Chapter 9. Clair in disconnected environments

Clair uses a set of components called updaters to handle the fetching and parsing of data from various vulnerability databases. Updaters are set up by default to pull vulnerability data directly from the internet and work for immediate use. However, some users might require Red Hat Quay to run in a disconnected environment, or an environment without direct access to the internet. Clair supports disconnected environments by working with different types of update workflows that take network isolation into consideration. This works by using the clairctl command line interface tool, which obtains updater data from the internet by using an open host, securely transferring the data to an isolated host, and then important the updater data on the isolated host into Clair.

Use this guide to deploy Clair in a disconnected environment.


Currently, Clair enrichment data is CVSS data. Enrichment data is currently unsupported in disconnected environments.

For more information about Clair updaters, see "Clair updaters".

9.1. Setting up Clair in a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedures to set up an OpenShift Container Platform provisioned Clair pod in a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

9.1.1. Installing the clairctl command line utility tool for OpenShift Container Platform deployments

Use the following procedure to install the clairctl CLI tool for OpenShift Container Platform deployments.


  1. Install the clairctl program for a Clair deployment in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n quay-enterprise exec example-registry-clair-app-64dd48f866-6ptgw -- cat /usr/bin/clairctl > clairctl

    Unofficially, the clairctl tool can be downloaded

  2. Set the permissions of the clairctl file so that it can be executed and run by the user, for example:

    $ chmod u+x ./clairctl

9.1.2. Retrieving and decoding the Clair configuration secret for Clair deployments on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to retrieve and decode the configuration secret for an OpenShift Container Platform provisioned Clair instance on OpenShift Container Platform.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.


  1. Enter the following command to retrieve and decode the configuration secret, and then save it to a Clair configuration YAML:

    $ oc get secret -n quay-enterprise example-registry-clair-config-secret  -o "jsonpath={$.data['config\.yaml']}" | base64 -d > clair-config.yaml
  2. Update the clair-config.yaml file so that the disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true, for example:

      airgap: true
      disable_updaters: true

9.1.3. Exporting the updaters bundle from a connected Clair instance

Use the following procedure to export the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have retrieved and decoded the Clair configuration secret, and saved it to a Clair config.yaml file.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.


  • From a Clair instance that has access to the internet, use the clairctl CLI tool with your configuration file to export the updaters bundle. For example:

    $ ./clairctl --config ./config.yaml export-updaters updates.gz

9.1.4. Configuring access to the Clair database in the disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedure to configure access to the Clair database in your disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have retrieved and decoded the Clair configuration secret, and saved it to a Clair config.yaml file.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.
  • You have exported the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.


  1. Determine your Clair database service by using the oc CLI tool, for example:

    $ oc get svc -n quay-enterprise

    Example output

    NAME                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                             AGE
    example-registry-clair-app            ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP,8089/TCP                     4d21h
    example-registry-clair-postgres       ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP                            4d21h

  2. Forward the Clair database port so that it is accessible from the local machine. For example:

    $ oc port-forward -n quay-enterprise service/example-registry-clair-postgres 5432:5432
  3. Update your Clair config.yaml file, for example:

        connstring: host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=postgres sslmode=disable 1
        scanlock_retry: 10
        layer_scan_concurrency: 5
        migrations: true
            rhel-repository-scanner: 2
              repo2cpe_mapping_file: /data/cpe-map.json
            rhel_containerscanner: 3
              name2repos_mapping_file: /data/repo-map.json
    Replace the value of the host in the multiple connstring fields with localhost.
    For more information about the rhel-repository-scanner parameter, see "Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration information".
    For more information about the rhel_containerscanner parameter, see "Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration information".

9.1.5. Importing the updaters bundle into the disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedure to import the updaters bundle into your disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have retrieved and decoded the Clair configuration secret, and saved it to a Clair config.yaml file.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.
  • You have exported the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.
  • You have transferred the updaters bundle into your disconnected environment.


  • Use the clairctl CLI tool to import the updaters bundle into the Clair database that is deployed by OpenShift Container Platform. For example:

    $ ./clairctl --config ./clair-config.yaml import-updaters updates.gz

9.2. Setting up a self-managed deployment of Clair for a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedures to set up a self-managed deployment of Clair for a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

9.2.1. Installing the clairctl command line utility tool for a self-managed Clair deployment on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to install the clairctl CLI tool for self-managed Clair deployments on OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Install the clairctl program for a self-managed Clair deployment by using the podman cp command, for example:

    $ sudo podman cp clairv4:/usr/bin/clairctl ./clairctl
  2. Set the permissions of the clairctl file so that it can be executed and run by the user, for example:

    $ chmod u+x ./clairctl

9.2.2. Deploying a self-managed Clair container for disconnected OpenShift Container Platform clusters

Use the following procedure to deploy a self-managed Clair container for disconnected OpenShift Container Platform clusters.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.


