration files that the DCN sites require:

    openstack overcloud export \
    --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral/central \
    --stack central --output-file ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml
  2. Generate roles for the edge location using roles appropriate for your environment:

    openstack overcloud roles generate Compute -o ~/dcn0/dcn0_roles.yaml

If you are using ML2/OVS for networking overlay, you must edit the roles file that you created to include the NeutronDhcpAgent and NeutronMetadataAgent roles:

    - OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronBgpVpnBagpipe
+   - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent
+   - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronMetadataAgent
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronLinuxbridgeAgent
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronVppAgent
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NovaAZConfig
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NovaCompute


For more information, see Preparing for a routed provider network.

6.1.2. Deploying the Compute nodes to the DCN site

This procedure uses the Compute role to deploy Compute nodes to an availability zone (AZ) named dcn0. In a distributed compute node (DC) context, this role is used for sites without storage.


  1. Review the overrides for the distributed compute (DCN) site in dcn0/overrides.yaml

      ComputeCount: 3
      ComputeFlavor: baremetal
        'capabilities:node': '0-compute-%index%'
      NovaAZAttach: false
  2. Create a new file called site-name.yaml in the ~/dcn0 directory with the following contents:

      OS::TripleO::Services::NovaAZConfig: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/nova/nova-az-config.yaml
      NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: dcn0
      RootStackName: dcn0
  3. Retrieve the container images for the DCN Site:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    --environment-directory dcn0 \
    -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
    -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
    -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/dcn0/dcn0-images-env.yaml
  4. Run the deploy.sh deployment script for dcn0:

    source ~/stackrc
    time openstack overcloud deploy \
         --stack $STACK \
         --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
         -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
         -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
         -e ~/dcn0/dcn0-images-env.yaml \
         -e ~/dcn0/site-name.yaml \
         -e ~/dcn0/overrides.yaml

    If you deploy additional edge sites that require edits to the network_data.yaml file, you must execute a stack update at the central location.

  5. You must ensure that nova cell_v2 host mappings are created in the nova API database after the edge locations are deployed. Run the following command on the undercloud:

    TRIPLEO_PLAN_NAME=central \
    ansible -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory \
    nova_api[0] -b -a \
    "{{ container_cli }} exec -it nova_api \
    nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --by-service --verbose"

    If you scale up an edge site, you must run this command again.


You must include heat templates for the configuration of networking in your openstack overcloud deploy command. Designing for edge architecture requires spine and leaf networking. See Spine Leaf Networking for more details.

6.2. Excluding specific image types at the edge

By default, Compute nodes advertise all image formats that they support. If your Compute nodes do not use Ceph storage, you can exclude RAW images from the image format advertisement. The RAW image format consumes more network bandwidth and local storage than QCOW2 images and is inefficient when used at edge sites without Ceph storage. Use the NovaImageTypeExcludeList parameter to exclude specific image formats:


Do not use this parameter at edge sites with Ceph, because Ceph requires RAW images.


Compute nodes that do not advertise RAW images cannot host instances created from RAW images. This can affect snapshot-redeploy and shelving.


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform director is installed
  • The central location is installed
  • Compute nodes are available for a DCN deployment


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Include the NovaImageTypeExcludeList parameter in your custom templates:

            - raw
  4. Include the environment file that contains the NovaImageTypeExcludeList parameter in the overcloud deployment command, along with any other environment files relevant to your deployment:

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -n network_data.yaml \
    -r roles_data.yaml \
    -e <environment_files> \
    -e <new_environment_file>

Chapter 7. Deploying storage at the edge

You can leverage Red Hat OpenStack Platform director to extend distributed compute node deployments to include distributed image management and persistent storage at the edge with the benefits of using Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Ceph Storage.

dcn arch

7.1. Deploying edge sites with storage

After you deploy the central site, build out the edge sites and ensure that each edge location connects primarily to its own storage backend, as well as to the storage back end at the central location.

A spine and leaf networking configuration should be included with this configuration, with the addition of the storage and storage_mgmt networks that ceph needs. For more information see Spine leaf networking.

You must have connectivity between the storage network at the central location and the storage network at each edge site so that you can move glance images between sites.

Ensure that the central location can communicate with the mons and osds at each of the edge sites. However, you should terminate the storage management network at site location boundaries, because the storage management network is used for OSD rebalancing.


  1. Export stack information from the central stack. You must deploy the central stack before running this command:

    openstack overcloud export \
            --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral/central/ \
            --stack central \
            --output-file ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml

    The config-download-dir value defaults to /var/lib/mistral/<stack>/.

  2. Create the central_ceph_external.yaml file. This environment file connects DCN sites to the central hub Ceph cluster, so the information is specific to the Ceph cluster deployed in the previous steps.

    sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
    --stack central \
    --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
    --output-file ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml

    When Ceph is deployed without Red Hat OpenStack Platform director, you cannot run the openstack overcloud export ceph command. Manually create the central_ceph_external.yaml file:

        - cluster: "central"
          fsid: "3161a3b4-e5ff-42a0-9f53-860403b29a33"
          external_cluster_mon_ips: ",,"
            - name: "client.openstack"
                mgr: "allow *"
                mon: "profile rbd"
                osd: "profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images"
              key: "AQD29WteAAAAABAAphgOjFD7nyjdYe8Lz0mQ5Q=="
              mode: "0600"
          dashboard_enabled: false
              keyring: /etc/ceph/central.client.openstack.keyring
    • The fsid parameter is the file system ID of your Ceph Storage cluster: This value is specified in the cluster configuration file in the [global] section:

      fsid = 4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19
    • The key parameter is the ceph client key for the openstack account:

      [root@ceph ~]# ceph auth list
          key = AQC+vYNXgDAgAhAAc8UoYt+OTz5uhV7ItLdwUw==
          caps mgr = "allow *"
          caps mon = "profile rbd"
          caps osd = "profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=images, profile rbd pool=backups, profile rbd pool=metrics"

      For more information about the parameters shown in the sample central_ceph_external.yaml file, see Creating a custom environment file.

  3. Create the ~/dcn0/glance.yaml file for Image service configuration overrides:

      GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
      GlanceBackend: rbd
      GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn0 rbd glance store'
      GlanceBackendID: dcn0
          GlanceBackend: rbd
          GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
          CephClusterName: central
          GlanceRbdPoolName: images
          CephClientUserName: openstack

    If you do not use the GlanceRbdPoolName and CephClientUserName parameters for the glance multi-store configuration, then the values are inherited from the parameters that you used to configure the central location. These values might not be the same, and can result in a failed deployment.

  4. Configure the ceph.yaml file with configuration parameters relative to the available hardware.

    cat > /home/stack/dcn0/ceph.yaml << EOF
      CephClusterName: dcn0
        osd_scenario: lvm
        osd_objectstore: bluestore
          - /dev/sda
          - /dev/sdb
      CephPoolDefaultSize: 3
      CephPoolDefaultPgNum: 128

    For more information, see Mapping the Ceph Storage node disk layout.

  5. Implement system tuning by using a file that contains the following parameters tuned to the requirements of you environment:

    cat > /home/stack/dcn0/tuning.yaml << EOF
        is_hci: true
        osd_recovery_op_priority: 3
        osd_recovery_max_active: 3
        osd_max_backfills: 1
     ## Set relative to your hardware:
      # DistributedComputeHCIParameters:
      #   NovaReservedHostMemory: 181000
      # DistributedComputeHCIExtraConfig:
      #   nova::cpu_allocation_ratio: 8.2
  6. Configure the naming conventions for your site in the site-name.yaml environment file. The Nova availability zone and the Cinder storage availability zone must match. The CinderVolumeCluster parameter is included when deploying an edge site with storage. This parameter is used when cinder-volume is deployed as active/active, which is required at edge sites. As a best practice, set the Cinder cluster name to match the availability zone:

    cat > /home/stack/central/site-name.yaml << EOF
        NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: dcn0
        NovaCrossAZAttach: false
        CinderStorageAvailabilityZone: dcn0
        CinderVolumeCluster: dcn0
  7. Generate the roles.yaml file to be used for the dcn0 deployment, for example:

    openstack overcloud roles generate DistributedComputeHCI DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut -o ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml
  8. Set the number systems in each role by creating the ~/dcn0/roles-counts.yaml file with the desired values for each role.

    + You must allocate three nodes to satisfy requirements for GlanceApiEdge services. Use the DistributedComputeHCICount parameter for hyperconverged infrastructure. For other architectures, use the DistributedComputeCount parameter.

