Chapter 4. Register Red Hat Update Infrastructure and Attach Subscriptions

4.1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the Red Hat Update Appliance (RHUA), each content delivery server (CDS), and on the HAProxy load balancer if you are using it. See the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Installation Guide for installation details.
  2. Attach an appropriate subscription to each node. See Chapter 6 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide for subscription details.

4.2. Register Red Hat Update Infrastructure

  1. Register the system that you are going to use as the RHUA instance.

    [root@rhua ~]# subscription-manager register --type=rhui --username <admin-example> --password <secret>
    Registering to:
    The system has been registered with ID: <a12b34c5-6d78-9ef1-2345-ghi678jk91l2m>

    If you are using an existing system as the RHUA and the RHUA has an attached subscription, you will see This system is already registered. Use --force to override when you try to register it using # subscription-manager register --type=rhui. You can override the subscription by adding --force to the command line argument. Another option is to unregister the system (# subscription-manager unregister) and register it again (# subscription-manager register --type=rhui).

  2. Register each CDS node that will be used unless existing, external, already registered systems are used.

    [root@cds1 ~]# subscription-manager register --type=rhui --username <admin-example> --password <secret>
    Registering to:
    The system has been registered with ID: <a12b34c5-6d78-9ef1-2345-ghi678jk91l2m>
  3. Register each HAProxy node that will be used unless existing, external, already registered systems are used.

    [root@haproxy1 ~]# subscription-manager register --type=rhui --username <admin-example> --password <secret>
    Registering to:
    The system has been registered with ID: <a12b34c5-6d78-9ef1-2345-ghi678jk91l2m>

    The new system will be available on the Customer Portal, and the new RHUA instance will not have any subscriptions applied to it.

4.3. Attach a Subscription to the Red Hat Update Appliance

  1. Check for available subscriptions to add to the RHUA.

    [root@rhua ~]# subscription-manager list --available
        Available Subscriptions
    Subscription Name:   Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host for Certified Cloud
                         and Service Providers (via Red Hat Update Infrastructure)
    Provides:            Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host Beta from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host from RHUI
    SKU:                 RH00731
    Contract:            11312089
    Pool ID:             8a85f9815a6c4c9d015a6c6acb373ed9
    Provides Management: No
    Available:           19
    Suggested:           1
    Service Level:       Premium
    Service Type:        L1-L3
    Subscription Type:   Standard
    Ends:                02/22/2018
    System Type:         Physical
    Subscription Name:   Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for
    Provides:            dotNET on RHEL (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI
                         Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Scalable File System (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Update Support
                         from RHUI
                         dotNET on RHEL Beta (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Hana from RHUI
                         RHEL Software Test Suite (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Update Infrastructure
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer (for RHEL Server)
                         from RHUI
    SKU:                 RC1116415
    Contract:            11314314
    Pool ID:             8a85f9815a71f0bd015a72445adf0223
    Provides Management: No
    Available:           20
    Suggested:           1
    Service Level:       Premium
    Service Type:        L1-L3
    Subscription Type:   Standard
    Ends:                02/23/2018
    System Type:         Physical
  2. Use the Pool ID for your subscription to attach the subscription. Because there are two SKUs and two subscription names, you need to run subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool ID> for each <Pool ID>.

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool ID>
    Successfully attached a subscription for: <Subscription_Name>
    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool ID>
    Successfully attached a subscription for: <Subscription_Name>

4.4. Attach a Subscription to the CDS Nodes

  1. Check for available subscriptions that you can add to the CDS nodes.

    [root@<cds1> ~]# subscription-manager list --available
        Available Subscriptions
    Subscription Name:   <Your_Subscription_Name>
  2. Use the Pool ID of Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers subscription. This subscription provides access to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Gluster Storage.

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool_ID>
    Successfully attached a subscription for: Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers

4.5. Attach a Subscription to the HAProxy Nodes

  1. Check for available subscriptions that you can add to the HAProxy nodes.

    [root@<haproxy1> ~]# subscription-manager list --available
        Available Subscriptions
    Subscription Name:   <Your_Subscription_Name>
  2. Use the Pool ID of Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers subscription. This subscription provides access to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and HAProxy.

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool_ID>
    Successfully attached a subscription for: Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers

4.6. Enable the Required Repositories


The rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms repository is the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux repository and should provide the necessary packages. The rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms is the same as the rhel-7-server-rpms repository and is used automatically when you register the system with --type=rhui.

The same concept holds true for the relevant Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 repositories.

The RHUA and CDS nodes require Red Hat Enterprise Linux installations with the base packages and with all repositories disabled except for rhel-7-server-rpms (or rhel-6-server-rpms for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6). This requirement also means any third-party configurations or software that is not directly necessary for the direct operation of the server cannot be installed. This restriction includes hardening or other non-Red Hat security software.

  1. List the enabled repositories to verify that your system is correctly subscribed.

    # yum repolist enabled
    Loaded plugins: search-disabled-repos
    repo id                                           repo name                                                        status
    !local-rhui3                                      local-rhui3                                                         101
    !rhui-REGION-client-config-server-7/x86_64        Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.0 Client Configuration Server 7       6
    !rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases/7Server/x86_64  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (RPMs)                         13,578
    !rhui-REGION-rhel-server-rh-common/7Server/x86_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 RH Common (RPMs)                  209
    repolist: 13,894
  2. Disable all repositories for the RHUA and enable the relevant repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<rhua> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms
    [root@<rhua> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager
    repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms
  3. Enable the RHUI 3 repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<rhua> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-3-rpms
    [root@<rhua> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-3-rpms
  4. Disable all repositories for the CDS nodes and enable the relevant repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<cds$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms --enable=rh-gluster-3-for-rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms
    [root@<cds$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms --enable=rhs-3-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms
  5. Enable the RHUI 3 repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<cds$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-3-rpms
    [root@<cds$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-3-rpms
  6. Disable all repositories for the HAProxy nodes and enable the relevant repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<haproxy$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-rpms
    [root@<haproxy$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=*; subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms --enable=rhel-lb-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms
  7. Enable the RHUI 3 repository. Use the first command for RHEL 7 and the second command for RHEL 6.

    [root@<haproxy$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhui-3-rpms
    [root@<haproxy$> ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhui-3-rpms

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