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Appendix B. Manual Procedure Automated by Ansible Playbooks

The Ansible-based solution provided by this document is designed to automate a manual procedure for configuring Instance HA in a supported manner. For reference, this appendix provides the steps automated by the solution.

  1. Stop and disable the Compute service on each Compute node:

    heat-admin@compute-n $ sudo systemctl stop openstack-nova-compute
    heat-admin@compute-n $ sudo systemctl disable openstack-nova-compute
  2. Create an authentication key for use with pacemaker-remote. Perform this step on the director node:

    stack@director # dd if=/dev/urandom of=~/authkey bs=4096 count=1
  3. Copy this key to the Compute and Controller nodes:

    stack@director # scp authkey heat-admin@node-n:~/
    stack@director # ssh heat-admin@node-n:~/
    heat-admin@node-n $ sudo mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker
    heat-admin@node-n $ sudo chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker
    heat-admin@node-n $ sudo mv authkey /etc/pacemaker/
    heat-admin@node-n $ sudo chown root:haclient /etc/pacemaker/authkey
  4. On each Compute node, enable the pacemaker-remote service and configure the firewall accordingly:

    heat-admin@compute-n $ sudo systemctl enable pacemaker_remote
    heat-admin@compute-n $ sudo systemctl start pacemaker_remote
    heat-admin@compute-n $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 11 -p tcp --dport 3121 -j ACCEPT ; /sbin/service iptables save
  5. Confirm that the required versions of the pacemaker (1.1.12-22.el7_1.4.x86_64) and resource-agents (3.9.5-40.el7_1.5.x86_64) packages are installed on the Controller and Compute nodes:

    heat-admin@controller-n $ sudo rpm -qa | egrep \'(pacemaker|resource-agents)'
  6. Create a NovaEvacuate active/passive resource using the overcloudrc file to provide the auth_url, username, tenant and password values:

    stack@director # scp overcloudrc heat-admin@controller-1:~/
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ . ~/overcloudrc
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs resource create nova-evacuate ocf:openstack:NovaEvacuate auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL username=$OS_USERNAME password=$OS_PASSWORD tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME

    If you are not using shared storage, include the no_shared_storage=1 option. See Section 2.1, “Exceptions for Shared Storage” for more information.


    As mentioned earlier in Chapter 2, Environment Requirements and Assumptions, the $OS_AUTH_URL must be the reachable by each Compute node. This environment variable should be set to either the overcloud’s authentication service or the internal authentication URL.

  7. Confirm that nova-evacuate is started after the floating IP resources, and the Image Service (glance), OpenStack Networking (neutron), Compute (nova) services:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ for i in $(sudo pcs status | grep IP | awk \'{ print $1 }\'); do sudo pcs constraint order start $i then nova-evacuate ; done
  8. Create a list of the current Controllers using cibadmin data:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ controllers=$(sudo cibadmin -Q -o nodes | grep uname | sed s/.\*uname..// | awk -F\" \'{print $1}')
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ echo $controllers
  9. Use this list to tag these nodes as Controllers with the osprole=controller property:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ for controller in ${controllers}; do sudo pcs property set --node ${controller} osprole=controller ; done
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs property

    The newly-assigned roles should be visible under the Node attributes section.

  10. Build a list of stonith devices already present in the environment:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ stonithdevs=$(sudo pcs stonith | awk \'{print $1}')
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ echo $stonithdevs
  11. Tag the control plane services to make sure they only run on the Controllers identified above, skipping any stonith devices listed:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ for i in $(sudo cibadmin -Q --xpath //primitive --node-path | tr ' ' \'\n' | awk -F "id=\'" '{print $2}' | awk -F "\'" '{print $1}' | uniq); do
        if [ -n "$stonithdevs" ]; then
            for x in $stonithdevs; do
                if [ $x = $i ]; then
        if [ $found = 0 ]; then
            sudo pcs constraint location $i rule resource-discovery=exclusive score=0 osprole eq controller
  12. Populate the nova-compute resources within pacemaker:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ . /home/heat-admin/overcloudrc
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs resource create nova-compute-checkevacuate ocf:openstack:nova-compute-wait auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL username=$OS_USERNAME password=$OS_PASSWORD tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME domain=localdomain op start timeout=300 --clone interleave=true --disabled --force

    This command assumes that you are using the default cloud domain name localdomain. If you are using a custom cloud domain name, set it as the value of the domain= parameter.


    As mentioned earlier in Chapter 2, Environment Requirements and Assumptions, the $OS_AUTH_URL must be the reachable by each Compute node. This environment variable should be set to either the overcloud’s authentication service or the internal authentication URL.

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint location nova-compute-checkevacuate-clone rule resource-discovery=exclusive score=0 osprole eq compute
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs resource create nova-compute systemd:openstack-nova-compute op start timeout=60s --clone interleave=true --disabled --force
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint location nova-compute-clone rule resource-discovery=exclusive score=0 osprole eq compute
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint order start nova-compute-checkevacuate-clone then nova-compute-clone require-all=true
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint order start nova-compute-clone then nova-evacuate require-all=false
  13. Add stonith devices for the Compute nodes. Run the following command for each Compute node:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs stonith create ipmilan-overcloud-compute-N  fence_ipmilan pcmk_host_list=overcloud-compute-0 ipaddr= login=IPMILANUSER passwd=IPMILANPW lanplus=1 cipher=1 op monitor interval=60s;


    • N is the identifying number of each compute node (for example, ipmilan-overcloud-compute-1, ipmilan-overcloud-compute-2, and so on).
    • IPMILANUSER and IPMILANPW are the username and password to the IPMI device.
  14. Create a separate fence-nova stonith device:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ . overcloudrc
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs stonith create fence-nova fence_compute \
                                    auth-url=$OS_AUTH_URL \
                                    login=$OS_USERNAME \
                                    passwd=$OS_PASSWORD \
                                    tenant-name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
                                    record-only=1 --force \

    This command assumes that you are using the default cloud domain name localdomain. If you are using a custom cloud domain name, set it as the value of the domain= parameter.

    If you are not using shared storage, include the no_shared_storage=1 option. See Section 2.1, “Exceptions for Shared Storage” for more information.

  15. Configure the required constraints for fence-nova:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint location fence-nova rule resource-discovery=never score=0 osprole eq controller
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint order promote galera-master then fence-nova require-all=false
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs constraint order start fence-nova then nova-compute-clone
  16. Make certain the Compute nodes are able to recover after fencing:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs property set cluster-recheck-interval=1min
  17. Create Compute node resources and set the stonith level 1 to include both the nodes’s physical fence device and fence-nova. To do so, run the following for each Compute node:

    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs resource create overcloud-compute-N ocf:pacemaker:remote reconnect_interval=60 op monitor interval=20
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs property set --node overcloud-compute-N osprole=compute
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs stonith level add 1 overcloud-compute-N ipmilan-overcloud-compute-N,fence-nova
    heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs stonith

    Replace N with the identifying number of each compute node (for example, overcloud-compute-1, overcloud-compute-2, and so on). Use these identifying numbers to match each Compute nodes with the stonith devices created earlier (for example, overcloud-compute-1 and ipmilan-overcloud-compute-1).

Allow some time for the environment to settle before cleaning up any failed resources:

heat-admin@controller-1 $ sleep 60
heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs resource cleanup
heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs status
heat-admin@controller-1 $ sudo pcs property set stonith-enabled=true