Chapter 4. Restoring the undercloud and control plane nodes

If your undercloud or control plane nodes become corrupted or if an error occurs during an update or upgrade, you can restore the undercloud or overcloud control plane nodes from a backup to their previous state. If the restore process fails to automatically restore the Galera cluster or nodes with colocated Ceph monitors, you can restore these components manually.

4.1. Preparing a control plane with colocated Ceph monitors for the restore process

Before you restore a control plane with colocated Ceph monitors, prepare your environment by creating a script that mounts the Ceph monitor backup file to the node file system and another script that ReaR uses to locate the backup file.


If you cannot back up the /var/lib/ceph directory, you must contact the Red Hat Technical Support team to rebuild the ceph-mon index. For more information, see Red Hat Technical Support Team.



  1. On each node that you want to restore, create the script /usr/share/rear/setup/default/ and add the following content:

    mount -t <file_type> <device_disk> /mnt/local
    cd /mnt/local
    [ -d "var/lib/ceph" ] && tar cvfz /tmp/ceph.tar.gz var/lib/ceph --xattrs --xattrs-include='.' --acls
    cd /
    umount <device_disk>

    Replace <file_type> and <device_disk> with the type and location of the backup file. Normally, the file type is xfs and the location is /dev/vda2.

  2. On the same node, create the script /usr/share/rear/wrapup/default/ and add the following content:

    if [ -f "/tmp/ceph.tar.gz" ]; then
      rm -rf /mnt/local/var/lib/ceph/*
      tar xvC /mnt/local -f /tmp/ceph.tar.gz var/lib/ceph --xattrs --xattrs-include='.'

4.2. Restoring the undercloud node

You can restore the undercloud node to its previous state using the backup ISO image that you created using ReaR. You can find the backup ISO images on the backup node. Burn the bootable ISO image to a DVD or download it to the undercloud node through Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) remote access.



  1. Power off the undercloud node. Ensure that the undercloud node is powered off completely before you proceed.
  2. Boot the undercloud node with the backup ISO image.
  3. When the Relax-and-Recover boot menu displays, select Recover <undercloud_node>. Replace <undercloud_node> with the name of your undercloud node.


    If your system uses UEFI, select the Relax-and-Recover (no Secure Boot) option.

  4. Log in as the root user and restore the node:

    The following message displays:

    Welcome to Relax-and-Recover. Run "rear recover" to restore your system!
    RESCUE <undercloud_node>:~ # rear recover

    When the undercloud node restoration process completes, the console displays the following message:

    Finished recovering your system
    Exiting rear recover
    Running exit tasks
  5. Power off the node:

    RESCUE <undercloud_node>:~ #  poweroff

    On boot up, the node resumes its previous state.

4.3. Restoring the control plane nodes

If an error occurs during an update or upgrade, you can restore the control plane nodes to their previous state using the backup ISO image that you have created using ReaR. To restore the control plane, you must restore all control plane nodes to ensure state consistency.

You can find the backup ISO images on the backup node. Burn the bootable ISO image to a DVD or download it to the undercloud node through Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) remote access.


Red Hat supports backups of Red Hat OpenStack Platform with native SDNs, such as Open vSwitch (OVS) and the default Open Virtual Network (OVN). For information about third-party SDNs, refer to the third-party SDN documentation.



  1. Power off each control plane node. Ensure that the control plane nodes are powered off completely before you proceed.
  2. Boot each control plane node with the corresponding backup ISO image.
  3. When the Relax-and-Recover boot menu displays, on each control plane node, select Recover <control_plane_node>. Replace <control_plane_node> with the name of the corresponding control plane node.


    If your system uses UEFI, select the Relax-and-Recover (no Secure Boot) option.

  4. On each control plane node, log in as the root user and restore the node:

    The following message displays:

    Welcome to Relax-and-Recover. Run "rear recover" to restore your system!
    RESCUE <control_plane_node>:~ # rear recover

    When the control plane node restoration process completes, the console displays the following message:

    Finished recovering your system
    Exiting rear recover
    Running exit tasks
  5. When the command line console is available, restore the config-drive partition of each control plane node:

    # once completed, restore the config-drive partition (which is ISO9660)
    RESCUE <control_plane_node>:~ $ dd if=/mnt/local/mnt/config-drive of=<config_drive_partition>

    If you deployed a control plane with composable roles, perform this step only on the Controller nodes.

