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Appendix E. Preparing a Local Manually-Configured PostgreSQL Database for Use with the Red Hat Virtualization Manager

Optionally configure a local PostgreSQL database on the Manager machine to use as the Manager database. By default, the Red Hat Virtualization Manager's configuration script, engine-setup, creates and configures the Manager database locally on the Manager machine. For automatic database configuration, see Section 2.3, “Configuring the Red Hat Virtualization Manager”. To configure the Manager database on a machine that is separate from the machine where the Manager is installed, see Appendix D, Preparing a Remote PostgreSQL Database .
Use this procedure to set up the Manager database with custom values. Set up this database before you configure the Manager; you must supply the database credentials during engine-setup. To set up the database, you must first install the rhevm package on the Manager machine; the postgresql-server package is installed as a dependency.


The engine-setup and engine-backup --mode=restore commands only support system error messages in the en_US.UTF8 locale, even if the system locale is different.
The locale settings in the postgresql.conf file must be set to en_US.UTF8.


The database name must contain only numbers, underscores, and lowercase letters.

Procedure E.1. Preparing a Local Manually-Configured PostgreSQL Database for use with the Red Hat Virtualization Manager

  1. Initialize the PostgreSQL database, start the postgresql service, and ensure that this service starts on boot:
    # su -l postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --locale=en_US.UTF8 --auth='ident' --pgdata=/var/lib/pgsql/data/"
    # systemctl start postgresql.service
    # systemctl enable postgresql.service
  2. Connect to the psql command line interface as the postgres user:
    # su - postgres
    $ psql
  3. Create a user for the Manager to use when it writes to and reads from the database. The default user name on the Manager is engine:
    postgres=# create role user_name with login encrypted password 'password';
  4. Create a database in which to store data about the Red Hat Virtualization environment. The default database name on the Manager is engine:
    postgres=# create database database_name owner user_name template template0 encoding 'UTF8' lc_collate 'en_US.UTF-8' lc_ctype 'en_US.UTF-8';
  5. Connect to the new database and add the plpgsql language:
    postgres=# \c database_name
    database_name=# CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  6. Ensure the database can be accessed remotely by enabling md5 client authentication. Edit the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file, and add the following line immediately underneath the line starting with local at the bottom of the file:
    host    [database name]    [user name]  md5
    host    [database name]    [user name]    ::0/0      md5
  7. Restart the postgresql service:
    # systemctl restart postgresql.service
Optionally, set up SSL to secure database connections using the instructions at