Chapter 6. Known Issues

  • ENTSBT-912: Examples applications not supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.x

    The Spring Boot runtime provides example applications, which are accessed on Developer Launcher. These example applications are not supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.x.

  • Red Hat AMQ Streams images are not available for IBM Z

    The Red Hat AMQ Streams Operator and Kafka images are not available for IBM Z. Since the images are not available, the starter vertx-spring-boot-starter-kafka is not certified to work with AMQ Streams on IBM Z.

  • SB-379: Missing APR/native library in the openshift-openjdk image
  • SB-1165: Database application fails to run because org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource can not be found
  • ENTSBT-365 Keycloak Client Starter: PKIX path building does not work without setting the keycloak.disable-trust-manager=true property
  • ENTSBT-366 Infinispan Hotrod Client Starter: org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException:: ISPN004034: Unable to unmarshall bytes when the<your_class_name> property is not set in
  • ENTSBT-367 Remote communication between Red Hat Spring Boot 2.2.11 with Infinispan/Red Hat Data Grid 7.3 does not work without setting the infinispan.remote.protocol-version=2.6 property.