Chapter 3. Deploying collectd and rsyslog

Deploy collectd and rsyslog on the hosts to collect logs and metrics.


You do not need to repeat this procedure for new hosts. The Manager configures the hosts automatically.


  1. Log in to the Manager machine using SSH.
  2. Copy /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.example to create /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.d/config.yml:

    # cp /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.example /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.d/config.yml
  3. Edit the ovirt_env_name and elasticsearch_host parameters in config.yml and save the file. These parameters are mandatory and are documented in the file.


    If you add a Manager or an Elasticsearch installation, copy the Manager’s public key to your Metrics Store virtual machine using the following commands:

    # mytemp=$(mktemp -d)
    # cp /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine_id_rsa $mytemp
    # ssh-keygen -y -f $mytemp/engine_id_rsa > $mytemp/
    # ssh-copy-id -i $mytemp/ root@{elasticsearch_host}
    # rm -rf $mytemp
  4. Deploy collectd and rsyslog on the hosts:

    # /usr/share/ovirt-engine-metrics/setup/ansible/