Chapter 2. Configuring your application to use Spring Boot

Reference the Spring Boot BOM (Bill of Materials) artifact in the pom.xml file at the root directory of your application.


  • A Maven-based application


  1. Open the pom.xml file, add the me.snowdrop:spring-boot-bom artifact to the <dependencyManagement> section, and specify the <type>pom</type> and <scope>import</scope>:

  2. Include the following properties to track the version of Spring Boot and the Spring Boot Maven Plugin you are using:

  3. Specify the repositories containing Spring Boot Starters and the Spring Boot Maven Plugin:

      <!-- Specify the repositories containing Spring Boot artifacts. -->
          <name>Red Hat GA Repository</name>
      <!-- Specify the repositories containing the plugins used to execute the build of your application. -->
          <name>Red Hat GA Repository</name>
  4. Reference spring-boot-maven-plugin as the plugin used to package your application:


Additional resources