Chapter 7. Running a Red Hat build of Kogito microservice

After you design the business decisions for your Red Hat build of Kogito microservice, you can run your Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot application in one of the following modes:

  • Development mode: For local testing. On Red Hat build of Quarkus, development mode also offers live reload of your decisions in your running applications for advanced debugging.
  • JVM mode: For compatibility with a Java virtual machine (JVM).


In a command terminal, navigate to the project that contains your Red Hat build of Kogito microservice and enter one of the following commands, depending on your preferred run mode and application environment:

  • For development mode:

    On Red Hat build of Quarkus

    $ mvn clean compile quarkus:dev

    On Sprint Boot

    $ mvn clean compile spring-boot:run

  • For JVM mode:

    On Red Hat build of Quarkus and Spring Boot

    $ mvn clean package
    $ java -jar target/sample-kogito-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar