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Appendix D. Alternative Boot Modes

The default boot mode for nodes is BIOS over iPXE. The following sections outline some alternative boot modes for the director to use when provisioning and inspecting nodes.

D.1. Standard PXE

The iPXE boot process uses HTTP to boot the introspection and deployment images. Older systems might only support a standard PXE boot, which boots over TFTP.

To change from iPXE to PXE, edit the undercloud.conf file on the director host and set ipxe_enabled to False:

ipxe_enabled = False

Save this file and run the undercloud installation:

$ openstack undercloud install

For more information on this process, see the article "Changing from iPXE to PXE in Red Hat OpenStack Platform director".

D.2. UEFI Boot Mode

The default boot mode is the legacy BIOS mode. Newer systems might require UEFI boot mode instead of the legacy BIOS mode. In this situation, set the following in your undercloud.conf file:

ipxe_enabled = True
inspection_enable_uefi = True

Save this file and run the undercloud installation:

$ openstack undercloud install

Set the boot mode to uefi for each registered node. For example, to add or replace the existing boot_mode parameters in the capabilities property:

$ NODE=<NODE NAME OR ID> ; openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities="boot_mode:uefi,$(openstack baremetal node show $NODE -f json -c properties | jq -r .properties.capabilities | sed "s/boot_mode:[^,]*,//g")" $NODE

Check that you have retained the profile and boot_option capabilities with this command.

In addition, set the boot mode to uefi for each flavor. For example:

$ openstack flavor set --property capabilities:boot_mode='uefi' control