  6. Power off the node:

    RESCUE <control_plane_node>:~ #  poweroff
  7. Set the boot sequence to the normal boot device. On boot up, the node resumes its previous state.
  8. To ensure that the services are running correctly, check the status of pacemaker. Log in to a Controller node as the root user and enter the following command:

    # pcs status
  9. To view the status of the overcloud, use the OpenStack Integration Test Suite (tempest). For more information, see Validating your OpenStack cloud with the Integration Test Suite (tempest).


  • Clear resource alarms that are displayed by pcs status by running the following command:
 # pcs resource clean
  • Clear STONITH fencing action errors that are displayed by pcs status by running the following commands:
# pcs resource clean
# pcs stonith history cleanup

4.4. Restoring the Galera cluster manually

If the Galera cluster does not restore as part of the restoration procedure, you must restore Galera manually.


In this procedure, you must perform some steps on one Controller node. Ensure that you perform these steps on the same Controller node as you go through the procedure.


  1. On Controller-0, retrieve the Galera cluster virtual IP:

    $ sudo hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml mysql_vip
  2. Disable the database connections through the virtual IP on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo iptables -I INPUT  -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -d $MYSQL_VIP  -j DROP
  3. On Controller-0, retrieve the MySQL root password:

    $ sudo hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml mysql::server::root_password
  4. On Controller-0, set the Galera resource to unmanaged mode:

    $ sudo pcs resource unmanage galera-bundle
  5. Stop the MySQL containers on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman container stop $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{.Names}}" --filter=name=galera-bundle)
  6. Move the current directory on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-save
  7. Create the new directory /var/lib/mysq on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo chown 42434:42434 /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo chcon -t container_file_t /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo chmod 0755 /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo chcon -r object_r /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo chcon -u system_u /var/lib/mysql
  8. Start the MySQL containers on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman container start $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" --filter=name=galera-bundle)
  9. Create the MySQL database on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec -i $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysql_install_db --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --log_error=/var/log/mysql/mysql_init.log"
  10. Start the database on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysqld_safe --skip-networking --wsrep-on=OFF --log-error=/var/log/mysql/mysql_safe.log" &
  11. Move the .my.cnf Galera configuration file on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mv /root/.my.cnf /root/.my.cnf.bck"
  12. Reset the Galera root password on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"  \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysql -uroot -e'use mysql;update user set password=PASSWORD(\"$ROOTPASSWORD\")where User=\"root\";flush privileges;'"
  13. Restore the .my.cnf Galera configuration file inside the Galera container on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"   \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mv /root/.my.cnf.bck /root/.my.cnf"
  14. On Controller-0, copy the backup database files to /var/lib/MySQL:

    $ sudo cp $BACKUP_FILE /var/lib/mysql
    $ sudo cp $BACKUP_GRANT_FILE /var/lib/mysql

    The path to these files is /home/heat-admin/.

  15. On Controller-0, restore the MySQL database:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"    \
    --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysql -u root -p$ROOT_PASSWORD < \"/var/lib/mysql/$BACKUP_FILE\"  "
    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"    \
    --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysql -u root -p$ROOT_PASSWORD < \"/var/lib/mysql/$BACKUP_GRANT_FILE\"  "
  16. Shut down the databases on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"    \
          --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "mysqladmin shutdown"
  17. On Controller-0, start the bootstrap node:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}"  --filter=name=galera-bundle) \
            /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --pid-file=/var/run/mysql/ --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --datadir=/var/lib/mysql \
            --log-error=/var/log/mysql/mysql_cluster.log  --user=mysql --open-files-limit=16384 \
            --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// &
  18. Verification: On Controller-0, check the status of the cluster:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
             --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "clustercheck"

    Ensure that the following message is displayed: “Galera cluster node is synced”, otherwise you must recreate the node.

  19. On Controller-0, retrieve the cluster address from the configuration:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
    --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "grep wsrep_cluster_address /etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf" | awk '{print $3}'
  20. On each of the remaining Controller nodes, start the database and validate the cluster:

    1. Start the database:

      $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
            --filter=name=galera-bundle) /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --pid-file=/var/run/mysql/ --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock \
            --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysql/mysql_cluster.log  --user=mysql --open-files-limit=16384 \
            --wsrep-cluster-address=$CLUSTER_ADDRESS &
    2. Check the status of the MYSQL cluster:

      $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" \
               --filter=name=galera-bundle) bash -c "clustercheck"

      Ensure that the following message is displayed: “Galera cluster node is synced”, otherwise you must recreate the node.

