Chapter 4. Content Life Cycles

Table 4.1. Content Life Cycles

SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create a life cycle environment:

hammer lifecycle-environment create \
--name env_name
--description env_desc
--prior prior_env_name

List life cycle environments:

hammer lifecycle-environment list


Create a content view:

hammer content-view create \
--name cv_n \
--repository-ids repo_ID1,... \
--description cv_description

Add repositories to a content view:

hammer content-view add-repository \
--name cv_n \
--repository-id repo_ID

Add Puppet modules to a content view:

hammer content-view puppet-module add \
--content-view cv_n \
--name module_name

Publishing a content view:

hammer content-view publish \
--id cv_ID

Promoting a content view:

hammer content-view version promote \
--content-view cv_n \
--to-lifecycle-environment env_name

Incremental update of a content view:

hammer content-view version incremental-update \
--content-view-version-id cv_ID \
--packages pkg_n1,... \
--lifecycle-environment-ids env_ID1,...