      ControllerCount: 0
      ComputeCount: 0
      DistributedComputeHCICount: 3
      DistributedComputeHCIScaleOutCount: 1  # Optional
      DistributedComputeScaleOutCount: 1     # Optional
  9. Retrieve the container images for the edge site:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    --environment-directory dcn0 \
    -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/dcn0/dcn0-images-env.yaml

    You must include all environment files to be used for the deployment in the openstack tripleo container image prepare command.

  10. Deploy the edge site:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack dcn0 \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/dcn-storage.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
        -e ~/dnc0/dcn0-images-env.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/dcn_ceph_keys.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/role-counts.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/ceph.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/site-name.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/tuning.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/glance.yaml

    You must include heat templates for the configuration of networking in your openstack overcloud deploy command. Designing for edge architecture requires spine and leaf networking. See Spine Leaf Networking for more details.

  11. You must ensure that nova cell_v2 host mappings are created in the nova API database after the edge locations are deployed. Run the following command on the undercloud:

    TRIPLEO_PLAN_NAME=central \
    ansible -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory \
    nova_api[0] -b -a \
    "{{ container_cli }} exec -it nova_api \
    nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --by-service --verbose"

    If you scale up an edge site, you must run this command again.

7.2. Deploying edge sites with dedicated Ceph nodes

You can deploy dedicated Ceph nodes using Red Hat OpenStack Platform director.


  1. Export stack information from the central stack. You must deploy the central stack before running this command:

    openstack overcloud export \
            --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral/central/ \
            --stack central \
            --output-file ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml

    The config-download-dir value defaults to /var/lib/mistral/<stack>/.

  2. Create the central_ceph_external.yaml file. This environment file connects DCN sites to the central hub Ceph cluster, so the information is specific to the Ceph cluster deployed in the previous steps.

    sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
    --stack central \
    --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
    --output-file ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml
  3. Create the ~/dcn0/glance.yaml file for glance configuration overrides:

      GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
      GlanceBackend: rbd
      GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn0 rbd glance store'
      GlanceBackendID: dcn0
          GlanceBackend: rbd
          GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
          CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
          CephClusterName: central
  4. Configure the ceph.yaml file with configuration parameters relative to the available hardware.

    cat > /home/stack/dcn0/ceph.yaml << EOF
      CephClusterName: dcn0
        osd_scenario: lvm
        osd_objectstore: bluestore
          - /dev/sda
          - /dev/sdb
      CephPoolDefaultSize: 3
      CephPoolDefaultPgNum: 128

    For more information, see Mapping the Ceph Storage node disk layout.

  5. Configure the naming conventions for your site in the site-name.yaml environment file. The Nova availability zone and the Cinder storage availability zone must match. The CinderVolumeCluster parameter is included when deploying an edge site with storage. This parameter is used when cinder-volume is deployed as active/active, which is required at edge sites. As a best practice, set the Cinder cluster name to match the availability zone:

    cat > /home/stack/dcn0/site-name.yaml << EOF
        NovaComputeAvailabilityZone: dcn0
        NovaCrossAZAttach: false
        CinderStorageAvailabilityZone: dcn0
        CinderVolumeCluster: dcn0
  6. Generate the roles.yaml file to be used for the dcn0 deployment, for example:

    openstack overcloud roles generate DistributedCompute DistributedComputeScaleOut CephAll-o ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml
  7. Set the number systems in each role by creating the ~/dcn0/roles-counts.yaml file with the desired values for each role.

    You must allocate three nodes for the DistributedCompute role to satisfy requirements for GlanceApiEdge services, and three nodes for the CephAll role.

      ControllerCount: 0
      ComputeCount: 0
      DistributedComputeCount: 3
      CephAll: 3
      DistributedComputeScaleOutCount: 1  # Optional
  8. Retrieve the container images for the edge site:

    sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
    --environment-directory dcn0 \
    -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
    --output-env-file ~/dcn0/dcn0-images-env.yaml

    You must include all environment files to be used for the deployment in the openstack tripleo container image prepare command.

  9. Deploy the edge site:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack dcn0 \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/dcn-storage.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
        -e ~/dnc0/dcn0-images-env.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/dcn_ceph_keys.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/role-counts.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/ceph.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/site-name.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/tuning.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn0/glance.yaml

    You must include heat templates for the configuration of networking in your openstack overcloud deploy command. Designing for edge architecture requires spine and leaf networking. See Spine Leaf Networking for more details.

  10. You must ensure that nova cell_v2 host mappings are created in the nova API database after the edge locations are deployed. Run the following command on the undercloud:

    TRIPLEO_PLAN_NAME=central \
    ansible -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory \
    nova_api[0] -b -a \
    "{{ container_cli }} exec -it nova_api \
    nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --by-service --verbose"

    If you scale up an edge site, you must run this command again.

7.3. Using a pre-installed Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster at the edge

You can configure Red Hat OpenStack Platform to use a pre-existing Ceph cluster. This is called an external Ceph deployment.


  • You must have a preinstalled Ceph cluster that is local to your DCN site so that latency requirements are not exceeded.


  1. Create the following pools in your Ceph cluster. If you are deploying at the central location, include the backups and metrics pools:

    [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create volumes <_PGnum_>
    [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create images <_PGnum_>
    [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create vms <_PGnum_>
    [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create backups <_PGnum_>
    [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create metrics <_PGnum_>

    Replace <_PGnum_> with the number of placement groups. You can use the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator to determine a suitable value.

  2. Create the OpenStack client user in Ceph to provide the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment access to the appropriate pools:

    ceph auth add client.openstack mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=images'

    Save the provided Ceph client key that is returned. Use this key as the value for the CephClientKey parameter when you configure the undercloud.


    If you run this command at the central location and plan to use Cinder backup or telemetry services, add allow rwx pool=backups, allow pool=metrics to the command.

  3. Save the file system ID of your Ceph Storage cluster. The value of the fsid parameter in the [global] section of your Ceph configuration file is the file system ID:

    fsid = 4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19

    Use this value as the value for the CephClusterFSID parameter when you configure the undercloud.

  4. On the undercloud, create an environment file to configure your nodes to connect to the unmanaged Ceph cluster. Use a recognizable naming convention, such as ceph-external-<SITE>.yaml where SITE is the location for your deployment, such as ceph-external-central.yaml, ceph-external-dcn1.yaml, and so on.

        # The cluster FSID
        CephClusterFSID: '4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19'
        # The CephX user auth key
        CephClientKey: 'AQDLOh1VgEp6FRAAFzT7Zw+Y9V6JJExQAsRnRQ=='
        # The list of IPs or hostnames of the Ceph monitors
        CephExternalMonHost: ',,'
        # The desired name of the generated key and conf files
        CephClusterName: dcn1
    1. Use the previously saved values for the CephClusterFSID and CephClientKey parameters.
    2. Use a comma delimited list of ip addresses from the Ceph monitors as the value for the CephExternalMonHost parameter.
    3. You must select a unique value for the CephClusterName parameter amongst edge sites. Reusing a name will result in the configuration file being overwritten.
  5. If you deployed Red Hat Ceph storage using Red Hat OpenStack Platform director at the central location, then you can export the ceph configuration to an environment file central_ceph_external.yaml. This environment file connects DCN sites to the central hub Ceph cluster, so the information is specific to the Ceph cluster deployed in the previous steps:

    sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
    --stack central \
    --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
    --output-file ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml

    If the central location has Red Hat Ceph Storage deployed externally, then you cannot use the openstack overcloud export ceph command to generate the central_ceph_external.yaml file. You must create the central_ceph_external.yaml file manually instead:

        - cluster: "central"
          fsid: "3161a3b4-e5ff-42a0-9f53-860403b29a33"
          external_cluster_mon_ips: ",,"
            - name: "client.openstack"
                mgr: "allow *"
                mon: "profile rbd"
                osd: "profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images"
              key: "AQD29WteAAAAABAAphgOjFD7nyjdYe8Lz0mQ5Q=="
              mode: "0600"
          dashboard_enabled: false
              keyring: /etc/ceph/central.client.openstack.keyring
  6. Create an environment file with similar details about each site with an unmanaged Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster for the central location. The openstack overcloud export ceph command does not work for sites with unmanaged Red Hat Ceph Storage clusters. When you update the central location, this file will allow the central location the storage clusters at your edge sites as secondary locations

    cluster: dcn1
    cluster: dcn2
  7. Use the ceph-ansible-external.yaml, ceph-external-<SITE>.yaml, and the central_ceph_external.yaml environment files when deploying the overcloud:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack dcn1 \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/dcn1/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible-external.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/dcn-hci.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
        -e ~/dnc1/ceph-external-dcn1.yaml  \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/dcn_ceph_keys.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/role-counts.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/ceph.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/site-name.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/tuning.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn1/glance.yaml
  8. Redeploy the central location after all edge locations have been deployed.

