Chapter 3. High Level Concepts

3.1. QuayRegistry API

The Quay Operator provides the QuayRegistry custom resource API to declaratively manage Quay container registries on the cluster. Use either the OpenShift UI or a command-line tool to interact with this API.

  • Creating a QuayRegistry will result in the Operator deploying and configuring all necessary resources needed to run Quay on the cluster.
  • Editing a QuayRegistry will result in the Operator reconciling the changes and creating/updating/deleting objects to match the desired configuration.
  • Deleting a QuayRegistry will result in garbage collection of all previously created resources and the Quay container registry will no longer be available.

The QuayRegistry API is fairly simple, and the fields are outlined in the following sections.

3.1.1. Components

Quay is a powerful container registry platform and as a result, requires a decent number of dependencies. These include a database, object storage, Redis, and others. The Quay Operator manages an opinionated deployment of Quay and its dependencies on Kubernetes. These dependencies are treated as components and are configured through the QuayRegistry API.

In the QuayRegistry custom resource, the spec.components field configures components. Each component contains two fields: kind - the name of the component, and managed - boolean whether the component lifecycle is handled by the Operator. By default (omitting this field), all components are managed and will be autofilled upon reconciliation for visibility:

    - kind: postgres
      managed: true

Unless your QuayRegistry custom resource specifies otherwise, the Operator will use defaults for the following managed components:

  • postgres Stores the registry metadata. Uses a version of Postgres 10 from the Software Collections.
  • redis Handles Quay builder coordination and some internal logging.
  • objectstorage Stores image layer blobs. Utilizes the ObjectBucketClaim Kubernetes API which is provided by Noobaa/RHOCS.
  • clair Provides image vulnerability scanning.
  • horizontalpodautoscaler Adjusts the number of Quay pods depending on memory/cpu consumption.
  • mirror Configures a repository mirror worker (to support optional repository mirroring).
  • route Provides an external entrypoint to the Quay registry from outside of OpenShift. Considerations For Managed Components

While the Operator will handle any required configuration and installation work needed for Red Hat Quay to use the managed components, there are several considerations to keep in mind.

  • Database backups should be performed regularly using either the supplied tools on the Postgres image or your own backup infrastructure. The Operator does not currently ensure the Postgres database is backed up.
  • Restoring the Postgres database from a backup must be done using Postgres tools and procedures. Be aware that your Quay Pods should not be running while the database restore is in progress.
  • Database disk space is allocated automatically by the Operator with 50 GiB. This number represents a usable amount of storage for most small to medium Red Hat Quay installations but may not be sufficient for your use cases. Resizing the database volume is currently not handled by the Operator.
  • Object storage disk space is allocated automatically by the Operator with 50 GiB. This number represents a usable amount of storage for most small to medium Red Hat Quay installations but may not be sufficient for your use cases. Resizing the RHOCS volume is currently not handled by the Operator. See the section below on resizing managed storage for more details.
  • The Operator will deploy an OpenShift Route as the default entrypoint to the registry. If you prefer a different entrypoint (e.g. Ingress or direct Service access that configuration will need to be done manually).

If any of these considerations are unacceptable for your environment, it would be suggested to provide the Operator with unmanaged resources or overrides as described in the following sections. Using Existing (Un-Managed) Components With the Quay Operator

If you have existing components such as Postgres, Redis or object storage that you would like to use with Quay, you first configure them within the Quay configuration bundle (config.yaml) and then reference the bundle in your QuayRegistry (as a Kubernetes Secret) while indicating which components are unmanaged.

For example, to use an existing Postgres database:

  1. Create a Secret with the necessary database fields in a config.yaml file:


    DB_URI: postgresql://test-quay-database:postgres@test-quay-database:5432/test-quay-database

    $ kubectl create secret generic --from-file config.yaml=./config.yaml test-config-bundle
  2. Create a QuayRegistry which marks postgres component as unmanaged and references the created Secret:


    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: test
      configBundleSecret: test-config-bundle
        - kind: postgres
          managed: false

    The deployed Quay application will now use the external database.


The Quay config editor can also be used to create or modify an existing config bundle and simplify the process of updating the Kubernetes Secret, especially for multiple changes. When Quay’s configuration is changed via the config editor and sent to the Operator, the Quay deployment will be updated to reflect the new configuration.

3.1.2. Config Bundle Secret

The spec.configBundleSecret field is a reference to the of a Secret in the same namespace as the QuayRegistry. This Secret must contain a config.yaml key/value pair. This config.yaml file is a Quay config YAML file. This field is optional, and will be auto-filled by the Operator if not provided. If provided, it serves as the base set of config fields which are later merged with other fields from any managed components to form a final output Secret, which is then mounted into the Quay application pods.

3.1.3. AWS S3 CloudFront

If you use AWS S3 CloudFront for backend registry storage, specify the private key as shown in the following example:

$ oc create secret generic --from-file config.yaml=./config_awss3cloudfront.yaml --from-file default-cloudfront-signing-key.pem=./default-cloudfront-signing-key.pem test-config-bundle

3.2. QuayRegistry Status

Lifecycle observability for a given Quay deployment is reported in the status section of the corresponding QuayRegistry object. The Operator constantly updates this section, and this should be the first place to look for any problems or state changes in Quay or its managed dependencies.

3.2.1. Registry Endpoint

Once Quay is ready to be used, the status.registryEndpoint field will be populated with the publicly available hostname of the registry.

3.2.2. Config Editor Endpoint

Access Quay’s UI-based config editor using status.configEditorEndpoint.

3.2.3. Config Editor Credentials Secret

The username/password for the config editor UI will be stored in a Secret in the same namespace as the QuayRegistry referenced by status.configEditorCredentialsSecret.

3.2.4. Current Version

The current version of Quay that is running will be reported in status.currentVersion.

3.2.5. Conditions

Certain conditions will be reported in status.conditions.