Chapter 9. Post-deployment

The following subsections describe several post-deployment operations for managing the Ceph cluster.

9.1. Accessing the overcloud

Director generates a script to configure and help authenticate interactions with your overcloud from the undercloud. Director saves this file, overcloudrc, in the home directory of the stack user.

  1. Run the following command to use this file:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. This loads the necessary environment variables to interact with your overcloud from the undercloud CLI. To return to interacting with the undercloud, run the following command:

    $ source ~/stackrc

9.2. Monitoring Ceph Storage nodes

After you create the overcloud, check the status of the Ceph Storage Cluster to ensure that it works correctly.


  1. Log in to a Controller node as the heat-admin user:

    $ nova list
    $ ssh heat-admin@
  2. Check the health of the cluster:

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-<HOSTNAME> ceph health

    If the cluster has no issues, the command reports back HEALTH_OK. This means the cluster is safe to use.

  3. Log in to an overcloud node that runs the Ceph monitor service and check the status of all OSDs in the cluster:

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-<HOSTNAME> ceph osd tree
  4. Check the status of the Ceph Monitor quorum:

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-<HOSTNAME> ceph quorum_status

    This shows the monitors participating in the quorum and which one is the leader.

  5. Verify that all Ceph OSDs are running:

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-<HOSTNAME> ceph osd stat

For more information on monitoring Ceph Storage clusters, see Monitoring in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Administration Guide.