Chapter 2. OpenStack Integration Test Suite Tests

The OpenStack Integration Test Suite has many applications. It acts as a gate for commits to the OpenStack core projects, it can stress test to generate load on a cloud deployment, and it can perform CLI tests to check the response formatting of the command line. However, the functionality that we are concerned with are the scenario tests and API tests. These tests are run against your OpenStack cloud deployment. The following sections contain information about implementing each of these tests.

2.1. Scenario Tests

Scenario tests simulate a typical end user action workflow to test the integration points between services. The testing framework conducts the configuration, tests the integration between services, and is then removed automatically. Tag the tests with the services that they relate to, to make it clear which client libraries the test uses.

A scenario is based on a use case, for example:

  • Upload an image to the Image Service
  • Deploy an instance from the image
  • Attach a volume to the instance
  • Create a snapshot of the instance
  • Detach the volume from the instance

2.2. API Tests

API tests validate the OpenStack API. Tests use the OpenStack Integration Test Suite implementation of the OpenStack API. You can use both valid and invalid JSON to ensure that error responses are valid. You can run tests independently and you do not have to rely on the previous test state.