Chapter 4. RHUI Manager

RHUI Manager is used to interact with Red Hat Update Infrastructure. It allows you to manage CDS instances, repositories, certificates, and users.

4.1. RHUI Manager First Launch

Start RHUI Manager by running the rhui-manager command from the command prompt. Depending on your local setup, this operation might need to be performed as the root user in order to obtain the necessary permissions:
# rhui-manager
When RHUI Manager is run for the first time, it will prompt for some extra information before it will start:
  1. The entitlement-signing CA certificate and its private key.
  2. A password for the entitlement-signing CA certificate, if it requires one. RHUI Manager will generate an identity certificate using the entitlement signing CA certificate. If the CA private key requires a password, then you will need to enter that information.
    You will also be asked to enter the number of days that the identity certificate is valid for. The system will default to 3650 days (ten years). Once an identity certificate has expired, it will need to be regenerated. This procedure is detailed in Chapter 9, Identity Certificates.
  3. Log in using the default name admin, and the default password admin:
    --> rhui-manager 
    Previous authentication credentials could not be found. Logging into
    the RHUI.
    If this is the first time using the RHUI, it is recommended to change
    the user's password in the User Management section of RHUI Tools.
    RHUI Username: admin
    RHUI Password:
    The Home screen will be displayed after the password has been entered.
    This login is used for the initial connection to the RHUA. After the first login, a certificate is stored at ~/.rhui that identifies the user with the RHUA for all future calls and prevents you from having to log in each time. RHUI Manager will store authentication credentials for one week. Once authentication details have expired, all communications will fail until they have been refreshed. If you are using Red Hat Update Infrastructure when the credentials expire, you will be prompted to renew them the next time they are required for an operation. Otherwise, you will be asked to log in again next time you start RHUI Manager.


    Ensure you change the default password for the RHUA before you begin using the system. For details on how to do this, see Chapter 11, Users,
  4. You will require a Red Hat content certificate and private key in order to access repositories with RHUI Manager. Each product requires its own content certificate, which is provided by Red Hat. Once you have run RHUI Manager for the first time, upload a new content certificate for each product you require by following the directions in Procedure 8.3, “Upload Content Certificate”.
    Content certificates are installed to /etc/pki/rhui. This means that you will require write permission to /etc/pki/rhui to be able to install a new content certificate.

Example 4.1. Running RHUI Manager for the first time

This example shows the information that RHUI Manager requests when being run for the first time. This information must be provided before RHUI Manager can operate.
# rhui-manager
An entitlement signing CA certificate is required to use RHUI Tools
but was not found.

Full path to the new signing CA certificate:

Full path to the new signing CA certificate private key:

Generating entitlement certificate serial number database file
A RHUI identity certificate is required to use RHUI Tools but was not found.
A new identity certificate will be generated now using the CA certificate
found at /etc/pki/rhui/entitlement-ca.crt.

Enter the number of days the RHUI identity certificate will be valid.  
If the identity certificate ever expires, it will need to be 
regenerated using rhui-manager [Default: 3650]: 
Previous authentication credentials could not be found. Logging into
the RHUI.

If this is the first time using the RHUI, it is recommended to change
the user's password in the User Management section of RHUI Tools.

RHUI Username: admin
RHUI Password:

                           -= Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool =-

-= Home =-

   r manage repositories
   c manage content delivery servers (CDS)
   s synchronization status and scheduling
   e create entitlement certificates and client configuration RPMs
   n manage Red Hat entitlement certificates
   i manage identity certificate
   u manage users

      removes stored authentication credentials and exits
      move to the previous screen
   ^, home
      move to the home screen
   /, clear
      clears the screen
   ?, help
      display help
   q, quit, exit

rhui (home) =>