7.4. Creating additional distributed compute node sites

A new distributed compute node (DCN) site has its own directory of YAML files on the undercloud. For more information, see Section 4.7, “Managing separate heat stacks”. This procedure contains example commands.


  1. As the stack user on the undercloud, create a new directory for dcn9:

    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir dcn9
  2. Copy the existing dcn0 templates to the new directory and replace the dcn0 strings with dcn9:

    $ cp dcn0/ceph.yaml dcn9/ceph.yaml
    $ sed s/dcn0/dcn9/g -i dcn9/ceph.yaml
    $ cp dcn0/overrides.yaml dcn9/overrides.yaml
    $ sed s/dcn0/dcn9/g -i dcn9/overrides.yaml
    $ sed s/"0-ceph-%index%"/"9-ceph-%index%"/g -i dcn9/overrides.yaml
    $ cp dcn0/deploy.sh dcn9/deploy.sh
    $ sed s/dcn0/dcn9/g -i dcn9/deploy.sh
  3. Review the files in the dcn9 directory to confirm that they suit your requirements.
  4. Edit undercloud.conf to add a new leaf. In the following example, leaf9 is added to undercloud.conf:

    cidr =
    dhcp_start =
    dhcp_end =
    inspection_iprange =,
    gateway =
    masquerade = False
    cidr =
    dhcp_start =
    dhcp_end =
    inspection_iprange =,
    gateway =
    masquerade = False
  5. Rerun the openstack undercloud install command to update the environment configuration.
  6. In your overcloud templates, update the value of the NetworkDeploymentActions parameter from a value of ["CREATE"], to a value of ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]. If this parameter is not currently included in your templates, add it to one of your environment files, or create a new environment file.

    cat > /home/stack/central/network-environment.yaml << EOF
      NetworkDeploymentActions: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
  7. Run the deploy script for the central location. Include all templates that you used when you first deployed the central location, as well as the newly created or edited network-environment.yaml file:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack central \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/central/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/dcn-hci.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
        -e ~/central/dcn9-images-env.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml \
        -e ~/central/dcn_ceph_keys.yaml \
        -e ~/central/role-counts.yaml \
        -e ~/central/ceph.yaml \
        -e ~/central/site-name.yaml \
        -e ~/central/tuning.yaml \
        -e ~/central/glance.yaml
  8. Verify that your nodes are available and in Provisioning state:

    $ openstack baremetal node list
  9. When your nodes are available, deploy the new edge site with all appropriate templates:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack dcn9 \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/dcn9/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/dcn-hci.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
        -e ~/dnc9/dcn9-images-env.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central-export.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn-common/central_ceph_external.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/dcn_ceph_keys.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/role-counts.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/ceph.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/site-name.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/tuning.yaml \
        -e ~/dcn9/glance.yaml
  10. If you’ve deployed the locations with direct edge-to-edge communication, you must redeploy each edge site to update routes and establish communication with the new location.

7.5. Updating the central location

After you configure and deploy all of the edge sites using the sample procedure, update the configuration at the central location so that the central Image service can push images to the edge sites.


This procedure restarts the Image service (glance) and interrupts any long running Image service process. For example, if an image is being copied from the central Image service server to a DCN Image service server, that image copy is interrupted and you must restart it. For more information, see Clearing residual data after interrupted Image service processes.


  1. Create a ~/central/glance_update.yaml file similar to the following. This example includes a configuration for two edge sites, dcn0 and dcn1:

        GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
        GlanceBackend: rbd
        GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
        CephClusterName: central
        GlanceBackendID: central
            GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn0 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
            CephClusterName: dcn0
            GlanceBackendID: dcn0
            GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn1 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
            CephClusterName: dcn1
            GlanceBackendID: dcn1
  2. Create the dcn_ceph.yaml file. In the following example, this file configures the glance service at the central site as a client of the Ceph clusters of the edge sites, dcn0 and dcn1.

    sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
    --stack dcn0,dcn1 \
    --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
    --output-file ~/central/dcn_ceph.yaml
  3. Redeploy the central site using the original templates and include the newly created dcn_ceph.yaml and glance_update.yaml files.

    openstack overcloud deploy \
           --stack central \
           --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
           -r ~/central/central_roles.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
           -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
           -e ~/central/central-images-env.yaml \
           -e ~/central/role-counts.yaml \
           -e ~/central/site-name.yaml
           -e ~/central/ceph.yaml \
           -e ~/central/ceph_keys.yaml \
           -e ~/central/glance.yaml \
           -e ~/central/dcn_ceph_external.yaml
  4. On a controller at the central location, restart the cinder-volume service. If you deployed the central location with the cinder-backup service, then restart the cinder-backup service too:

    ssh heat-admin@controller-0 sudo pcs resource restart openstack-cinder-volume
    ssh heat-admin@controller-0 sudo pcs resource restart openstack-cinder-backup

7.5.1. Clearing residual data after interrupted Image service processes

When you restart the central location, any long-running Image service (glance) processes are interrupted. Before you can restart these processes, you must first clean up residual data on the Controller node that you rebooted, and in the Ceph and Image service databases.


  1. Check and clear residual data in the Controller node that was rebooted. Compare the files in the glance-api.conf file for staging store with the corresponding images in the Image service database, for example <image_ID>.raw.

    • If these corresponding images show importing status, you must recreate the image.
    • If the images show active status, you must delete the data from staging and restart the copy import.
  2. Check and clear residual data in Ceph stores. The images that you cleaned from the staging area must have matching records in their stores property in the Ceph stores that contain the image. The image name in Ceph is the image id in the Image service database.
  3. Clear the Image service database. Clear any images that are in importing status from the import jobs there were interrupted:

    $ glance image-delete <image_id>

7.6. Deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard on DCN


To deploy the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to the central location, see Adding the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to an overcloud deployment. These steps should be completed prior to deploying the central location.

To deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to edge locations, complete the same steps that you completed for central, however you must complete the following following:

  • Ensure that the ManageNetworks parameter has a value of false in your templates for deploying the edge site. When you set ManageNetworks to false, Edge sites will use the existing networks that were already created in the central stack:

      ManageNetworks: false
  • You must deploy your own solution for load balancing in order to create a high availability virtual IP. Edge sites do not deploy haproxy, nor pacemaker. When you deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to edge locations, the deployment is exposed on the storage network. The dashboard is installed on each of the three DistributedComputeHCI nodes with distinct IP addresses without a load balancing solution.

You can create an additional network to host virtual IP where the Ceph dashboard can be exposed. You must not be reusing network resources for multiple stacks. For more information on reusing network resources, see Reusing network resources in multiple stacks.

To create this additional network resource, use the provided network_data_dashboard.yaml heat template. The name of the created network is StorageDashboard.


  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director as stack.
  2. Generate the DistributedComputeHCIDashboard role and any other roles appropriate for your environment:

    openstack overcloud roles generate DistributedComputeHCIDashboard -o ~/dnc0/roles.yaml
  3. Include the roles.yaml and the network_data_dashboard.yaml in the overcloud deploy command:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -r ~/<dcn>/<dcn_site_roles>.yaml \
    -n /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data_dashboard.yaml \
    -e <overcloud_environment_files> \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-dashboard.yaml

The deployment provides the three ip addresses where the dashboard is enabled on the storage network.


To confirm the dashboard is operational at the central location and that the data it displays from the Ceph cluster is correct, see Accessing Ceph Dashboard.

You can confirm that the dashboard is operating at an edge location through similar steps, however, there are exceptions as there is no load balancer at edge locations.

  1. Retrieve dashboard admin login credentials specific to the selected stack from /var/lib/mistral/<stackname>/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml
  2. Within the inventory specific to the selected stack, /var/lib/mistral/<stackname>/ceph-ansible/inventory.yml, locate the DistributedComputeHCI role hosts list and save all three of the storage_ip values. In the example below the first two dashboard IPs are and

    storage_hostname: dcn1-distributed-compute-hci-0.storage.localdomain
    storage_hostname: dcn1-distributed-compute-hci-1.storage.localdomain
  3. You can check that the Ceph Dashboard is active at one of these IP addresses if they are accessible to you. These IP addresses are on the storage network and are not routed. If these IP addresses are not available, you must configure a load balancer for the three IP addresses that you get from the inventory to obtain a virtual IP address for verification.

Chapter 8. Replacing DistributedComputeHCI nodes

During hardware maintenance you may need to scale down, scale up, or replace a DistributedComputeHCI node at an edge site. To replace a DistributedComputeHCI node, remove services from the node you are replacing, scale the number of nodes down, and then follow the procedures for scaling those nodes back up.

8.1. Removing the Compute (nova) service

Disable the nova-compute service and delete the relevant network agent.