  1. Create a folder for your Clair configuration file, for example:

    $ mkdir /etc/clairv4/config/
  2. Create a Clair configuration file with the disable_updaters parameter set to true, for example:

      airgap: true
      disable_updaters: true
  3. Start Clair by using the container image, mounting in the configuration from the file you created:

    $ sudo podman run -it --rm --name clairv4 \
    -p 8081:8081 -p 8088:8088 \
    -e CLAIR_CONF=/clair/config.yaml \
    -e CLAIR_MODE=combo \
    -v /etc/clairv4/config:/clair:Z \

9.2.3. Exporting the updaters bundle from a connected Clair instance

Use the following procedure to export the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have deployed Clair.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.


  • From a Clair instance that has access to the internet, use the clairctl CLI tool with your configuration file to export the updaters bundle. For example:

    $ ./clairctl --config ./config.yaml export-updaters updates.gz

9.2.4. Configuring access to the Clair database in the disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedure to configure access to the Clair database in your disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have deployed Clair.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.
  • You have exported the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.


  1. Determine your Clair database service by using the oc CLI tool, for example:

    $ oc get svc -n quay-enterprise

    Example output

    NAME                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                             AGE
    example-registry-clair-app            ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP,8089/TCP                     4d21h
    example-registry-clair-postgres       ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP                            4d21h

  2. Forward the Clair database port so that it is accessible from the local machine. For example:

    $ oc port-forward -n quay-enterprise service/example-registry-clair-postgres 5432:5432
  3. Update your Clair config.yaml file, for example:

        connstring: host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=postgres sslmode=disable 1
        scanlock_retry: 10
        layer_scan_concurrency: 5
        migrations: true
            rhel-repository-scanner: 2
              repo2cpe_mapping_file: /data/cpe-map.json
            rhel_containerscanner: 3
              name2repos_mapping_file: /data/repo-map.json
    Replace the value of the host in the multiple connstring fields with localhost.
    For more information about the rhel-repository-scanner parameter, see "Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration information".
    For more information about the rhel_containerscanner parameter, see "Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration information".

9.2.5. Importing the updaters bundle into the disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster

Use the following procedure to import the updaters bundle into your disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  • You have installed the clairctl command line utility tool.
  • You have deployed Clair.
  • The disable_updaters and airgap parameters are set to true in your Clair config.yaml file.
  • You have exported the updaters bundle from a Clair instance that has access to the internet.
  • You have transferred the updaters bundle into your disconnected environment.


  • Use the clairctl CLI tool to import the updaters bundle into the Clair database that is deployed by OpenShift Container Platform:

    $ ./clairctl --config ./clair-config.yaml import-updaters updates.gz

9.3. Enabling Clair CRDA

Java scanning depends on a public, Red Hat provided API service called Code Ready Dependency Analytics (CRDA). CRDA is only available with internet access and is not enabled by default.

Use the following procedure to integrate the CRDA service with a custom API key and enable CRDA for Java and Python scanning.


  • Red Hat Quay 3.7 or greater


  1. Submit the API key request form to obtain the Quay-specific CRDA remote matcher.
  2. Set the CRDA configuration in your clair-config.yaml file:

          key: <CRDA_API_KEY> 1
          source: <QUAY_SERVER_HOSTNAME> 2
    Insert the Quay-specific CRDA remote matcher from the API key request form here.
    The hostname of your Quay server.

9.4. Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration information

Clair’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) scanner relies on a Common Product Enumeration (CPE) file to map RPM packages to the corresponding security data to produce matching results. These files are owned by product security and updated daily.

The CPE file must be present, or access to the file must be allowed, for the scanner to properly process RPM packages. If the file is not present, RPM packages installed in the container image will not be scanned.

Table 9.1. Clair CPE mapping files

CPELink to JSON mapping file


Red Hat Repository-to-CPE JSON


Red Hat Name-to-Repos JSON.

In addition to uploading CVE information to the database for disconnected Clair installations, you must also make the mapping file available locally:

  • For standalone Red Hat Quay and Clair deployments, the mapping file must be loaded into the Clair pod.
  • For Red Hat Quay Operator deployments on OpenShift Container Platform and Clair deployments, you must set the Clair component to unamanged. Then, Clair must be deployed manually, setting the configuration to load a local copy of the mapping file.

9.4.1. Mapping repositories to Common Product Enumeration example configuration

Use the repo2cpe_mapping_file and name2repos_mapping_file fields in your Clair configuration to include the CPE JSON mapping files. For example:

        repo2cpe_mapping_file: /data/cpe-map.json
        name2repos_mapping_file: /data/repo-map.json

For more information, see How to accurately match OVAL security data to installed RPMs.