Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Chapter 1. Introduction

This document describes how to configure Red Hat OpenStack Platform to use a Fujitsu ETERNUS Disk Storage System as a back end for the Block Storage service. The document covers how to define a Fibre Channel and iSCSI back end provided by an ETERNUS device on an overcloud deployment. This process involves defining both back ends as a custom back end for the Block Storage service. By default, Controller nodes contain the Block Storage service.


  • A Red Hat OpenStack Platform overcloud deployed through director with container of Fujitsu Plugin. For more information, see Deploying a vendor plugin.
  • You intend to use only Fujitsu ETERNUS Disk Storage System devices and drivers for Block Storage back ends.
  • You can use the director installation user, that you create with the overcloud deployment. For more information, see Creating the Stack User from Director Installation and Usage.
  • You have access to an Admin account on the ETERNUS device through the ETERNUS Web GUI or CLI.

Red Hat supports using Fibre Channel or iSCSI interfaces, and the respective drivers and settings, with a Fujitsu ETERNUS device.


For more information about defining a custom back end, see Custom Block Storage Back End Deployment Guide.