Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Satellite

4.2.2. Using Apipie Bindings

Apipie bindings are the Ruby bindings for apipie documented APIs, they fetch and cache the API definition from Satellite and then generate API calls on demand. Using apipie bindings enables you to make simpler Ruby API queries. Apipie is usually pronounced "appy-pie", to rhyme with "happy" without the h.
The following example creates a new organization, and then creates three environments in the new organization. If the organization already exists, the script uses that organization. If any of the environments already exist in the organization, the script raises an error and quits.

require 'apipie-bindings'

org_name = "MyOrg"
environments = [ "Development", "Testing", "Production" ]

# Create an instance of apipie bindings
@api ={
  :uri => '',
  :username => 'admin',
  :password => 'changeme',
  :api_version => 2

# Performs an API call with default options
def call_api(resource_name, action_name, params = {})
  http_headers = {}
  apipie_options = { :skip_validation => true }
  @api.resource(resource_name).call(action_name, params, http_headers, apipie_options)

# Creates a hash with IDs mapping to names for an array of records
def id_name_map(records)
  records.inject({}) do |map, record|
    map.update(record['id'] => record['name'])

# Get list of existing organizations
orgs = call_api(:organizations, :index)
org_list = id_name_map(orgs['results'])

if !org_list.has_value?(org_name)
  # If our organization is not found, create it
  puts "Creating organization: \t#{org_name}"
  org_id = call_api(:organizations, :create, {'organization' => { :name => org_name }})['id']
  # Our organization exists, so let's grab it
  org_id = org_list.key(org_name)
  puts "Organization \"#{org_name}\" exists"

# Get list of organization's life cycle environments
envs = call_api(:lifecycle_environments, :index, {'organization_id' => org_id})
env_list = id_name_map(envs['results'])
prior_env_id = env_list.key("Library")

# Exit the script if at least one life cycle environment already exists
environments.each do |e|
  if env_list.has_value?(e)
    puts "ERROR: One of the Environments is not unique to organization"

 # Create life cycle environments
environments.each do |environment|
  puts "Creating environment: \t#{environment}"
  prior_env_id = call_api(:lifecycle_environments, :create, {"name" => environment, "organization_id" => org_id, "prior_id" => prior_env_id })['id']