Chapter 8. Managing Entitlement Certificates

The Entitlements Manager screen is used to list entitled products in the current Red Hat content certificates and upload new certificates.
To access the Entitlements Manager screen, go to the Home screen and type n at the prompt:
rhui (entitlements) => n
             -= Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool =-

-= Entitlements Manager =-

   l   list Red Hat content certificate entitlements
   c   list custom repository entitlements
   u   upload a new or updated Red Hat content certificate

rhui (entitlements) =>

Procedure 8.1. List Certificate Information

  • From the Entitlements Manager screen, type l at the prompt to list data about the current content certificate.
    RHUI Manager will give the following information about the certificate:

    Table 8.1. Certificate Information

    Value Description
    Not Before The start date of the certificate. The certificate is only valid after this date.
    Not After The expiry date of the certificate
    Serial Number The serial number of the certificate
    Entitlements The entitlements the certificate grants
    rhui (entitlements) => l
    Red Hat Entitlements
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (RPMs)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (SRPMS)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 Releases (RPMs)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 Releases (SRPMS)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 Updates (RPMs)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 Updates (SRPMS)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Update Infrastructure 1.2 (RPMs)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Update Infrastructure 1.2 (SRPMS)
        Expiration: 01-31-2012     Certificate: big-content-cert.pem
        Red Hat Update Infrastructure 1.1 (RPMs)
        Expiration: 06-25-2011     Certificate: content-cert.pem
    rhui (entitlements) =>

Procedure 8.2. List Custom Repository Entitlements

  • From the Entitlements Manager screen, type c at the prompt to list data about the custom repository entitlements.
    rhui (entitlements) => c
    Custom Repository Entitlements
      For each entitlement URL listed, the corresponding repositories
      that are configured with that entitlement are listed.
        - Name: Repo 1
          URL:  protected/i386/os
        - Name: Repo 2
          URL:  protected/x86_64/os
    rhui (entitlements) =>

Procedure 8.3. Upload Content Certificate

Red Hat might need to issue a new content certificate if your old content certificate is about to expire, or to change the entitlements of the certificate. If Red Hat issues a new content certificate, it will need to be uploaded to RHUI.


When you upload a new content certificate, it will also be updated in the RHUA, and will be used for synchronizing Red Hat repositories. For this reason, do not upload a new content certificate before it becomes valid, as it will cause your synchronizations to fail until the valid date is reached.


If two or more content certificates provide the same entitlements, the certificate with an expiration date furthest in the future will be used.
RHUI Manager expects that both the content certificate and its private key will be contained in the same file. If you have existing content certificates with separate keys, you can create the single file using the cat command at a shell prompt:
$ cat content.crt content.key > content-2.0.pem
  1. From the Entitlements Manager screen, type u at the prompt to upload a new content certificate:
    rhui (entitlements) => u


    Content certificates are stored on the same system RHUI Manager is installed on, at /etc/pki/rhui. For security reasons, this directory requires root permissions. If you do not have the correct permissions, RHUI Manager will not allow you to proceed:
    rhui (entitlements) => u
    The current user does not have write privileges to update the
    content cert at /etc/pki/rhui/content-cert.crt.
    rhui (entitlements) =>
  2. Enter the full path to the new content certificate:
    Full path to the new content certificate:
  3. The details of the new certificate to be uploaded will be displayed. Type y at the prompt to confirm the information and upload the packages. RHUI Manager will then list the current certificates:
    The RHUI will be updated with the following certificate:
    Proceed? (y/n) y
    Red Hat Entitlements
      RHEL 5
      Expiration: 06-06-2012     Certificate: cert-2.pem
      RHUI 1.1
      Expiration: 06-07-2012     Certificate: cert-1.pem
      RHUI 1.2
      Expiration: 06-07-2012     Certificate: cert-1.pem
    rhui (entitlements) =>