Red Hat Training

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Chapter 5. MortgageApprovalProcess business process in Business Central

A business process is a diagram that describes the order in which a series of steps must be executed using a flow chart. A business process consists of a collection of nodes that are linked to each other using connections. Each of the nodes represents one step in the overall process while the connections specify how to transition from one node to the other.

The sample Mortgage_Process contains the following predefined MortgageApprovalProcess business process.


5.1. Delete the existing MortgageApprovalProcess process application

For this tutorial, delete the existing MortgageApprovalProcess business process and recreate it to gain a better understanding of creating a business process. Creating a new business process using the same name ensures that the sample project deploys and tests without error.


  1. Log in to Business Central and click MenuDesignProjectsMortgage_Process.
  2. Input MortgageApprovalProcess.bpmn in to the project’s asset search box and click MortgageApprovalProcess.
  3. Select Delete from the toolbar, and click Delete to confirm that you want to delete this asset.

5.2. Creating a new MortgageApprovalProcess business process application

The following procedures guide you through the creation of each task, connection, and gateway that comprises the MortgageApprovalProcess business process.

Red Hat Process Automation Manager contains a predefined selection of node types to simplify business process creation. The predefined node panel is located on the left side of the diagram editor.

node panel

5.2.1. Validating the mortgage

The mortgage validation business process determines whether the new application contains the required data before proceeding. If all of the specified data requirements are met, the application moves on to the mortgage calculation business process.


  1. Log in to Business Central and click MenuDesignProjectsMortgage_Process.
  2. Click Add AssetBusiness Process.
  3. Enter the following values:

    • Business Process: MortgageApprovalProcess
    • Package: Select com.myspace.mortgage_app

      The Package specifies the location inside the existing project where the asset will be created. In this example, it is created in com/myspace/mortgage_app.

  4. Click Ok. The diagram editor opens.
  5. In the upper-right corner, click the Diagram properties diagram properties icon.
  6. Scroll down and expand Process Data and click btn plus in the Process Variables section.
  7. Enter the following values:

    • Name: application.
    • Data Type: Application [com.myspace.mortgage_app]

5.2.2. Creating outgoing connections and exclusive gateways

Create an outgoing connection to an exclusive gateway. Exclusive gateways are used to make decisions and react to events based on the available data.


  1. Click on the start event and create an outgoing connection from the start event to an exclusive gateway.

    exclusive gateway
  2. Create an outgoing connection from the exclusive gateway to a task.

    create task
  3. Convert the new task to a business rule task.

    bus rule task
  4. Click on the business rules task and enter Validation in the Name field of the Diagram properties panel.
  5. Expand Implementation/Execution, select validation in the Rule Flow Group field.
  6. Define the following Java expression in the On Exit Action field :

  7. Scroll down and expand the Data Assignments section and click btn assign next to Assignments.
  8. In the Validation Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

    val data io
  9. Click Save.
  10. In the diagram editor, click Save, and Save, to confirm your changes.

5.2.3. Defining the validation data

This section describes how to define the data that determines whether the application data is correct or contains an error or any missing information.


  1. Click on the Validation task and create an outgoing connection to an exclusive gateway.

    exclusive gateway
  2. Create an outgoing connection from the exclusive gateway to a new business rule task.

    new br task
  3. Click the created connection.

    created connection
  4. In the Diagram Properties panel, input Invalid in the Name field.
  5. Expand Implementation/Execution, and enter the following Drools condition expression:

    • Condition Expression: ValidationErrorDO()
    • Condition Expression Language: drools
  6. Click on the business rule task and enter Retract Validation in the Name field of the Diagram properties panel.
  7. Expand Implementation/Execution and enter error in the Rule Flow Group field.
  8. Create an outgoing connection from the Retract Validation task to a new user task.

    user task
  9. Click the user task and in the Diagram Properties panel, input Correct Data in the Name field.
  10. Expand Implementation/Execution and enter the following values:

    • Task Name: CorrectData
    • Groups: broker
  11. Click btn assign next to Assignments. In the Correct Data Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:
  12. In the Correct Data Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

    correct data io
  13. Click Save.
  14. Connect the Correct Data back to the first exclusive gateway. Your workflow should look similar to the following diagram:


5.2.4. Calculating the mortgage

The mortgage calculation business process determines the applicant’s mortgage borrowing limit.


