Appendix A. Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.1 API Reference

Red Hat Update Infrastructure makes use of an open source project called Pulp for its web service components. A portion of the Pulp API's has been officially documented here as supported by Red Hat Update Infrastructure API's.

A.1. Repositories

A.1.1. Repo Object Fields

  • id <str> repository identifier
  • source <RepoSource object> upstream content source
  • name <str> human-friendly name
  • arch <str> hardware architecture that repository is for
  • release <str> release number
  • packages <list of str> list of package ids in the repository [deferred field]
  • package_count <int> number of packages in the repository
  • packagegroups <object> map of package group names to list of package ids in the group [deferred field]
  • packagegroupcategories <object> map of categories to lists of package group names [deferred field]
  • repomd_xml_path <str> path to the repository's repomd xml file
  • group_xml_path <str> path to the repository's group xml file
  • group_gz_xml_path <str> path to the repository's compressed group xml file
  • sync_schedule <iso8601> formatted recurring interval
  • last_sync <str or nil> date and time of last successful sync in iso8601 format, nil if has not been synced
  • feed_ca <str> full path on the Pulp server to the certificate authority used to verify SSL connections to the repo's feed
  • feed_cert <str> full path on the Pulp server to the certificate used to authenticate Pulp with the repo's feed server when synchronizing content
  • feed_key <str> full path on the Pulp server to the private key for the feed certificate
  • consumer_ca <str> full path on the Pulp server to the certificate authority used to verify consumer entitlement certificates
  • consumer_cert <str> full path on the Pulp server to the entitlement certificate that will be given to bound consumers to authenticate access to the repository
  • consumer_key <str> full path on the Pulp server to the private key for the consumer's entitlement certificate
  • errata <object> map of errata names to lists of package ids in each errata [deferred field]
  • groupid <list of str> list of repository group ids this repository belongs to
  • relative_path <str> repository's path relative to the configured root
  • files <list of str> list of ids of the non-package files in the repository [deferred field]
  • publish <bool> whether or not the repository is available
  • clone_ids <list of str> list of repository ids that are clones of this repository
  • distributionid <list of str> list of distribution ids this repository belongs to [deferred fields]
  • checksum_type <str> name of the algorithm used for checksums of the repository's content for feedless repos; For feed repos, this gets overwritten by source checksum type from repomd.xml.
  • filters <list of str> list of filter ids associated with the repository
  • content_types <str> content type allowed in this repository; default:yum; supported: [yum, file]
  • notes <dict> custom key-value attributes for this repository

A.1.2. RepoSource Object Fields

  • supported_types <list of str> list of supported types of repositories
  • type <str> repository source type
  • url <str> repository source url

A.1.3. Task Object Fields

  • id <str> unique id (usually a uuid) for the task
  • method_name <str> name of the pulp library method that was called
  • state <str> one of several valid states of the tasks lifetime: waiting, running, finished, error, timed_out, canceled, reset, suspended
  • start_time <str or nil> time the task started running in iso8601 format, nil if the task has not yet started
  • finish_time <or nil> time the task finished running in iso8601 format, nil if the task has not yet finished
  • result <object or nil>> the result of the pulp library method upon return, usually nil
  • exception <str or ni> a string representation of an error in the pulp library call, if any
  • traceback <str or nil> a string print out of the trace back for the exception, if any
  • progress <object or nil> object representing the pulp library call's progress, nil if no information is available
  • scheduled_time <str or nil> time the task is scheduled to run in iso8601 format, applicable only for scheduled tasks

A.1.4. Progress Object Fields

  • step <str> name of the step the pulp library call is on
  • items_total <int> the total number of items to be processed by the call
  • items_left <int> the remaining number of items to be processed by the call
  • details <object> object providing further details on the progress

A.1.5. Details Object Fields

  • num_success <int> the number of items successfully processed
  • total_count <int> the number of items that were attempted to be processed

A.1.6. TaskHistory Object Fields

  • id <str> uuid of task
  • class_name <str> name of the task was a instance method
  • method_name <str> name of the task callable
  • args <list> name of the task was a instance method
  • kwargs <dict> dictionary of arguments passed to the task callable
  • state <str> final state of the task
  • progress <object> Progress object for the progress at the end of the task
  • result <object> result returned by the task, most likely null
  • exception <str> error, if one occurred
  • traceback <str> traceback if error occurred
  • consecutive_failures <int> number of failures since last success
  • scheduled_time <str> iso8601 combined date time when task was scheduler to run
  • start_time <str> iso8601 combined date time when task actually ran
  • finished_time <str> iso8601 combined date time when task completed