Chapter 7. Known issues in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.11.0

This section lists known issues with Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.11.

7.1. Business Central

The Business Central web application continues to poll in an open browser after the server has stopped [RHPAM-3635]

Issue: When you keep the Business Central web application open in a browser window, after the KIE Server has stopped, it keeps on polling the endpoint of the previously running KIE Server.

Workaround: None.

In standalone editors, the setContent method implementation must receive path and content [RHPAM-3629]

Issue: In standalone editors, the setContent implementation must implement the setContent method defined in EditorAPI along with path and content parameters instead of content only.

Workaround: None.

When an executing model uses an imported inputs and decision nodes, you receive an error message [RHDM-1733]

Issue: The test scenario tool is unable to execute any models that use imported inputs and decisions nodes. The automatically generated decision table columns reflects the incorrect values.

Workaround: None.

Method calls do not support template keys [RHDM-1729]

Issue: If you remove one of the action calls from the Business Rule Language (BRL) action column, the generated DRL file is updated incorrectly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Import the Mortgages sample project.
  2. Replace the original content of LoanApplication with the [].
  3. Replace the original content of Pricing Loans with the Pricing loans (1).gdst file. (This file is attached in the [RHDM-1729] issue).
  4. Validate Pricing loans (1).gdst file.
  5. Go to the Columns tab and select Action columns.
  6. For the call functions option, click Edit.
  7. Remove Call [application.addExplanation] and Call [application.deadline] and click Finish.

Workaround: None.

The Business Rule Language (BRL) columns do not support the conversion of method call data types [RHDM-1696]

Issue: When a guided decision table is converted into an XLS decision table, the method calls with String or Date data type arguments are not converted correctly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Import the Mortgages sample project.
  2. Replace the original content of LoanApplication with the [].
  3. Replace the original content of Pricing Loans with the Pricing loans (1).gdst file. (This file is attached in the [RHDM-1696] issue).
  4. Convert the Pricing Loans into an XLS table.
  5. Open the converted XLS table and switch to the Source tab.

    The addExplanation method assumes exp is a variable instead of constant. The deadline method assumes 08-Mar-2021 is a date, but it is a string. Some wrapper modules are needed for converting String into Date.

Expected result: Validation of the XLS table succeeds.

Actual result: Validation of the XLS table fails.

Workaround: None.

The guided decision table sorting functionality does not work in the decision table graph [RHDM-1664]

Issue: The guided decision table sorting functionality does not work in the decision table graph. The merged view of the table is not sorted correctly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Import the Mortgages sample project.
  2. Import the second small table.gds file attached in the [RHDM-1664] issue.
  3. Create a decision table graph that contains the Pricing Loans column with the second small table.gds file.
  4. Try to sort the second small table.

Expected result: The guided decision table sorting functionality works correctly in the decision table graph.

Actual result: The guided decision table sorting functionality does not work correctly.

Workaround: None.

The guided decision table merged view throws an error [RHDM-1663]

Issue: The merged view of the guided decision table is not sorted properly. You receive an unexpected system error.

Workaround: None.

In the guided decision table, sorting functionality does not work for LocalDate attribute [RHDM-1662]

Issue: In the guided decision table, sorting functionality does not work for LocalDate attribute.

Workaround: None.

7.2. KIE Server

The narayana starter version mismatches when you upgrade your Spring Boot to version 2.4.3 [RHPAM-3749]

Issue: When you upgrade your Spring Boot to version 2.4.3, you receive a mismatch for the narayana starter in productized binaries.

Workaround: In your pom.xml file, override the narayana version to the following version:


7.3. Process Designer

An icon used to open a sub-process is identical to the forms icon [RHPAM-3659]

Issue: In a user task, the icon used to open a sub-process in a reusable sub-process is the same icon as the icon used for generating forms.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a reusable sub-process.
  2. Check the Open sub-process icon.

Expected result: The open sub-process icon is unique and not similar to the forms icon.

Actual result: The open sub-process is the same as the icon used for generating forms.

Workaround: None.

A sub-process linked to itself do not perform any action [RHPAM-3658]

Issue: When a process is linked to itself using the Called Element property and you click the Open sub-process, nothing happens.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a testing-process business process.
  2. Drag and drop a reusable sub-process on the canvas.
  3. Set the value of the Called Element property to the testing-process process.
  4. Click the Open sub-process icon in the reusable sub-process.

Expected result: An alert panel appears with the A process is already open message.

Actual result: No action is performed.

Workaround: None.

A process from a different projects opened from the BPMN editor displays an incorrect breadcrumb navigation panel [RHPAM-3657]

Issue: If a process is placed in a different project and it is linked to a reusable sub-process, when you open that project, the breadcrumb navigation panel remains unchanged.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a Project A project.
  2. Create a Process-A business process in Project A.
  3. Create a Project B project.
  4. Create a Process-B business process in Project B.
  5. Drag and drop a reusable sub-process on the canvas.
  6. Set the Called Element property to Process-A business process.
  7. Click the Open sub-process icon in the reusable sub-process.

Expected result: The linked process is opened, and the breadcrumbs displays the correct project.

