Chapter 2. Installing the Quay Operator

2.1. Differences from Earlier Versions

As of Red Hat Quay 3.4.0, the Operator has been completely re-written to provide an improved out of the box experience as well as support for more Day 2 operations. As a result the new Operator is simpler to use and is more opinionated. The key differences from earlier versions of the Operator are:

  • The QuayEcosystem custom resource has been replaced with the QuayRegistry custom resource
  • The default installation options produces a fully supported Quay environment with all managed dependencies (database, object storage, etc) ready for production use
  • A new robust validation library for Quay’s configuration which is shared by the Quay application and config tool for consistency
  • Registry object storage can now be managed by the Operator using the ObjectBucketClaim Kubernetes API (the NooBaa component of Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage (RHOCS) is one implementation of this API)
  • Customization of the container images used by deployed pods for testing and development scenarios

2.2. Before Installing the Quay Operator

2.2.1. Deciding On a Storage Solution

If you want the Operator to manage its own object storage, you will first need to ensure the RHOCS is available on your OpenShift cluster to provide the ObjectBucketClaim API. If you already have object storage ready to be used by the Operator, skip to Installing the Operator.

2.2.2. Enabling OpenShift Container Storage

To install the RHOCS Operator and configure a lightweight NooBaa (S3-compatible) object storage:

  1. Open the OpenShift console and select Operators → OperatorHub, then select the OpenShift Container Storage Operator.
  2. Select Install. Accept all default options and select Install again.
  3. After a minute or so, the Operator will install and create a namespace openshift-storage. You can confirm it is completed when the Status column is marked Succeeded.
  4. Create NooBaa object storage. Save the following YAML to a file called noobaa.yml.

    kind: NooBaa
      name: noobaa
      namespace: openshift-storage
         cpu: '0.1'
         memory: 1Gi
         cpu: '0.1'
         memory: 1Gi

    Then run the following:

    $ oc create -n openshift-storage -f noobaa.yml created
  5. After a minute or so, you should see the object storage ready for use (PHASE column is marked Ready)

    $ oc get -n openshift-storage noobaas noobaa -w
    NAME     MGMT-ENDPOINTS              S3-ENDPOINTS                IMAGE                                                                                                            PHASE   AGE
    noobaa   []   []   Ready   3d18h

2.3. Installing the Operator from OperatorHub

  1. Using the OpenShift console, Select Operators → OperatorHub, then select the Quay Operator. If there is more than one, be sure to use the Red Hat certified Operator and not the community version.
  2. Select Install. The Operator Subscription page appears.
  3. Choose the following then select Subscribe:

    • Installation Mode: Choose either 'All namespaces' or 'A specific namespace' depending on whether you want the Operator to be available cluster-wide or only within a single namespace (all-namespaces recommended)
    • Update Channel: Choose the update channel (only one may be available)
    • Approval Strategy: Choose to approve automatic or manual updates
  4. Select Install.
  5. After a minute you will see the Operator installed successfully in the Installed Operators page.