Chapter 6. Interpreting the output of the pmd-stats-show command in Open vSwitch with DPDK

Use this section to interpret the output of the pmd-stats-show command (ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show) in Open vSwitch (OVS) with DPDK.

6.1. Symptom

The ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show command provides an inaccurate measurement. This is due to gathered statistics that have been charted since PMD was started.

6.2. Diagnosis

To obtain useful output, put the system into a steady state and reset the statistics that you want to measure:

# put system into steady state
ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear
# wait <x> seconds
sleep <x>
ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show

Here’s an example of the output:

[root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 10 && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show |
egrep 'core_id (2|22):' -A9
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 22:
    emc hits:17461158
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:4948219259 (25.81%)
    processing cycles:14220835107 (74.19%)
    avg cycles per packet: 1097.81 (19169054366/17461158)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 814.43 (14220835107/17461158)
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 2:
    emc hits:14874381
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:5460724802 (29.10%)
    processing cycles:13305794333 (70.90%)
    avg cycles per packet: 1261.67 (18766519135/14874381)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 894.54 (13305794333/14874381)

Note that core_id 2 is mainly busy, spending 70% of the time processing and 30% of the time polling.

polling cycles:5460724802 (29.10%)
processing cycles:13305794333 (70.90%)

In this example, miss indicates packets that were not classified in the DPDK datapath ('emc' or 'dp' classifier). Under normal circumstances, they would then be sent to the ofproto layer. On rare occasions, due to a flow revalidation lock or if the ofproto layer returns an error, the packet is dropped. In this case, the value of lost will also be incremented to indicate the loss.

emc hits:14874381
megaflow hits:0
avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00

For more information, see OVS-DPDK Datapath Classifier.

6.3. Solution

This section shows the procedures for viewing traffic flow using the ovs-appctl command.

6.3.1. Idle PMD

The following example shows a system where the core_ids serve the PMDs that are pinned to dpdk0, with only management traffic flowing through dpdk0:

[root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 10 && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show |
egrep 'core_id (2|22):' -A9
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 22:
    emc hits:0
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:12613298746 (100.00%)
    processing cycles:0 (0.00%)
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 2:
    emc hits:5
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:12480023709 (100.00%)
    processing cycles:14354 (0.00%)
    avg cycles per packet: 2496007612.60 (12480038063/5)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 2870.80 (14354/5)

6.3.2. PMD under load test with packet drop

The following example shows a system where the core_ids serve the PMDs that are pinned to dpdk0, with a load test flowing through dpdk0, causing a high number of RX drops:

[root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 10 && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show |
egrep 'core_id (2|4|22|24):' -A9
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 22:
    emc hits:35497952
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:1446658819 (6.61%)
    processing cycles:20453874401 (93.39%)
    avg cycles per packet: 616.95 (21900533220/35497952)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 576.20 (20453874401/35497952)
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 2:
    emc hits:30183582
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:1497174615 (6.85%)
    processing cycles:20354613261 (93.15%)
    avg cycles per packet: 723.96 (21851787876/30183584)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 674.36 (20354613261/30183584)

Where packet drops occur, you can see a high ratio of processing cycles vs polling cycles (more than 90% processing cycles):

polling cycles:1497174615 (6.85%)
processing cycles:20354613261 (93.15%)

Check the average cycles per packet (CPP) and average processing cycles per packet (PCPP). You can expect a PCPP/CPP ratio of 1 for a fully loaded PMD as there will be no idle cycles counted.

avg cycles per packet: 723.96 (21851787876/30183584)
avg processing cycles per packet: 674.36 (20354613261/30183584)

6.3.3. PMD under loadtest with 50% of mpps capacity

The following example shows a system where the core_ids serve the PMDs that are pinned to dpdk0, with a load test flowing through dpdk0, sending 6.4 Mpps (around 50% of the maximum capacity) of this dpdk0 interface (around 12.85 Mpps):

[root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 10 && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show |
egrep 'core_id (2|4|22|24):' -A9
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 22:
    emc hits:17461158
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:4948219259 (25.81%)
    processing cycles:14220835107 (74.19%)
    avg cycles per packet: 1097.81 (19169054366/17461158)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 814.43 (14220835107/17461158)
pmd thread numa_id 0 core_id 2:
    emc hits:14874381
    megaflow hits:0
    avg. subtable lookups per hit:0.00
    polling cycles:5460724802 (29.10%)
    processing cycles:13305794333 (70.90%)
    avg cycles per packet: 1261.67 (18766519135/14874381)
    avg processing cycles per packet: 894.54 (13305794333/14874381)

Where the pps are about half of the maximum for the interface, you can see a lower ratio of processing cycles vs polling cycles (approximately 70% processing cycles):

polling cycles:5460724802 (29.10%)
processing cycles:13305794333 (70.90%)

6.3.4. Hit vs miss vs lost

The following examples shows the man pages regarding the subject:

an ovs-vswitchd
       These commands are used to expose  internal  information  (mostly  statistics)
       about  the  `dpif-netdev`  userspace datapath. If there is only one datapath
       (as is often the case, unless dpctl/ commands are used), the dp  argument  can
       be omitted.

       dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show [dp]
              Shows  performance  statistics  for each pmd thread of the datapath dp.
              The special thread ``main'' sums up the statistics  of  every  non  pmd
              thread.   The  sum of ``emc hits'', ``masked hits'' and ``miss'' is the
              number of packets received by the datapath.  Cycles are  counted  using
              the  TSC  or  similar  facilities when available on the platform.  To
              reset these counters use dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear. The  duration  of
              one cycle depends on the measuring infrastructure.


man ovs-dpctl
              Prints the name of each configured datapath on a separate line.

       [-s | --statistics] show [dp...]
              Prints  a summary of configured datapaths, including their datapath numbers and a list of ports connected to each datapath.  (The local port is
              identified as port 0.)  If -s or --statistics is specified, then packet and byte counters are also printed for each port.

              The datapath numbers consists of flow stats and mega flow mask stats.

              The "lookups" row displays three stats related to flow lookup triggered by processing incoming packets in the datapath. "hit"  displays  number
              of  packets  matches  existing flows. "missed" displays the number of packets not matching any existing flow and require user space processing.
              "lost" displays number of packets destined for user space process but subsequently dropped before reaching userspace.  The  sum  of  "hit"  and
              "miss" equals to the total number of packets datapath processed.


man ovs-vswitchd
       dpctl/show [-s | --statistics] [dp...]
              Prints a summary of configured datapaths, including their datapath numbers and a list of ports connected to each datapath.  (The local port is  identified  as
              port 0.)  If -s or --statistics is specified, then packet and byte counters are also printed for each port.

              The datapath numbers consists of flow stats and mega flow mask stats.

              The  "lookups"  row  displays  three  stats  related to flow lookup triggered by processing incoming packets in the datapath. "hit" displays number of packets
              matches existing flows. "missed" displays the number of packets not matching any existing flow and require user space processing.  "lost" displays  number  of
              packets  destined for user space process but subsequently dropped before reaching userspace. The sum of "hit" and "miss" equals to the total number of packets
              datapath processed.

Some of the documentation is referring to the kernel datapath, so when it says user space processing it means the packet is not classified in the kernel sw caches (equivalents to emc & dpcls) and sent to the ofproto layer in userspace.