Chapter 10. Client Entitlement Certificate and Client Configuration RPM

10.1. Create an Entitlement Certificate

  1. On the RHUA, log in to the Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool.

    [root@rhua ~]# rhui-manager
  2. In the Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool home screen, press e to select create entitlement certificates and client configuration RPMs.

                 -= Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool =-
    -= Home =-
       r   manage repositories
       c   manage content delivery servers (CDS)
       l   manage HAProxy load-balancer instances
       s   synchronization status and scheduling
       e   create entitlement certificates and client configuration RPMs
       n   manage Red Hat entitlement certificates
       sm  manage Red Hat subscriptions
       u   manage RHUI users
  3. Press e to select generate an entitlement certificate.

            	-= Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool =-
    -= Client Entitlement Management =-
    e   generate an entitlement certificate
    c   create a client configuration RPM from an entitlement certificate
    rhui (client) => e
  4. Select which repositories to include in the entitlement certificate by typing the number of the repository at the prompt. Typing the number of a repository places a checkmark next to the name of that repository. Continue until all repositories you want to add have been checked.


    Include only repositories for a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux version in a single entitlement. Adding repositories for multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions will lead to an unusable yum configuration file.

  5. Press c at the prompt to confirm.
  6. Enter a name for the certificate. This name helps identify the certificate within the Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool and to generate the name of the certificate and key files.

    Name of the certificate. This will be used as the name of the certificate file
    (name.crt) and its associated private key (name.key). Choose something that will
    help identify the products contained with it:
  7. Enter a path to save the certificate to. Leave the field blank to save it to the current working directory.
  8. Enter the number of days the certificate should be valid for. Leave the field blank for 365 days. The details of the repositories to be included in the certificate display.
  9. Press y at the prompt to confirm the information and create the entitlement certificate.

    Repositories to be included in the entitlement certificate:
    Red Hat Repositories
    	Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP (RHEL 6 Server) (RPMs) from RHUI
    Proceed? (y/n) y
    Entitlement certificate created at /root/clientcert/rhuiclientexample.crt

10.2. Create a Client Configuration RPM

  1. From the Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool home screen, press e to select create entitlement certificates and client configuration RPMs.

                 -= Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool =-
    -= Home =-
       r   manage repositories
       c   manage content delivery servers (CDS)
       l   manage HAProxy load-balancer instances
       s   synchronization status and scheduling
       e   create entitlement certificates and client configuration RPMs
       n   manage Red Hat entitlement certificates
       sm  manage Red Hat subscriptions
       u   manage RHUI users
  2. Press c to select create a client configuration RPM from an entitlement certificate.
  3. Enter the full path of a local directory to save the configuration files to.

    Full path to local directory in which the client configuration files generated by this tool
    should be stored (if this directory does not exist, it will be created):
  4. Enter the RPM’s name.

  5. Enter the version of the configuration RPM. The default version is 2.0.
  6. Enter the full path to the entitlement certificate authorizing the client to access specific channels.

    Full path to the entitlement certificate authorizing the client to access
    specific channels:
  7. Enter the full path to the private key for the entitlement certificate.

    Full path to the private key for the above entitlement certificate:
  8. Enter the port to serve Docker content on. Port 5000 is the default.

    Port to serve Docker content on (default 5000):
  9. Select any unprotected custom repositories to be included in the client configuration.

    - 1 : unprotected_repo1
  10. Press c to confirm selections or ? for more commands.

    Successfully created client configuration RPM.
    Location: /tmp/clientrpmtest-2.0/build/RPMS/noarch/clientrpmtest-2.0-1.noarch.rpm

10.3. Install a Client RPM

  1. Copy the RPM to the client machine and install it using yum.

    [client1 ~]# yum localinstall <rpm>
  2. Verify the RPM has been installed.

    [client1 ~]# yum list <rpm>

    The rhn-plugin and subscription-manager plugin will be disabled in yum after the client RPM has been installed.

  3. View yum repositories to ensure the repository was added and packages are available for installing.

    [client1 ~]# yum repolist
    Loaded plugins: search-disabled-repos, security
    rhui-rhel-sap-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms                | 2.0 kB     00:00
    rhui-rhel-sap-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms/primary        |  26 kB     00:00
    rhui-rhel-sap-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms                                 77/77
    repo id                                   repo name                       status
    rhui-rhel-sap-for-rhel-6-server-rhui-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SA 77
    repolist: 77
  4. Install a package from that repository.

    [client1 ~]# yum install compat-locales-sap

10.4. Working with the EUS Channel

By default, clients are set to take content from the main release channel, for example, 7Server or 6Server. If you have synchronized the EUS channel, you need to set the concrete version of the release. After installing the client RPM, the client machine has the rhui-set-release tool available.

  1. To set the yum releasever variable to version, which creates the /etc/yum/vars/releasever file, which in turn makes yum use EUS repositories with this particular version, run the following command.

    rhui-set-release --set <version>
  2. To unset the releasever variable (to remove the file), run the following command.

    rhui-set-release --unset
  3. To print the currently set version, run the following command.


If there is no output, it means no particular version is set.

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