Actual result: The linked process is opened, but the breadcrumbs displays the wrong project.

Workaround: None.

A process instance Diagram tab does not display the instance count badges when you are navigating between a parent or child process [RHPAM-3634]

Issue: When you navigate between a parent or child process, the instance count badges are not rendered after the navigation. But when you switch between the Logs tab and the Diagram tab, instance count badges appears again.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create and start a parent and child process pair.
  2. Keep the child process running by placing a human task.
  3. Navigate either through the panel or Diagram tab to the child sub-process.

    The instance count badges are missing.

  4. Navigate to the Logs tab and go back to Diagram tab.

    The instance count badges appear again.

Workaround: None.

The BPMN designer fails to parse the work item definition file if the file contains unexpected properties [RHPAM-3619]

Issue: When a work item definition (WID) file contains something other than a valid MVEL expression, the BPMN designer fails to parse it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a KJAR project in the VSCode extension.
  2. In a global folder, add the WID definitions.
  3. Add a property called mavenDependecy or dependency.

Expected result: The properties are parsed and the task from the WID file is present in the palette.

Actual result: The properties are not parsed and the task from the WID file is not present in the palette.

Workaround: Remove the unrecognized properties from the WID file.

In the BPMN designer, the VSCode workspace with multiple folders breaks the WID resolution [RHPAM-3618]

Issue: In the VSCode workspace, when you use the Add New Folder to workspace option, the resolution breaks itself. Multiple folders created in the VSCode workspace breaks the work item definitions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a KJAR project in VSCode extension.
  2. Add a WID definition to a global folder located in the root of the workspace or in the directory as a process.
  3. Check that the process contains custom tasks in the palette.
  4. Use the Add New Folder to workspace option.
  5. Open the BPMN editor and check the palette for custom tasks.

Expected result: When there are multiple folders in the VSCode workspace, custom tasks are resolved in the BPMN designer.

Actual result: When there are multiple folders in the VSCode workspace, custom tasks are not present in the BPMN designer.

Workaround: Remove the extra folder from the workspace.

In the BPMN designer, an unknown custom task causes the diagram explorer to be empty [RHPAM-3606]

Issue: In the BPMN designer, when you add an unknown custom task, the diagram explorer fails to display any nodes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a case project.
  2. Navigate to the project settings and install ServiceTask and JMSSendTask and save the changes.
  3. Create a case definition in the project with ServiceTask and JMSSendTask and save the changes.
  4. Close the case project.
  5. Navigate to the project settings and uninstall ServiceTask and JMSSendTask and save the changes.
  6. Open a case project and click Explore Diagram.

Expected result: The diagram explorer contains all the nodes placed on the canvas.

Actual result: The diagram explorer is empty.

Workaround: If you want to use the Explore Diagram, either remove ServiceTask and JMSSendTask from canvas or install appropriate work item definitions.

In Firefox, the Properties panel expansion shifts the scroll bar [RHPAM-3532]

Issue: If you use the Process Designer with Firefox and you scroll down in the Properties panel to check an entire editor, input any strings, or expand the Properties panel, the position of the main vertical scroll bar changes.


This issue applies only to Firefox.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a business process.
  2. Create a general service task.
  3. Open the Properties panel and scroll down to the bottom of the panel and check the On Exit Action property.
  4. Expand the Properties panel.

Expected result: The main scroll bar maintains its position when you resize the panel.

Actual result: The main scroll bar of the Properties panel changes position. As a result, the position of properties in the Properties panel is changed.

Workaround: None.

The generated .bpmn file lacks the structureRef for endMessageType attribute [RHPAM-3437]

Issue: When you create a process in the BPMN editor, the structureRef property is not present for a message.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a business process.
  2. Create a process variable.
  3. Create a start, intermediate catching, throwing or end message event.
  4. Set the message property of the message event to any value.
  5. Create a Data Assignment for this message event with any name, set the data type as Boolean, and target it to the newly created process variable.
  6. Save the changes and check the source code of the process.

Expected result: The generated .bpmn file contains the structureRef for all the defined messages with a value defined in data assignments.

Actual result: The generated .bpmn file lacks the structureRef with id: $MESSAGE_NAME_Type.

Workaround: None.

The JavaScript language in an On Entry Action property produces an error after changing a node to multiple instances [RHPAM-3409]

Issue: When the language of the On Entry Action property is set to JavaScript, and then you change the node to Multiple Instance, you receive a system error.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a business process.
  2. Create a user task and set it to the Multiple Instance property.
  3. Enter any string to On Entry Action or On Exit Action.
  4. Select the JavaScript language.
  5. Select the Multiple Instance check box.

Expected result: You do not receive an error either in the UI or in the server log file.

Actual result: You receive a system error.

Workaround: None.

7.4. DMN designer

Unable to create a new .scesim file in a VSCode instance when a workspace contains multiple folders [RHPAM-3621]

Issue: When there are multiple folders within one workspace, the scenario simulation editor fails when creating a new scenario for a specific DMN model.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a VSCode workspace with a single folder in it.
  2. Create a valid DMN file.
  3. Create a .scesim file for the newly created DMN file.
  4. Add a new folder in a VSCode workspace.
  5. Create a different .scesim file for the same DMN file.