  21. Stop the MySQL container on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman exec $(sudo podman container ls --all --format "{{ .Names }}" --filter=name=galera-bundle) \
            /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root shutdown
  22. On all Controller nodes, remove the following firewall rule to allow database connections through the virtual IP address:

    $ sudo iptables -D  INPUT  -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -d $MYSQL_VIP  -j DROP
  23. Restart the MySQL container on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman container restart $(sudo podman container ls --all --format  "{{ .Names }}" --filter=name=galera-bundle)
  24. Restart the clustercheck container on all Controller nodes:

    $ sudo podman container restart $(sudo podman container ls --all --format  "{{ .Names }}" --filter=name=clustercheck)
  25. On Controller-0, set the Galera resource to managed mode:

    $ sudo pcs resource manage galera-bundle


  1. To ensure that services are running correctly, check the status of pacemaker:

    $ sudo pcs status
  2. To view the status of the overcloud, use the OpenStack Integration Test Suite (tempest). For more information, see Validating your OpenStack cloud with the Integration Test Suite (tempest).
  3. If you suspect an issue with a particular node, check the state of the cluster with clustercheck:

    $ sudo podman exec clustercheck /usr/bin/clustercheck

4.5. Restoring the undercloud node database manually

If the undercloud database does not restore as part of the undercloud restore process, you can restore the database manually. You can only restore the database if you previously created a standalone database backup.



  1. Log in to the director undercloud node as the root user.
  2. Stop all tripleo services:

    [root@director ~]# systemctl  stop  tripleo_*
  3. Ensure that no containers are running on the server by entering the following command:

    [root@director ~]# podman ps

    If any containers are running, enter the following command to stop the containers:

    [root@director ~]# podman stop <container_name>
  4. Create a backup of the current /var/lib/mysql directory and then delete the directory:

    [root@director ~]# cp -a /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_bck
    [root@director ~]# rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
  5. Recreate the database directory and set the SELinux attributes for the new directory:

    [root@director ~]# mkdir /var/lib/mysql
    [root@director ~]# chown 42434:42434 /var/lib/mysql
    [root@director ~]# chmod 0755 /var/lib/mysql
    [root@director ~]# chcon -t container_file_t /var/lib/mysql
    [root@director ~]# chcon -r object_r /var/lib/mysql
    [root@director ~]# chcon -u system_u /var/lib/mysql
  6. Create a local tag for the mariadb image. Replace <image_id> and <> with the values applicable in your environment:

    [root@director ~]# podman images | grep mariadb
    <>:8787/rh-osbs/rhosp16-openstack-mariadb                 	16.2_20210322.1   <image_id>   3 weeks ago   718 MB
    [root@director ~]# podman tag <image_id> mariadb
    [root@director ~]# podman images | grep maria
    localhost/mariadb                                                                         	latest        	<image_id>   3 weeks ago   718 MB
    <>:8787/rh-osbs/rhosp16-openstack-mariadb                 	16.2_20210322.1   <image_id>   3 weeks ago   718 MB
  7. Initialize the /var/lib/mysql directory with the container:

    [root@director ~]# podman run --net=host -v /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql localhost/mariadb mysql_install_db --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql
  8. Copy the database backup file that you want to import to the database:

    [root@director ~]# cp /root/undercloud-all-databases.sql /var/lib/mysql
  9. Start the database service to import the data:

    [root@director ~]# podman run --net=host -dt -v /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql  localhost/mariadb  /usr/libexec/mysqld
  10. Import the data and configure the max_allowed_packet parameter:

    1. Log in to the container and configure it:

      [root@director ~]# podman exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
          ()[mysql@5a4e429c6f40 /]$ mysql -u root -e "set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824;"
          ()[mysql@5a4e429c6f40 /]$ mysql -u root < /var/lib/mysql/undercloud-all-databases.sql
          ()[mysql@5a4e429c6f40 /]$ mysql -u root -e 'flush privileges'
          ()[mysql@5a4e429c6f40 /]$ exit
    2. Stop the container:

      [root@director ~]# podman stop <container_id>
    3. Check that no containers are running:

      [root@director ~]# podman ps
      [root@director ~]#
  11. Restart all tripleo services:

    [root@director ~]# systemctl start