Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Satellite

Chapter 17. Command Line Reference

hammer is the CLI management tool for Red Hat Satellite functionality. It can:
  • Provision hosts.
  • Edit the attributes of a resource or group.
  • Interact and manipulate hosts, capsules and domains.
hammer can be executed on the command line through its parameters and options or through the interactive shell. To invoke the shell:
[ ~]# hammer shell
Welcome to the hammer interactive shell
Type 'help' for usage information
Command completion is disabled on ruby < 1.9 due to compatibility problems.
hammer> organization list
ID | NAME             | LABEL            | DESCRIPTION
1  | ACME_Corporation | ACME_Corporation | ACME_Corporation Organization
3  | Test Corp        | Test_Corp        |

The full list of options and subcommands are available in the help file:
# hammer -h