Workaround: Keep a single folder inside your workspace. If you want to work on multiple projects, open the projects in separate VSCode instances.

A decision service is missing the encapsulatedDecisions element for transitive dependencies in a model with multiple decision requirements diagrams [RHDM-1732]

Issue: When a model contains multiple decision requirements diagrams (DRD) and tries to reuse a decision component by adding it into a decision service node, the resulting decision service node does not contain any encapsulatedDecisions definitions for its transitive dependencies.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Define multiple DRDs.
  2. In one DRD, define some decisions with transitive dependency on a decision.
  3. In another DRD, define decision services and reuse the previously created decision component. Do not duplicate the transitive dependency.
  4. Build and deploy your project.
  5. Complete any of the following tasks:

    • Evaluate the decision to verify the error reported in the description.
    • Check the dmn source code and determine whether or not the inputData attribute from the decision service is missing.
    • Check the decision service details in the Properties panel.

Workaround: The transitive decisions must be part of the encapsulatedDecisions section of the modeled decision service.

DMN editor removes the edges for duplicate decision nodes on canvas [RHDM-1714]

Issue: An issue occurs with the edges, when you duplicate a decision component in a canvas. The edges that are originally modeled are either shifted or removed.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create two decision nodes, A and B, and link them.
  2. Drag the decision node A from the Decision Components panel on canvas.
  3. Create an input node and link it to the duplicated decision node A.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Reopen the project.

    The link from the input node is now connected to the original decision node A, while the duplicated decision node has no links at all.

Workaround: Keep a single occurrence of the decision component for each DRD.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box does not parse the function arguments [RHDM-1661]

Issue: The the DMN editor does not parse any helpful suggestions when you are writing literal expressions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as Literal expression.
  4. Enter the date(2011 | , , ) expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor provides helpful suggestions when you are writing literal expressions.

Actual result: The DMN editor does not parse any helpful suggestions when you are writing literal expressions.

Workaround: None.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box parses the results of an addition expression as a list instead of a number [RHDM-1660]

Issue: When you parse an addition expression to a literal expression, the DMN editor suggests functions that return list instead of a number.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as Literal expression.
  4. Enter the sum([1]) + sum([2]) expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor suggests correct functions for an addition expression.

Actual result: The DMN editor suggests functions that return list instead of a number.

Workaround: None.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box fails to recognize variables [RHDM-1658]

Issue: When you parse the number type to a literal expressions, the DMN editor fails to recognize variables.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as Literal expression.
  4. Enter the numeric variable + expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor recognizes variables when you parse the number type to a literal expressions.

Actual result: The DMN editor fails to recognize variables.

Workaround: None.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box fails to recognize the duration expression [RHDM-1656]

Issue: When you try to parse the duration expression, the DMN editor suggests string functions instead of duration functions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as a Literal expression.
  4. Enter the date( "2012-12-25" ) - date( "2012-12-24" ) expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor recognizes the duration expression.

Actual result: The DMN editor fails to recognize the duration expression and suggests string functions.

Workaround: None.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box fails to recognize date expressions [RHDM-1654]

Issue: When you try to parse a date expression, the DMN editor suggests string functions instead of date functions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as Literal expression.
  4. Enter the date(date and time( "2012-12-25T11:00:00Z" )) expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor recognizes the date expressions.

Actual result: The DMN editor fails to recognize the date expression and suggests string functions instead of date functions.

Workaround: None.

In the DMN editor, the suggestion box fails to recognize a negated boolean expression [RHDM-1652]

Issue: When you try to parse a negated boolean expression, the DMN editor offers different suggestions which are not related to the expression.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DMN editor.
  2. Add a decision node.
  3. Set the expression as Literal expression.
  4. Enter a false or not false expression and check the suggestion box.

Expected result: The DMN editor offers related suggestions when you parse a negated boolean expression.

Actual result: The DMN editor fails to provide related suggestions when you parse a negated boolean expression.

Workaround: None.

7.5. Red Hat build of Kogito

From given asset, wrong archetype is used to generate project [RHPAM-3654]

Issue: When you upload an asset as a source for KogitoBuild, the Red Hat build of Kogito S2I image generates the project using kogito-quarkus-archetype:1.5.1-SNAPSHOT. It is expected to use the kogito-quarkus-dm-archetype:1.5.0.redhat-00001.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install the RHPAM Kogito Operator.
  2. Create a KogitoBuild as follows:

    kind: KogitoBuild
      name: example-quarkus-local
      buildImage: >-
      runtimeImage: >-
      type: LocalSource
  3. Upload an asset to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using Red Hat OpenShift Container client as follows:

    oc start-build example-quarkus-local-builder --from-file=
  4. Check the builder log file.

Expected result: When you upload an asset for KogitoBuild, the Red Hat build of Kogito S2I image generates the project using kogito-quarkus-dm-archetype:1.5.0.redhat-00001.

Actual result: When you upload an asset for KogitoBuild, the Red Hat build of Kogito S2I image generates the project using kogito-quarkus-archetype:1.5.1-SNAPSHOT.

Workaround: None.