Red Hat Training

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4.5. Validate the Object Storage Service Installation

After installing and configuring the Object Storage service, you must validate it. The following procedure must be performed on the server hosting the proxy service, or on any machine onto which you have copied the keystonerc_admin file and on which the python-swiftclient package is installed.

Procedure 4.7. Validating the Object Storage Service Installation

  1. On the proxy server node, turn on debug level logging:
    # openstack-config --set /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf DEFAULT log_level debug
  2. Restart the rsyslog service and the openstack-swift-proxy service:
    # systemctl restart rsyslog.service
    # systemctl restart openstack-swift-proxy.service
  3. Set up the shell to access Keystone as the administrative user:
    # source ~/keystonerc_admin
  4. Ensure that you can connect to the proxy server:
    [(keystone_admin)]# swift list
     Message from syslogd@example-swift-01 at Jun 14 02:46:00 ...
     135 proxy-server Server reports support for api versions: v3.0, v2.0
  5. Upload some files to your Object Storage service nodes:
    [(keystone_admin)]# head -c 1024 /dev/urandom > data1.file ; swift upload c1 data1.file
    [(keystone_admin)]# head -c 1024 /dev/urandom > data2.file ; swift upload c1 data2.file      
    [(keystone_admin)]# head -c 1024 /dev/urandom > data3.file ; swift upload c1 data3.file
  6. List the objects stored in the Object Storage service cluster:
    [(keystone_admin)]# swift list
    [(keystone_admin)]# swift list c1