  1. Delete the node that you are removing from the stack:

    `openstack overcloud node delete --stack <dcn2> \
  2. Delete the network agent on the node you are removing:

    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack network agent list | grep dcn2
    | 17726d1a-e9d1-4e57-b40d-e742be5d073c | Open vSwitch agent | dcn2-computehci2-1.redhat.local         | None              | XXX   | UP    | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack network agent delete 17726d1a-e9d1-4e57-b40d-e742be5d073c

8.2. Removing Red Hat Ceph Storage services

To remove the Red Hat Ceph services mon, mgr and osd, you must disable and remove ceph-osd from the cluster services on the node you are removing, then stop and disable the mon, mgr and osd services.


  1. Use SSH to connect to the DistributedComputeHCI node you want to remove and log in as the root user.

    $ ssh heat-admin@<dcn-computehci-node>
    $ sudo su -
  2. Identify the OSDs associated with the DistributedComputeHCI node you are removing:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dnc2-computehci2-1 ceph osd tree -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    -3       0.24399     host dcn2-computehci2-1
     1   hdd 0.04880         osd.1                           up  1.00000 1.00000
     7   hdd 0.04880         osd.7                           up  1.00000 1.00000
    11   hdd 0.04880         osd.11                          up  1.00000 1.00000
    15   hdd 0.04880         osd.15                          up  1.00000 1.00000
    18   hdd 0.04880         osd.18                          up  1.00000 1.00000
  3. Disable the OSDs on the relevant Ceph node:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd out 1 7 11 15 18 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    marked out osd.1. marked out osd.7. marked out osd.11. marked out osd.15. marked out osd.18.
  4. Wait for Ceph osd rebalancing to finish. Monitor progress with the following command:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph -w -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    mon.dcn2-computehci2-2 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true

    The rebalancing is complete when you see that auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim is set to true.

  5. Stop and disable the OSDs:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-osd@1
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-osd@7
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-osd@11
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-osd@15
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-osd@18
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-osd@1
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-osd@1.service.
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-osd@7
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-osd@7.service.
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-osd@11
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-osd@11.service.
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-osd@15
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-osd@15.service.
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-osd@18
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-osd@18.service.
  6. Remove the OSDs from the CRUSH map:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush remove osd.1 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id 1 name 'osd.1' from crush map
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush remove osd.7 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id 7 name 'osd.7' from crush map
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush remove osd.11 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id 11 name 'osd.11' from crush map
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush remove osd.15 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id 15 name 'osd.15' from crush map
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush remove osd.18 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id 18 name 'osd.18' from crush map
  7. Remove the OSD auth keys:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph auth del osd.1 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph auth del osd.7 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph auth del osd.11 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph auth del osd.15 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph auth del osd.18 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
  8. Remove the OSDs from the cluster:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd rm 1 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed osd.1
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd rm 7 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed osd.7
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd rm 11 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed osd.11
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd rm 15 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed osd.15
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd rm 18 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed osd.18
  9. Remove the DistributedComputeHCI node from the CRUSH map:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-1 ceph osd crush rm dcn2-computehci2-1 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removed item id -3 name 'dcn2-computehci2-1' from crush map
  10. Stop and disable the mon service:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl --type=service | grep ceph
      ceph-crash@dcn2-computehci2-1.service     loaded active     running       Ceph crash dump collector
      ceph-mgr@dcn2-computehci2-1.service       loaded active     running       Ceph Manager
      ceph-mon@dcn2-computehci2-1.service       loaded active     running       Ceph Monitor
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-mon@dcn2-computehci2-1
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-mon@dcn2-computehci2-1
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-mon@dcn2-computehci2-1.service.
  11. Use SSH to connect to another node in the same cluster and remove the monitor from the cluster. Note the v1 and v2 entries in the output:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-0 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-0 ceph mon remove dcn2-computehci2-1 -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    removing mon.dcn2-computehci2-1 at [v2:,v1:], there will be 2 monitors
  12. On all dcn2 nodes, remove the v1 and v2 monitor entries in /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf that were output in the previous step, and the node name from the ‘mon initial members’:


    mon host = [v2:,v1:],*[v2:,v1:]*,[v2:,v1:] + mon initial members = dcn2-computehci2-0,*dcn2-computehci2-1*,dcn2-computehci2-2


    mon host = [v2:,v1:],[v2:,v1:] + mon initial members = dcn2-computehci2-0,dcn2-computehci2-2

  13. Stop and disable the mgr service:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl --type=service | grep ceph
      ceph-crash@dcn2-computehci2-1.service    loaded active     running       Ceph crash dump collector
      ceph-mgr@dcn2-computehci2-1.service      loaded active     running       Ceph Manager
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop ceph-mgr@dcn2-computehci2-1
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl --type=service | grep ceph
      ceph-crash@dcn2-computehci2-1.service  loaded active running Ceph crash dump collector
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable ceph-mgr@dcn2-computehci2-1
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-mgr@dcn2-computehci2-1.service.
  14. Verify that the mgr service for the node is removed from the cluster.

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-0 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-0 ceph -s -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
        id:     b9b53581-d590-41ac-8463-2f50aa985001
        health: HEALTH_WARN
                3 pools have too many placement groups
                mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
        mon: 2 daemons, quorum dcn2-computehci2-2,dcn2-computehci2-0 (age 2h)
        mgr: dcn2-computehci2-2(active, since 20h), standbys: dcn2-computehci2-0 1
        osd: 15 osds: 15 up (since 3h), 15 in (since 3h)
        pools:   3 pools, 384 pgs
        objects: 32 objects, 88 MiB
        usage:   16 GiB used, 734 GiB / 750 GiB avail
        pgs:     384 active+clean
    The node that the mgr service is removed from is no longer listed when the mgr service is successfully removed.

8.3. Removing the Image service (glance) services

Remove image services from a node when you remove it from service.


  • To disable the Image service services, disable them using systemctl on the node you are removing:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop tripleo_glance_api.service
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop  tripleo_glance_api_tls_proxy.service
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable tripleo_glance_api.service
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/tripleo_glance_api.service.
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable  tripleo_glance_api_tls_proxy.service
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/tripleo_glance_api_tls_proxy.service.

8.4. Removing the Block Storage (cinder) services

You must remove the cinder-volume and etcd services from the DistributedComputeHCI node when you remove it from service.


  1. Identify and disable the cinder-volume service on the node you are removing:

    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack volume service list --service cinder-volume
    | cinder-volume | dcn2-computehci2-1@tripleo_ceph | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    | 2022-03-23T17:41:43.000000 |
    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack volume service set --disable dcn2-computehci2-1@tripleo_ceph cinder-volume
  2. Log on to a different DistributedComputeHCI node in the stack:

    $ ssh heat-admin@dcn2-computehci2-0
  3. Remove the cinder-volume service associated with the node that you are removing:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-0 ~]# podman exec -it cinder_volume cinder-manage service remove cinder-volume dcn2-computehci2-1@tripleo_ceph
    Service cinder-volume on host dcn2-computehci2-1@tripleo_ceph removed.
  4. Stop and disable the tripleo_cinder_volume service on the node that you are removing:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl stop tripleo_cinder_volume.service
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-1 ~]# systemctl disable tripleo_cinder_volume.service
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/tripleo_cinder_volume.service

8.5. Delete the DistributedComputeHCI node

To preserve the environment, the openstack overcloud node delete command must include all relevant templates and environment files:


  1. Delete the DistributedComputeHCI node

    $ openstack overcloud node delete /
    --stack <stack-name> /
  2. If you are going to reuse the node, use ironic to clean the disk. This is required if the node will host Ceph OSDs:

    openstack baremetal node manage $UUID
    openstack baremetal node clean $UUID --clean-steps '[{"interface":"deploy", "step": "erase_devices_metadata"}]'
    openstack baremetal provide $UUID

8.6. Replacing a removed DistributedComputeHCI node

8.6.1. Replacing a removed DistributedComputeHCI node

To add new HCI nodes to your DCN deployment, you must redeploy the edge stack with the additional node, perform a ceph export of that stack, and then perform a stack update for the central location. A stack update of the central location adds configurations specific to edge-sites.


The node counts are correct in the nodes_data.yaml file of the stack that you want to replace the node in or add a new node to.


