Red Hat Training

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Chapter 4. Back Up the Node

The back up procedure uses mysqldump with the --single-transaction option to avoid table locks. This approach ensures that the backup procedure limits the performance impact on a running cluster.

Since Galera only uses InnoDB tables, the --single-transaction only applies to InnoDB tables.


  1. Backup all tables other than the mysql tables.

    mysql -u root -e "select distinct table_schema from information_schema.tables where engine='innodb' and table_schema != 'mysql';" -s -N | xargs mysqldump -u root --single-transaction --databases > openstack_database-$TIMESTAMP.sql
  2. Backup all grants and account info from the database.

    mysql -uroot -s -N -e "SELECT CONCAT('\"SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';\"') FROM mysql.user where (length(user) > 0 and user NOT LIKE 'root')" | xargs -n1 mysql -u root -s -N -e | sed 's/$/;/' > grants.sql

    The backup procedure requires separately backing up the user accounts and grants, because they use ISAM tables.

Finally, store a copy of all backup files at a remote location.