2.3. Package Installation

This section only outlines the package installation procedure for the Red Hat Update Appliance Server and the Content Delivery Server (CDS). Configuration is performed using the Red Hat Update Infrastructure Installer, as described in Chapter 3, Red Hat Update Infrastructure Installer.
Red Hat Update Appliance Server and CDS instances require Red Hat Enterprise Linux installations with the base packages with all repositories disabled except for rhel-6-server-rpms. This requirement also means any third-party configurations or software that is not directly necessary for the direct operation of the server cannot be installed. This restriction includes hardening or other non-Red Hat security software.
The Red Hat Update Appliance Server and CDS instances must be installed on separate machines. You must have the Red Hat Update Infrastructure ISO and an appropriate content certificate, provided by Red Hat, in order to install Red Hat Update Infrastructure. Ensure the ISO is accessible from all machines and networks that will need to be connected to Red Hat Update Infrastructure. Instructions for downloading a content certificate are in Section 2.2, “Downloading Entitlements”.


Refer to README file for release notes and recent changes before starting Red Hat Update Infrastructure setup.

Procedure 2.2. Installing the Red Hat Update Infrastructure packages on the Red Hat Update Appliance Server

  1. Download the ISO from the Customer Portal.
  2. Change the hostname of the Red Hat Update Appliance Server and all CDS instances to a resolvable fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
    Change the hostname in your current session:
    # hostname new_hostname
    To make the hostname change persistent, edit /etc/sysconfig/network using your preferred text editor:


    If the hostname is unset and its value is reported as localhost.localdomain or localhost, you will not be able to proceed. In this guide, the example hostname for Red Hat Update Appliance is rhua.example.com, and the example hostname for the first CDS instance is cds01.example.com.
  3. Mount the ISO:
    # mkdir -p /mnt/example
    # mount -o loop <ISO> /mnt/example
  4. Change directory to /mnt/example.
    # cd /mnt/example
  5. On the Red Hat Update Appliance Server, run install_RHUA.sh to install Red Hat Update Appliance packages.
    # ./install_RHUA.sh

Procedure 2.3. Installing the Red Hat Update Infrastructure packages on the Content Delivery Server (CDS)

  1. On the CDS instance, follow steps 1 to 4 in the previous procedure.
  2. Run the following commands to register the system to Red Hat Subscription Manager and give the system a basic Red Hat Enterprise Linux entitlement.
    1. Register the system to Red Hat Subscription Manager:
      # subscription-manager register
    2. Attach the system:
      # subscription-manager attach --auto
    3. Disable all existing repositories:
      # subscription-manager repos --disable=*
    4. Enable the Red Hat Enterprise Linux repository:
      # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rpms
  3. Run install_CDS.sh to install CDS packages.
    # ./install_CDS.sh