Appendix F. Upgrading Red Hat Update Infrastructure


If you only want to apply errata for Red Hat Enterprise Linux before applying errata for RHUI, run the following command:

# yum --disablerepo=rhel-7-server-rhui-3-rpms update

Red Hat recommends you keep your installation up to date at all times by watching for RHUI updates and applying them when they are released. Only the latest RHUI 3.1.x version is always supported; no backports are provided for earlier versions. Red Hat strongly encourages users who are still running RHUI 3.0 to update to the latest version at their earliest convenience.


If you do not know which RHUI version is installed, check the version of the rh-rhui-tools package on the RHUA node. In the following example, the installed RHUI version is 3.1.3.

# rpm -q rh-rhui-tools

F.1. Upgrading the RHUA node

Perform the following steps on the RHUA node:

  1. Verify which packages are being updated.

    # yum check-update
  2. Update the packages.

    # yum -y update

    Some RHUI updates for the RHUA node contain a newer version of pulp or its plug-ins. If so, and you are updating from RHUI 3.0.x or from 3.1.2 and earlier, perform these steps after applying the update.

  3. Make sure pulp services are stopped.

    # systemctl stop pulp\*
  4. Perform database migrations.

    # sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db

    Migrations may take several minutes to complete, depending on the number of repositories and packages you have in your RHUI.

    Monitor the output from the migrations. If you have RHEL 8 repositories in your RHUI, you may need to republish some of them. If so, follow any instructions you may see in the output.

  5. Restart RHUI services.

    # rhui-services-restart
  6. Reapply the configuration to your CDS nodes:

    • Run rhui-manager, enter c, enter r, and select one host name at a time.
    • Alternatively, on the command line, for all your CDS host names, run the following command:
    # rhui cds reinstall <HOSTNAME>

If no newer version of pulp or its plug-in is involved in the update, the post-update steps are not needed.

F.1.1. Upgrading CDS nodes

Perform the following steps on the CDS nodes:

  1. Check which packages are being updated.

    # yum check-update
  2. Some RHUI updates for CDS nodes contain a newer version of pulp or its plugins, or an update of the rhui-oid-validator package. If that is the case (you are updating from RHUI 3.0.x or from 3.1.1 and earlier) then, before applying RHUI updates, be sure to remount the shared file system, typically mounted at /var/lib/rhui/remote_share, read-write. This allows the pulp packages to update on the CDS nodes.

    The way you remount the file system depends on the underlying technology.

    • If you are using Glusterfs, temporarily unmount the file system and then mount it read-write.

      # umount /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
      # mount -o rw /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
    • If using NFS, you can remount the file system in one step.

      # mount -o remount,rw /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
  3. Update the packages.

    # yum -y update
  4. Remount the shared file system, read-only.

    • If using Glusterfs, run the following commands:

      # umount /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
      # mount /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
    • If using NFS, run the following command:

      # mount -o remount,ro /var/lib/rhui/remote_share
  5. Restart RHUI services.

    # rhui-services-restart

    If no newer pulp or rhui-oid-validator version is involved in the update, you do not need to perform the pre0update step (Step 2) or the post-update steps (Steps 4 and 5).

F.1.2. Upgrading the HAProxy node

Red Hat Update Infrastructure updates do not affect the HAProxy node. To keep the HAProxy node up to date, you need only ensure that all applicable RHEL 7 updates have been applied.

F.1.3. Configuring New Red Hat Update Infrastructure Features

The following Red Hat Update Infrastructure features, introduced in Version 3.0.0, require manual configuration.

F.1.3.1. Entitlement Certificate Refresh

Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.0.3 introduced a service that can continuously monitor the CDN certificate. When a new certificate is generated in the CDN, this service replaces the old certificate with the new one, allowing Red Hat Update Infrastructure to keep synchronizing repositories.

To enable this feature, follow the instructions in these chapters if you have not done so already:


Make sure the rhsmcertd service is running and enabled.

F.1.3.2. Container Registry Credentials

With Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.3 and later, the default container registry is You can override this default registry URL to add to Red Hat Update Infrastructure containers hosted at any other registries.


Some registries, including, require a login and password. You can save this data in the RHUI configuration or supply it when prompted. Both options are described in Section 14.6.2, “Add a container to Red Hat Update Infrastructure”.

F.1.3.3. Additional packages

See Section 6.9, “Install additional packages” for a comprehensive list of packages that extend basic RHUI features.