Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Virtualization

Chapter 2. Installing Metrics Store


2.1. Creating the Metrics Store virtual machines

Creating the Metrics Store virtual machines involves the following steps:

  1. Configuring the Metrics Store installation with metrics-store-config.yml
  2. Creating the following Metrics Store virtual machines:

    • The Metrics Store installer, a temporary virtual machine for deploying OpenShift and services on the Metrics Store virtual machines
    • One or more Metrics Store virtual machines
  3. Verifying the Metrics Store virtual machines


  1. Log in to the Manager machine using SSH.
  2. Copy metrics-store-config.yml.example to create metrics-store-config.yml:

    # cp /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/metrics-store-config.yml.example /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.d/metrics-store-config.yml
  3. Edit the parameters in metrics-store-config.yml and save the file. The parameters are documented in the file.
  4. On the Manager machine, copy /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml.example to /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml:

    # cp /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml.example /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml
  5. Update the values of /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml to match the details of your specific environment:
  6. Encrypt the secure_vars.yaml file:

    # ansible-vault encrypt /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/secure_vars.yaml
  7. Go to the ovirt-engine-metrics directory:

    # cd /usr/share/ovirt-engine-metrics
  8. Run the ovirt-metrics-store-installation playbook to create the virtual machines:

    # ANSIBLE_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS="" ./ --playbook=ovirt-metrics-store-installation.yml --ask-vault-pass
  9. Log in to the Administration Portal.
  10. Click ComputeVirtual Machines to verify the successful creation of the metrics-store-installer virtual machine and the Metrics Store virtual machines.

2.2. Deploying OpenShift and Metrics Store services

Deploy OpenShift, Elasticsearch, Curator (for managing Elasticsearch indices and snapshots), and Kibana on the Metrics Store virtual machines.


  1. Log in to the metrics-store-installer virtual machine.
  2. Run the install_okd playbook to deploy OpenShift and Metrics Store services to the Metrics Store virtual machines:

    # ANSIBLE_CONFIG="/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/ansible.cfg" \
      ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/usr/share/ansible/roles/:/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles" \
      ansible-playbook -i integ.ini install_okd.yaml -e @vars.yaml -e @secure_vars.yaml --ask-vault-pass
  3. Verify the deployment by logging in to each Metrics Store virtual machine:

    1. Log in to the openshift-logging project:

      # oc project openshift-logging
    2. Check that the Elasticsearch, Curator, and Kibana pods are running:

      # oc get pods

      If Elasticsearch is not running, see Troubleshooting related to ElasticSearch in the OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 documentation.

    3. Check the Kibana host name and record it so that you can access the Kibana console in Chapter 4, Verifying the Metrics Store installation:

      # oc get routes

Optional Cleanup

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal.
  2. Click ComputeVirtual Machines and delete the metrics-store-installer virtual machine.

2.3. Network Configuration for Metrics Store virtual machines

Network configuration prerequisites:

  • Create a wildcard DNS record (* for the DNS zone of the Metrics Store virtual machines.
  • Add the Host names of the Metrics Store virtual machines to your DNS server.

To set a static MAC Address for the Virtual Machine (optional)

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal.
  2. Click ComputeVirtual Machines, and select the virtual machine to configure.
  3. Select the Network Interfaces tab, select a NIC, and click Edit.
  4. Select Custom MAC Address, and enter the MAC address you want to assign to this NIC.
  5. Click OK to save the configuration.
  6. Reboot the virtual machine for the change to take effect.