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2.176. openstack metric measures aggregation

usage: openstack metric measures aggregation [-h]
                                             [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
                                             [-c COLUMN]
                                             [--max-width <integer>]
                                             [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                             -m METRIC [METRIC ...]
                                             [--aggregation AGGREGATION]
                                             [--reaggregation REAGGREGATION]
                                             [--start START] [--stop STOP]
                                             [--granularity GRANULARITY]
                                             [--needed-overlap NEEDED_OVERLAP]
                                             [--query QUERY]
                                             [--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE]
                                             [--groupby GROUPBY] [--refresh]
Get measurements of aggregated metrics

Optional arguments

-h, --help

        show this help message and exit

-m METRIC [METRIC ...], --metric METRIC [METRIC ...]

      metrics IDs or metric name

--aggregation AGGREGATION

      granularity aggregation function to retrieve

--reaggregation REAGGREGATION

      groupby aggregation function to retrieve

--start START

        beginning of the period

--stop STOP

        end of the period

--granularity GRANULARITY

      granularity to retrieve (in seconds)

--needed-overlap NEEDED_OVERLAP

      percent of datapoints in each metrics required

--query QUERY A

        query to filter resource. The syntax is a
      combination of attribute, operator and value. For
      example: id=90d58eea-70d7-4294-a49a-170dcdf44c3c would
      filter resource with a certain id. More complex
      queries can be built, e.g.: not (flavor_id!="1" and
      memory>=24). Use "" to force data to be interpreted as
      string. Supported operators are: not, and, ∧ or, ∨,
      >=, <=, !=, >, <, =, ==, eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, le, in,
      like, ≠, ≥, ≤, like, in.

--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE

      Resource type to query

--groupby GROUPBY

        Attribute to use to group resources


        force aggregation of all known measures