  1. Return to the second exclusive gateway. Create an outgoing connection to a business rule task.

    second gateway
  2. Click the created connection and in the Diagram Properties panel, input Valid in the Name field.
  3. Expand Implementation/Execution, select and enter the following values:

    • Condition Expression: not ValidationErrorDO()
    • Condition Expression Language: drools
  4. Click the created business rule task and in the Diagram Properties panel, input Mortgage Calculation in the Name field.
  5. Expand Implementation/Execution, select and enter mortgagecalculation in the Rule Flow Group field.
  6. Click btn assign next to Assignments. In the Mortgage Calculation Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

    mortgage calc assignments
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click on an empty space on the canvas, scroll down, expand Process Data, and click btn plus next to Process Variables. Enter the following values:

    new proc var
    • Name: inlimit
    • Date Type: Boolean
  9. Create an outgoing connection from the Mortgage Calculation task to a user task.

    qualify task
  10. Click on the user task and enter Qualify in the Name field.
  11. Expand Implementation/Execution and enter the following values:

    • Task Name: Qualify
    • Groups: approver
    • Click btn assign next to Assignments. In the Qualify Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

      qualify io
  12. Click Save. Above the canvas, click Save, and Save, to confirm your changes.
  13. Create an outgoing connection from the Qualify task to an exclusive gateway.

    1. Click on the GATEWAYS icon in the node panel.
    2. Click on Exclusive and drag it to the right of the Qualify task.
  14. Create an outgoing connection from the exclusive gateway and connect it to a user task.
  15. Click the connection, name it in Limit and define the following Java Condition expression:

    return inlimit;
    inlimit true
  16. Click the user task and enter the following values:

    • Name: Final Approval
    • Task Name: finalapproval
    • Groups: manager
  17. Click btn assign next to Assignments. In the Final Approval Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

    approval io
  18. Click Save. Above the canvas, click Save, and Save, to confirm your changes.

5.2.5. Increasing the down payment

The increasing the down payment business process checks to see if the applicant qualifies for the loan by increasing their down payment. The final result is either the final loan approval, or loan denial based on the applicant’s inability to increase the down payment.


  1. Create an outgoing connection from the Final Approval user task and connect it to an end event.

    create end
    end event
  2. Return to the exclusive gateway that connects with the Final Approval user task. Create a second outgoing connection and connect it to a new user task.

    new task
  3. Click the connection, name it Not in Limit and define the following Java expression:

    return !inlimit;
    not inlimit
  4. Click on an empty space on the canvas, scroll down, expand Process Data, and click btn plus next to Process Variables. Enter the following values:

    • Name: incdownpayment
    • Data Type: Boolean

      proc var new
  5. Click the created user task and enter the following values:

    • Name: Increase Down Payment
    • Task Name: incdown
    • Groups: broker
    • Click btn assign next to Assignments. In the Increase Down Payment Data I/O window, click Add to create the following assignments:

      increase down io
  6. Click Save. Above the canvas, click Save, and Save, to confirm your changes.
  7. Create an outgoing connection from the Increase Down Payment task to an exclusive gateway.

    1. Click on the GATEWAYS icon in the node panel.
    2. Click on Exclusive and drag it to the right of the Increase Down Payment task.
  8. Click on the Create Sequence Flow icon to create a connection to the exclusive gateway.

    connection icon2
  9. Create an outgoing connection from the exclusive gateway and connect it to an end event. Then, click the connection, name it Down payment not increased, and create the following Java expression:

    return !incdownpayment;
  10. Create an outgoing connection from the exclusive gateway and connect it to the first exclusive gateway. Then, click the connection, name it Down payment increased, and create the following Java expression:

    return incdownpayment;
  11. Above the canvas, click Save, and Save, to confirm your changes.

The final version of the business process:
