Appendix B. Enabling the Launch Instance Wizard

There are two methods that you can use to launch instances from the dashboard:

  • The Launch Instance form
  • The Launch Instance wizard

The Launch Instance form is enabled by default, but you can enable the Launch Instance wizard at any time. You can also enable both the Launch Instance form and the Launch Instance wizard at the same time. The Launch Instance wizard simplifies the steps required to create instances.

  1. Edit /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file, and add the following values:

  2. Restart the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd

The preferences for the Launch Instance form and Launch Instance wizard are updated.

If you enabled only one of these options, the Launch Instance button in the dashboard opens that option by default. If you enabled both options, two Launch Instance buttons are displayed in the dashboard, with the button on the left opening the Launch Instance wizard and the button on the right opening the Launch Instance form.