Chapter 9. Red Hat build of Kogito on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

You can deploy Red Hat build of Kogito microservices on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for cloud implementation. In this architecture, Red Hat build of Kogito microservices are deployed as OpenShift pods that you can scale up and down individually to provide as few or as many containers as required for a particular service.

To help you deploy your Red Hat build of Kogito microservices on OpenShift, Red Hat Process Automation Manager provides Red Hat Process Automation Manager Kogito Operator. This operator guides you through the deployment process. The operator is based on the Operator SDK and automates many of the deployment steps for you. For example, when you provide the operator with a link to the Git repository that contains your application, the operator automatically configures the components required to build your project from source and deploys the resulting services.

To install the Red Hat Process Automation Manager Kogito Operator in OpenShift web console, go to OperatorsOperatorHub in the left menu, search for and select RHPAM Kogito Operator, and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest operator version.