  1. You must set the EtcdIntialClusterState parameter to existing in one of the templates called by your deploy script:

      EtcdInitialClusterState: existing
  2. Redeploy using the deployment script specific to the stack:

    (undercloud) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ ./overcloud_deploy_dcn2.sh
    Overcloud Deployed without error
  3. Export the Red Hat Ceph Storage data from the stack:

    (undercloud) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph --stack dcn1,dcn2 --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral --output-file ~/central/dcn2_scale_up_ceph_external.yaml
  4. Replace dcn_ceph_external.yaml with the newly generated dcn2_scale_up_ceph_external.yaml in the deploy script for the central location.
  5. Perform a stack update at central:

    (undercloud) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ ./overcloud_deploy.sh
    Overcloud Deployed without error

8.7. Verify the functionality of a replaced DistributedComputeHCI node

  1. Ensure the value of the status field is enabled, and that the value of the State field is up:

    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack compute service list -c Binary -c Host -c Zone -c Status -c State
    | Binary         | Host                                    | Zone       | Status  | State |
    | nova-compute   | dcn1-compute1-0.redhat.local            | az-dcn1    | enabled | up    |
    | nova-compute   | dcn1-compute1-1.redhat.local            | az-dcn1    | enabled | up    |
    | nova-compute   | dcn2-computehciscaleout2-0.redhat.local | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
    | nova-compute   | dcn2-computehci2-0.redhat.local         | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
    | nova-compute   | dcn2-computescaleout2-0.redhat.local    | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
    | nova-compute   | dcn2-computehci2-2.redhat.local         | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
  2. Ensure that all network agents are in the up state:

    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack network agent list -c "Agent Type" -c Host -c Alive -c State
    | Agent Type         | Host                                    | Alive | State |
    | DHCP agent         | dcn3-compute3-1.redhat.local            | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | central-computehci0-1.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | DHCP agent         | dcn3-compute3-0.redhat.local            | :-)   | UP    |
    | DHCP agent         | central-controller0-2.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn3-compute3-1.redhat.local            | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn1-compute1-1.redhat.local            | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | central-computehci0-0.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | DHCP agent         | central-controller0-1.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | L3 agent           | central-controller0-2.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | Metadata agent     | central-controller0-1.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn2-computescaleout2-0.redhat.local    | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn2-computehci2-5.redhat.local         | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | central-computehci0-2.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | DHCP agent         | central-controller0-0.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | central-controller0-1.redhat.local      | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn2-computehci2-0.redhat.local         | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | dcn1-compute1-0.redhat.local            | :-)   | UP    |
  3. Verify the status of the Ceph Cluster:

    1. Use SSH to connect to the new DistributedComputeHCI node and check the status of the Ceph cluster:

      [root@dcn2-computehci2-5 ~]# podman exec -it ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-5 \
      ceph -s -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
    2. Verify that both the ceph mon and ceph mgr services exist for the new node:

          mon: 3 daemons, quorum dcn2-computehci2-2,dcn2-computehci2-0,dcn2-computehci2-5 (age 3d)
          mgr: dcn2-computehci2-2(active, since 3d), standbys: dcn2-computehci2-0, dcn2-computehci2-5
          osd: 20 osds: 20 up (since 3d), 20 in (since 3d)
    3. Verify the status of the ceph osds with ‘ceph osd tree’. Ensure all osds for our new node are in STATUS up:

      [root@dcn2-computehci2-5 ~]# podman exec -it ceph-mon-dcn2-computehci2-5 ceph osd tree -c /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf
      ID CLASS WEIGHT  TYPE NAME                           STATUS REWEIGHT PRI-AFF
      -1       0.97595 root default
      -5       0.24399     host dcn2-computehci2-0
       0   hdd 0.04880         osd.0                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       4   hdd 0.04880         osd.4                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       8   hdd 0.04880         osd.8                           up  1.00000 1.00000
      13   hdd 0.04880         osd.13                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      17   hdd 0.04880         osd.17                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      -9       0.24399     host dcn2-computehci2-2
       3   hdd 0.04880         osd.3                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       5   hdd 0.04880         osd.5                           up  1.00000 1.00000
      10   hdd 0.04880         osd.10                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      14   hdd 0.04880         osd.14                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      19   hdd 0.04880         osd.19                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      -3       0.24399     host dcn2-computehci2-5
       1   hdd 0.04880         osd.1                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       7   hdd 0.04880         osd.7                           up  1.00000 1.00000
      11   hdd 0.04880         osd.11                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      15   hdd 0.04880         osd.15                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      18   hdd 0.04880         osd.18                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      -7       0.24399     host dcn2-computehciscaleout2-0
       2   hdd 0.04880         osd.2                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       6   hdd 0.04880         osd.6                           up  1.00000 1.00000
       9   hdd 0.04880         osd.9                           up  1.00000 1.00000
      12   hdd 0.04880         osd.12                          up  1.00000 1.00000
      16   hdd 0.04880         osd.16                          up  1.00000 1.00000
  4. Verify the cinder-volume service for the new DistributedComputeHCI node is in Status ‘enabled’ and in State ‘up’:

    (central) [stack@site-undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack volume service list --service cinder-volume -c Binary -c Host -c Zone -c Status -c State
    | Binary        | Host                            | Zone       | Status  | State |
    | cinder-volume | hostgroup@tripleo_ceph          | az-central | enabled | up    |
    | cinder-volume | dcn1-compute1-1@tripleo_ceph    | az-dcn1    | enabled | up    |
    | cinder-volume | dcn1-compute1-0@tripleo_ceph    | az-dcn1    | enabled | up    |
    | cinder-volume | dcn2-computehci2-0@tripleo_ceph | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
    | cinder-volume | dcn2-computehci2-2@tripleo_ceph | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |
    | cinder-volume | dcn2-computehci2-5@tripleo_ceph | az-dcn2    | enabled | up    |

    If the State of the cinder-volume service is down, then the service has not been started on the node.

  5. Use ssh to connect to the new DistributedComputeHCI node and check the status of the Glance services with ‘systemctl’:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-5 ~]# systemctl --type service | grep glance
      tripleo_glance_api.service                        loaded active     running       glance_api container
      tripleo_glance_api_healthcheck.service            loaded activating start   start glance_api healthcheck
      tripleo_glance_api_tls_proxy.service              loaded active     running       glance_api_tls_proxy container

8.8. Troubleshooting DistributedComputeHCI state down

If the replacement node was deployed without the EtcdInitialClusterState parameter value set to existing, then the cinder-volume service of the replaced node shows down when you run openstack volume service list.


  1. Log onto the replacement node and check logs for the etcd service. Check that the logs show the etcd service is reporting a cluster ID mismatch in the /var/log/containers/stdouts/etcd.log log file:

    2022-04-06T18:00:11.834104130+00:00 stderr F 2022-04-06 18:00:11.834045 E | rafthttp: request cluster ID mismatch (got 654f4cf0e2cfb9fd want 918b459b36fe2c0c)
  2. Set the EtcdInitialClusterState parameter to the value of existing in your deployment templates and rerun the deployment script.
  3. Use SSH to connect to the replacement node and run the following commands as root:

    [root@dcn2-computehci2-4 ~]# systemctl stop tripleo_etcd
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-4 ~]# rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/*
    [root@dcn2-computehci2-4 ~]# systemctl start tripleo_etcd
  4. Recheck the /var/log/containers/stdouts/etcd.log log file to verify that the node successfully joined the cluster:

    2022-04-06T18:24:22.130059875+00:00 stderr F 2022-04-06 18:24:22.129395 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 96f61470cd1839e5 [https://dcn2-computehci2-4.internalapi.redhat.local:2380] to cluster 654f4cf0e2cfb9fd
  5. Check the state of the cinder-volume service, and confirm it reads up on the replacement node when you run openstack volume service list.

Chapter 9. Deploying with Key Manager

If you have deployed edge sites previous to the release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1.2, you will need to regenerate roles.yaml to implement this feature: To implement the feature, regenerate the roles.yaml file used for the DCN site’s deployment.

$ openstack overcloud roles generate DistributedComputeHCI DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut -o ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml

9.1. Deploying edge sites with Key Manager

If you want to include access to the Key Manager (barbican) service at edge sites, you must configure barbican at the central location. For information on installing and configuring barbican, see Deploying Barbican.

  • You can configure access to barbican from DCN sites by including the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/barbican-edge.yaml.

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        --stack dcn0 \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        -r ~/dcn0/roles_data.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/barbican-edge.yaml

Chapter 10. Precaching glance images into nova

When you configure OpenStack Compute to use local ephemeral storage, glance images are cached to quicken the deployment of instances. If an image that is necessary for an instance is not already cached, it is downloaded to the local disk of the Compute node when you create the instance.

The process of downloading a glance image takes a variable amount of time, depending on the image size and network characteristics such as bandwidth and latency.

If you attempt to start an instance, and the image is not available on the on the Ceph cluster that is local, launching an instance will fail with the following message:

Build of instance 3c04e982-c1d1-4364-b6bd-f876e399325b aborted: Image 20c5ff9d-5f54-4b74-830f-88e78b9999ed is unacceptable: No image locations are accessible

You see the following in the Compute service log:

'Image %s is not on my ceph and [workarounds]/ never_download_image_if_on_rbd=True; refusing to fetch and upload.',

The instance fails to start due to a parameter in the nova.conf configuration file called never_download_image_if_on_rbd, which is set to true by default for DCN deployments. You can control this value using the heat parameter NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd which you can find in the dcn-hci.yaml file.

If you set the value of NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd to false prior to deploying the overcloud, the following occurs:

  • The Compute service (nova) will automatically stream images available at the central location if they are not available locally.
  • You will not be using a COW copy from glance images.
  • The Compute (nova) storage will potentially contain multiple copies of the same image, depending on the number of instances using it.
  • You may saturate both the WAN link to the central location as well as the nova storage pool.

Red Hat recommends leaving this value set to true, and ensuring required images are available locally prior to launching an instance. For more information on making images available to the edge, see Section A.1.3, “Copying an image to a new site”.

For images that are local, you can speed up the creation of VMs by using the tripleo_nova_image_cache.yml ansible playbook to pre-cache commonly used images or images that are likely to be deployed in the near future.

10.1. Running the tripleo_nova_image_cache.yml ansible playbook


  • Authentication credentials to the correct API in the shell environment.

Before the command provided in each step, you must ensure that the correct authentication file is sourced.


  1. Create an ansible inventory file for the stack. You can specify multiple stacks in a comma delimited list to cache images at more than one site:

    $ source stackrc
    $ tripleo-ansible-inventory --plan central,dcn0,dcn1 \
    --static-yaml-inventory inventory.yaml
  2. Create a list of image IDs that you want to pre-cache:

    1. Retrieve a comprehensive list of available images:

      $ source centralrc
      $ openstack image list
      | ID                                   | Name    | Status |
      | 07bc2424-753b-4f65-9da5-5a99d8383fe6 | image_0 | active |
      | d5187afa-c821-4f22-aa4b-4e76382bef86 | image_1 | active |
    2. Create an ansible playbook argument file called nova_cache_args.yml, and add the IDs of the images that you want to pre-cache:

        - id: 07bc2424-753b-4f65-9da5-5a99d8383fe6
        - id: d5187afa-c821-4f22-aa4b-4e76382bef86
  3. Run the tripleo_nova_image_cache.yml ansible playbook:

    $ source centralrc
    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml \
    --extra-vars "@nova_cache_args.yml" \

10.2. Performance considerations

You can specify the number of images that you want to download concurrently with the ansible forks parameter, which defaults to a value of 5. You can reduce the time to distribute this image by increasing the value of the forks parameter, however you must balance this with the increase in network and glance-api load.

Use the --forks parameter to adjust concurrency as shown:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml \
--forks 10 \
--extra-vars "@nova_cache_args.yml" \

10.3. Optimizing the image distribution to DCN sites

You can reduce WAN traffic by using a proxy for glance image distribution. When you configure a proxy:

  • Glance images are downloaded to a single Compute node that acts as the proxy.
  • The proxy redistributes the glance image to other Compute nodes in the inventory.

You can place the following parameters in the nova_cache_args.yml ansible argument file to configure a proxy node.

Set the tripleo_nova_image_cache_use_proxy parameter to true to enable the image cache proxy.

The image proxy uses secure copy scp to distribute images to other nodes in the inventory. SCP is inefficient over networks with high latency, such as a WAN between DCN sites. Red Hat recommends that you limit the playbook target to a single DCN location, which correlates to a single stack.

Use the tripleo_nova_image_cache_proxy_hostname parameter to select the image cache proxy. The default proxy is the first compute node in the ansible inventory file. Use the tripleo_nova_image_cache_plan parameter to limit the playbook inventory to a single site:

tripleo_nova_image_cache_use_proxy: true
tripleo_nova_image_cache_proxy_hostname: dcn0-novacompute-1
tripleo_nova_image_cache_plan: dcn0

10.4. Configuring the nova-cache cleanup

A background process runs periodically to remove images from the nova cache when both of the following conditions are true:

  • The image is not in use by an instance.
  • The age of the image is greater than the value for the nova parameter remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds.

The default value for the remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds parameter is 86400. The value is expressed in seconds and is equal to 24 hours. You can control this value with the NovaImageCachTTL tripleo-heat-templates parameter during the initial deployment, or during a stack update of your cloud:

  NovaImageCacheTTL: 604800 # Default to 7 days for all compute roles
    NovaImageCacheTTL: 1209600 # Override to 14 days for the Compute2 compute role

When you instruct the playbook to pre-cache an image that already exists on a Compute node, ansible does not report a change, but the age of the image is reset to 0. Run the ansible play more frequently than the value of the NovaImageCacheTTL parameter to maintain a cache of images.

Chapter 11. TLS-e for DCN

You can enable TLS (transport layer security) on clouds designed for distributed compute node infrastructure. You have the option of either enabling TLS for public access only, or enabling TLS on every network with TLS-e, which allows for encryption on all internal and external dataflows.

You cannot enable public access on edge stacks as edge sites do not have public endpoints. For more information on TLS for public access, see Enabling SSL/TLS on Overcloud Public Endpoints.

11.1. Deploying distributed compute node architecture with TLS-e


When you configure TLS-e on Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) distributed compute node architecture with Red Hat Identity Manager (IdM), take the following actions based on the version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux deployed for Red Hat Identity Manager.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4
  1. On the Red Hat Identity Management node, allowed trusted subnets to an ACL In the ipa-ext.conf file:
 acl "trusted_network" {
  1. In the /etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf file, allow recursion, and query cache:

    allow-recursion { trusted_network; };
    allow-query-cache { trusted_network; };
  2. Restart the `named-pkcs11 service:

    systemctl restart named-pkcs11
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2
If you have Red Hat Identity Manager (IdM) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2, you must upgrade Red Hat Enterprise Linux and then follow the directions for RHEL 8.4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x
If you have Red Hat Identity Manager (IdM) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x, you must add an access control instruction (ACI) for your domain name manually. For example, if the domain name is redhat.local, run the following commands on Red Hat Identity Manager to configure the ACI:

cat << EOF | ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w ${ADMIN_PASSWORD}
dn: cn=dns,dc=${DOMAIN_LEVEL_2},dc=${DOMAIN_LEVEL_1}
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (targetattr = "aaaarecord || arecord || cnamerecord || idnsname || objectclass || ptrrecord")(targetfilter = "(&(objectclass=idnsrecord)(|(aaaarecord=)(arecord=)(cnamerecord=)(ptrrecord=)(idnsZoneActive=TRUE)))")(version 3.0; acl "Allow hosts to read DNS A/AAA/CNAME/PTR records"; allow (read,search,compare) userdn = "ldap:///fqdn=*,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=${DOMAIN_LEVEL_2},dc=${DOMAIN_LEVEL_1}";)


For distributed compute node (DCN) architectures, it is required to use the ansible-based tripleo-ipa method of implementing TLS-e as opposed to the previous novajoin method. For more information on deploying TLS-e with tripleo-ipa see Implementing TLS-e with Ansible.

To deploy TLS-e with tripleo-ipa for DCN architectures, you will need to also complete the following steps:

  1. If you are deploying storage at the edge, include the following parameters in your modified tripleo heat templates for edge stacks:

      EnableEtcdInternalTLS: true

Due to differences in design between the central and edge locations, do not include the following files in edge stacks:

This file is ignored at edge sites, the endpoints that it sets are overridden by the endpoints exported from the central stack.
This file causes a failed deployment as there are no public endpoints at the edge.

Chapter 12. Creating a Ceph key for external access

External access to Ceph storage is access to Ceph from any site that is not local. Ceph storage at the cental location is external for edge (DCN) sites, just as Ceph storage at the edge is external for the central location.

When you deploy the central or DCN sites with Ceph storage, you have the option of using the default openstack keyring for both local and external access. Altenatively, you can create a separate key for access by non-local sites.

If you decide to use additional Ceph keys for access to your external sites, each key must have the same name. The key name is external in the examples that follow.

If you use a separate key for access by non-local sites, you have the additional security benefit of being able to revoke and re-issue the external key in response to a security event without interrupting local access. However, using a separate key for external access will result in the loss of access to some features, such as cross availability zone backups and offline volume migration. You must balance the needs of your security posture against the desired feature set.

By default, the keys for the central and all DCN sites will be shared.

12.1. Creating a Ceph key for external access

Complete the following steps to create an external key for non-local access.


  1. Create a Ceph key for external access. This key is sensitive. You can generate the key using the following:

    python3 -c 'import os,struct,time,base64; key = os.urandom(16) ; \
    header = struct.pack("<hiih", 1, int(time.time()), 0, len(key)) ; \
    print(base64.b64encode(header + key).decode())'
  2. In the directory of the stack you are deploying, create a ceph_keys.yaml environment file with contents like the following, using the output from the previous command for the key:

        - name: "client.external"
            mgr: "allow *"
            mon: "profile rbd"
            osd: "profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images"
          key: "AQD29WteAAAAABAAphgOjFD7nyjdYe8Lz0mQ5Q=="
          mode: "0600"
  3. Include the ceph_keys.yaml environment file in the deployment of the site. For example, to deploy the central site with with the ceph_keys.yaml environment file, run a command like the following:

     overcloud deploy \
             --stack central \
             --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
             -e ~/central/ceph_keys.yaml

12.2. Using external Ceph keys

You can only use keys that have already been deployed. For information on deploying a site with an external key, see Section 12.1, “Creating a Ceph key for external access”. This should be done for both central and edge sites.

  • When you deploy an edge site that will use an external key provided by central, complete the following:

    1. Create dcn_ceph_external.yaml environment file for the edge site. You must include the cephx-key-client-name option to specify the deployed key to include.

      sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
      --stack central \
      --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
      --cephx-key-client-name external \
      --output-file ~/dcn-common/dcn_ceph_external.yaml
    2. Include the dcn_ceph_external.yaml file so that the edge site can access the Ceph cluster at the central site. Include the ceph_keys.yaml file to deploy an external key for the Ceph cluster at the edge site.
  • When you update the central location after deploying your edge sites, ensure the central location to use the dcn external keys:

    1. Ensure that the CephClientUserName parameter matches the key being exported. If you are using the name external as shown in these examples, create glance_update.yaml to be similar to the following:

          GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
          GlanceBackend: rbd
          GlanceStoreDescription: 'central rbd glance store'
          CephClusterName: central
          GlanceBackendID: central
             GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn0 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'external'
            CephClusterName: dcn0
            GlanceBackendID: dcn0
            GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn1 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'external'
            CephClusterName: dcn1
            GlanceBackendID: dcn1
    2. Use the openstack overcloud export ceph command to include the external keys for DCN edge access from the central location. To do this you must provide a a comma-delimited list of stacks for the --stack argument, and include the cephx-key-client-name option:

      sudo -E openstack overcloud export ceph \
      --stack dcn0,dcn1,dcn2 \
      --config-download-dir /var/lib/mistral \
      --cephx-key-client-name external \
      --output-file ~/central/dcn_ceph_external.yaml
    3. Redeploy the central site using the original templates and include the newly created dcn_ceph_external.yaml and glance_update.yaml files.

      openstack overcloud deploy \
             --stack central \
             --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
             -r ~/central/central_roles.yaml \
             -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
             -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/nova-az-config.yaml \
             -e ~/central/central-images-env.yaml \
             -e ~/central/role-counts.yaml \
             -e ~/central/site-name.yaml
             -e ~/central/ceph.yaml \
             -e ~/central/ceph_keys.yaml \
             -e ~/central/glance.yaml \
             -e ~/central/dcn_ceph_external.yaml

Appendix A. Deployment migration options

This section includes topics related validation of DCN storage, as well as migrating or changing architectures.

A.1. Validating edge storage

Ensure that the deployment of central and edge sites are working by testing glance multi-store and instance creation.

You can import images into glance that are available on the local filesystem or available on a web server.


Always store an image copy in the central site, even if there are no instances using the image at the central location.


  1. Check the stores that are available through the Image service by using the glance stores-info command. In the following example, three stores are available: central, dcn1, and dcn2. These correspond to glance stores at the central location and edge sites, respectively:

      $ glance stores-info
      | Property | Value                                                                            |
      | stores   | [{"default": "true", "id": "central", "description": "central rbd glance         |
      |          | store"}, {"id": "dcn0", "description": "dcn0 rbd glance store"},                 |
      |          | {"id": "dcn1", "description": "dcn1 rbd glance store"}]                          |

A.1.1. Importing from a local file

You must upload the image to the central location’s store first, then copy the image to remote sites.

  1. Ensure that your image file is in RAW format. If the image is not in raw format, you must convert the image before importing it into the Image service:

    file cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img
    cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img: QEMU QCOW2 Image (v3), 117440512 bytes
    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.raw
    Import the image into the default back end at the central site:
    glance image-create \
    --disk-format raw --container-format bare \
    --name cirros --file cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.raw \
    --store central

A.1.2. Importing an image from a web server

If the image is hosted on a web server, you can use the GlanceImageImportPlugins parameter to upload the image to multiple stores.

This procedure assumes that the default image conversion plugin is enabled in glance. This feature automatically converts QCOW2 file formats into RAW images, which are optimal for Ceph RBD. You can confirm that a glance image is in RAW format by running the glance image-show ID | grep disk_format.


  1. Use the image-create-via-import parameter of the glance command to import an image from a web server. Use the --stores parameter.

    # glance image-create-via-import \
    --disk-format qcow2 \
    --container-format bare \
    --name cirros \
    --uri http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img \
    --import-method web-download \
    --stores central,dcn1

    In this example, the qcow2 cirros image is downloaded from the official Cirros site, converted to RAW by glance, and imported into the central site and edge site 1 as specified by the --stores parameter.

Alternatively you can replace --stores with --all-stores True to upload the image to all of the stores.

A.1.3. Copying an image to a new site

You can copy existing images from the central location to edge sites, which gives you access to previously created images at newly established locations.

  1. Use the UUID of the glance image for the copy operation:

    ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)
    glance image-import $ID --stores dcn0,dcn1 --import-method copy-image

    In this example, the --stores option specifies that the cirros image will be copied from the central site to edge sites dcn1 and dcn2. Alternatively, you can use the --all-stores True option, which uploads the image to all the stores that don’t currently have the image.

  2. Confirm a copy of the image is in each store. Note that the stores key, which is the last item in the properties map, is set to central,dcn0,dcn1.:

      $ openstack image show $ID | grep properties
      | properties       | direct_url=rbd://d25504ce-459f-432d-b6fa-79854d786f2b/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap, locations=[{u'url: u'rbd://d25504ce-459f-432d-b6fa-79854d786f2b/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'central'}}, {u'url': u'rbd://0c10d6b5-a455-4c4d-bd53-8f2b9357c3c7/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'dcn0'}}, {u'url': u'rbd://8649d6c3-dcb3-4aae-8c19-8c2fe5a853ac/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'dcn1'}}], os_glance_failed_import=', os_glance_importing_to_stores=', os_hash_algo='sha512, os_hash_value=b795f047a1b10ba0b7c95b43b2a481a59289dc4cf2e49845e60b194a911819d3ada03767bbba4143b44c93fd7f66c96c5a621e28dff51d1196dae64974ce240e, os_hidden=False, stores=central,dcn0,dcn1 |

Always store an image copy in the central site even if there is no VM using it on that site.

A.1.4. Confirming that an instance at an edge site can boot with image based volumes

You can use an image at the edge site to create a persistent root volume.


  1. Identify the ID of the image to create as a volume, and pass that ID to the openstack volume create command:

    IMG_ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)
    openstack volume create --size 8 --availability-zone dcn0 pet-volume-dcn0 --image $IMG_ID
  2. Identify the volume ID of the newly created volume and pass it to the openstack server create command:

    VOL_ID=$(openstack volume show -f value -c id pet-volume-dcn0)
    openstack server create --flavor tiny --key-name dcn0-key --network dcn0-network --security-group basic --availability-zone dcn0 --volume $VOL_ID pet-server-dcn0
  3. You can verify that the volume is based on the image by running the rbd command within a ceph-mon container at the dcn0 edge site to list the volumes pool.

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-$HOSTNAME rbd --cluster dcn0 -p volumes ls -l
    NAME                                      SIZE  PARENT                                           FMT PROT LOCK
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7 8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2      excl
  4. Confirm that you can create a cinder snapshot of the root volume of the instance. Ensure that the server is stopped to quiesce data to create a clean snapshot. Use the --force option, because the volume status remains in-use when the instance is off.

    openstack server stop pet-server-dcn0
    openstack volume snapshot create pet-volume-dcn0-snap --volume $VOL_ID --force
    openstack server start pet-server-dcn0
  5. List the contents of the volumes pool on the dcn0 Ceph cluster to show the newly created snapshot.

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-$HOSTNAME rbd --cluster dcn0 -p volumes ls -l
    NAME                                                                                      SIZE  PARENT                                           FMT PROT LOCK
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7                                               8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2      excl
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7@snapshot-a1ca8602-6819-45b4-a228-b4cd3e5adf60 8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2 yes

A.1.5. Confirming image snapshots can be created and copied between sites

  1. Verify that you can create a new image at the dcn0 site. Ensure that the server is stopped to quiesce data to create a clean snapshot:

    NOVA_ID=$(openstack server show pet-server-dcn0 -f value -c id)
    openstack server stop $NOVA_ID
    openstack server image create --name cirros-snapshot $NOVA_ID
    openstack server start $NOVA_ID
  2. Copy the image from the dcn0 edge site back to the hub location, which is the default back end for glance:

    IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show cirros-snapshot -f value -c id)
    glance image-import $IMAGE_ID --stores central --import-method copy-image

For more information on glance multistore operations, see Image service with multiple stores.

A.2. Migrating to a spine and leaf deployment

It is possible to migrate an existing cloud with a pre-existing network configuration to one with a spine leaf architecture. For this, the following conditions are needed:

  • All bare metal ports must have their physical-network property value set to ctlplane.
  • The parameter enable_routed_networks is added and set to true in undercloud.conf, followed by a re-run of the undercloud installation command, openstack undercloud install.

Once the undercloud is re-deployed, the overcloud is considered a spine leaf, with a single leaf leaf0. You can add additional provisioning leaves to the deployment through the following steps.

  1. Add the desired subnets to undercloud.conf as shown in Configuring routed spine-leaf in the undercloud.
  2. Re-run the undercloud installation command, openstack undercloud install.
  3. Add the desired additional networks and roles to the overcloud templates, network_data.yaml and roles_data.yaml respectively.


    If you are using the {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes parameter in the network configuration file, then you’ll need to ensure that the NetworkDeploymentActions parameter includes the value UPDATE.

      NetworkDeploymentActions: ['CREATE','UPDATE'])
  4. Finally, re-run the overcloud installation script that includes all relevant heat templates for your cloud deployment.

A.3. Migrating to a multistack deployment

You can migrate from a single stack deployment to a multistack deployment by treating the existing deployment as the central site, and adding additional edge sites.

The ability to migrate from single to multistack in this release is a Technology Preview, and therefore is not fully supported by Red Hat. It should only be used for testing, and should not be deployed in a production environment. For more information about Technology Preview features, see Scope of Coverage Details.

You cannot split the existing stack. You can scale down the existing stack to remove compute nodes if needed. These compute nodes can then be added to edge sites.


This action creates workload interruptions if all compute nodes are removed.

A.4. Backing up and restoring across edge sites

You can back up and restore Block Storage service (cinder) volumes across distributed compute node (DCN) architectures in edge site and availability zones. The cinder-backup service runs in the central availability zone (AZ), and backups are stored in the central AZ. The Block Storage service does not store backups at DCN sites.



  1. Create a backup of a volume in the first DCN site:

    $ cinder --os-volume-api-version 3.51 backup-create --name <volume_backup> --availability-zone <az_central> <edge_volume>
    • Replace <volume_backup> with a name for the volume backup.
    • Replace <az_central> with the name of the central availability zone that hosts the cinder-backup service.
    • Replace <edge_volume> with the name of the volume that you want to back up.


      If you experience issues with Ceph keyrings, you might need to restart the cinder-backup container so that the keyrings copy from the host to the container successfully.

  2. Restore the backup to a new volume in the second DCN site:

    $ cinder --os-volume-api-version 3.51 create --availability-zone <az_2> --name <new_volume> --backup-id <volume_backup> <volume_size>
    • Replace <az_2> with the name of the availability zone where you want to restore the backup.
    • Replace <new_volume> with a name for the new volume.
    • Replace <volume_backup> with the name of the volume backup that you created in the previous step.
    • Replace <volume_size> with a value in GB equal to or greater than the size of the original volume.

A.5. Removing a DCN site

To remove an edge site, remove the stack, storage, and associated services from your Red Hat OpenStack deployment. In the following example, dcn2 is being decommissioned and removed from the DCN (distributed compute node) deployment. Adjust the commands to suit your environment.


  • You have a site available to be decommissioned that is part of a fully deployed DCN architected Red Hat OpenStack Platform cluster
  • All instances active on the edge site to be deleted must be removed.
  • All volumes active on the edge site to be deleted must be removed.


  1. If this site is provisioned with Red Hat Ceph Storage, you must first remove the glance store, Ceph configuration, and associated permissions associated with the edge location you are removing. If you have not deployed storage at the edge, you can proceed to step 2:

    1. Log in to Red Hat Openstack Platform director and source the RC credentials file for the central site:

      source /home/stack/centralrc
    2. Delete all images associated with the stack:

      glance stores-delete --store dcn2 <IMAGE>

      Replace <_IMAGE_> with the name of the image that you want to delete.

    3. Remove the stanza associated with the stack from the dcn_ceph_external.yaml file. In this example, remove the dcn2 configuration.

          - cluster: "dcn1"
            fsid: "e70c3c80-4eca-4f1a-8cbb-3e9753b401c9"
            external_cluster_mon_ips: ",,"
              - name: "client.external"
                  mgr: "allow *"
                  mon: "profile rbd"
                  osd: "profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images"
                key: "AQD4Ae9gAAAAABAAeeG5N0E3Jka7bXRDhB8CtQ=="
                mode: "0600"
            dashboard_enabled: false
                keyring: /etc/ceph/dcn1.client.external.keyring
      -   - cluster: "dcn2"
      -     fsid: "c699978c-876d-4c65-984f-2179d22244ea"
      -     external_cluster_mon_ips: ",,"
      -     keys:
      -      - name: "client.external"
      -        caps:
      -          mgr: "allow *"
      -           mon: "profile rbd"
      -           osd: "profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images"
      -         key: "AQA1Du9gAAAAABAAMOBAczLIw1SzBR7vxwYqJg=="
      -         mode: "0600"
      -     dashboard_enabled: false
      -     ceph_conf_overrides:
      -       client:
      -         keyring: /etc/ceph/dcn2.client.external.keyring
    4. Remove the stanza associated with the stack from the glance_update.yaml file. In this example, remove the dcn2 configuration.

            GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn0 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
            CephClusterName: dcn0
            GlanceBackend: rbd
            GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn1 rbd glance store'
            CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
            CephClusterName: dcn1
      -   dcn2:
      -     GlanceBackend: rbd
      -     GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn2 rbd glance store'
      -     CephClientUserName: 'openstack'
      -     CephClusterName: dcn2
    5. Delete files in /etc/ceph that relate to the site you are removing. Perform this step on each Controller node.

      source /home/stack/stackrc
      for i in $(openstack server list | awk '/controller/ {print $8}' | cut -d= -f2); do
           ssh heat-admin@${i} sudo -E \
           rm -f /etc/ceph/dcn2.conf /etc/ceph/dcn2.client.openstack.keyring
    6. Disable the cinder-volume service for the stack:

      1. Identify the cinder-volume service for the stack that you want to delete:

        source /home/stack/centralrc
        VOLUME_HOST=openstack volume service list --service cinder-volume
      2. Disable the cinder-volume service

        openstack volume service set --disable ${VOLUME_HOST} cinder-volume
      3. Remove the cinder-volume service from the cinder_api container on one of the Controller nodes at the central location:

        ssh heat-admin@CONTROLLER_IP sudo podman exec cinder_api cinder-manage service remove cinder-volume ${VOLUME_HOST}
  2. If you use OVS, clean the neutron agents for the stack that you deleted:

    1. Identify the UUIDs of the network agents:

      source /home/stack/centralrc
      openstack network agent list
    2. Use the UUIDs from the previous step to identify the network agents to delete. Run the following command for each UUID:

      openstack network agent delete $UUID

      You cannot delete OVN agents.

  3. Delete the compute services associated with the stack:

    1. Find the IDs of the compute services associated with dcn2. You can use the unique hostnames for this step. If the hostnames include the stacknames, you can use grep to list only the compute services that you want to delete:

      source /home/stack/centralrc
      openstack compute service list | grep dcn2
    2. Use the IDs shown in the first field to delete the compute services. Run the following command for each ID:

      openstack compute service delete <ID>
  4. Delete the host aggregate associated with the site:

    source /home/stack/centralrc
    openstack aggregate delete dcn2
  5. Remove the subnets for the stack that you want to delete from the /home/stack/central/network/network_data.yaml file:

      - name: Tenant
        name_lower: tenant
        vip: false  # Tenant network does not use VIPs
        vlan: 1189
        ip_subnet: ''
        allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
        gateway_ip: ''
            vlan: 1179
            ip_subnet: ''
            allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
            gateway_ip: ''
    -     tenant_leaf2:
    -       vlan: 1169
    -       ip_subnet: ''
    -       allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
    -       gateway_ip: '
  6. Delete the stack:

    source /home/stack/stackrc
    openstack overcloud delete -y dcn2
  7. Optional: Delete the bare metal nodes from the decommissioned site:

    1. List the nodes and identify those associated with the deleted stack dcn2

      source /home/stack/stackrc
      openstack baremetal node list
    2. Use the node UUIDs from the previous step to remove each node from ironic:

      openstack baremetal node delete $UUID

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