Chapter 4. Known issues

4.1. Debugging cannot be activated in Go workspaces on IBM Z and IBM Power

On IBM Z and IBM Power, the debugging features cannot be activated in the Go workspace in OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0. Delve, the required debugger for the Go programming language, is not available for these platforms. An attempt to activate this feature results in the Failed to continue error message. This issue has no workaround.

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4.2. Language server features are not preinstalled in Go workspaces

Currently, Golang-based workspaces do not include basic language server features such as code autocompletion.


  1. Run the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance in a non-restricted environment.
  2. Install the required module by clicking Install in the IDE dialog box.

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4.3. Workspace creation fails on unstable networks

OpenShift Dev Spaces might fail to create a workspace when the network is unstable. OpenShift Dev Spaces displays an error such as Failed to run the workspace: "Waiting for pod 'workspace9fbid1gnx7273d47.maven-545f8c9cf4-hw79f' was interrupted." This issue has no workaround.

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4.4. Unsupported devfiles on IBM Z and IBM Power

Currently, the following devfiles are not supported on IBM Z and IBM Power:

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • .Net
  • Apache Camel K by Red Hat

This issue has no workaround.

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4.5. No delegateCommandHandler error for Java with the JBoss EAP 7.3 devfile

A workspace using Java with the JBoss EAP 7.3 devfile fails with the following error message: No delegateCommandHandler for There is no workaround for this issue.

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4.6. No display for a task after a networking issue

When a task is running and there is some networking issue, the terminal window is cleared and contains no text. Even when the connection is restored, the terminal remains empty and loading. There is no workaround for this issue.

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4.7. OpenShift Connector plug-in fails to deploy an application in a restricted environment

The OpenShift Connector plug-in fails to deploy because of the inability to access the odo image in the disconnected environment. There is no workaround for this issue.

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4.8. The DEBUG configuration is missing

The DEBUG panel displays No Configurations in the drop-down list because no configurations are loaded.


  • Refresh the page to display the debug configurations.

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4.9. OpenShift Connector plug-in does not allow the creation of a new component on IBM Power

On IBM Power, the list of supported image streams is missing, which causes component creation to fail. There is currently no workaround for this issue.

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4.10. Upgrading a CodeReady Workspaces 2.15 instance with the DevWorkspace engine enabled (Technology Preview)

Upgrading a CodeReady Workspaces 2.15 instance with the DevWorkspace engine enabled (Technology Preview) is simpler than the upgrade procedure described in the Administration Guide.


  1. Skip steps 1 and 2 in the upgrade procedure.
  2. In step 5 of the upgrade procedure, use the following two values when setting the environment variables for the migration scripts:

    • export PRE_MIGRATION_PRODUCT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=codeready-workspaces2 rather than the documented codeready-workspaces value
    • export PRE_MIGRATION_PRODUCT_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=openshift-operators rather than the documented openshift-workspaces value
  3. In step 6 of the upgrade procedure, run only the ./ and ./ scripts. Do not run ./ and ./

Support for deploying OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0 with the DevWorkspace engine is available starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.10. Administrators must upgrade clusters running earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform to 4.10 or later before subscribing to and deploying OpenShift Dev Spaces.

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4.11. Error in the Cake-php sample project on IBM Power

When using the Cake-php sample, the Configure Apache Web Server DocumentRoots task fails with the following error: error sed: couldn’t open temporary file /etc/httpd/conf/sedSgv1Z4: Permission denied. There is currently no workaround for this issue.

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4.12. Support for per-workspace storage strategy currently not available

Currently, the per-workspace workspace storage strategy is not supported due to the change to the DevWorkspace engine. With migration from CodeReady Workspaces 2.15 to OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0, existing workspaces change to the common strategy. Setting the PVC storage size other than 10 GB is currently not possible. This issue has no workaround.

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4.13. 403 Permission Denied error

Currently, users might encounter a 403 Permission Denied error when logging in to OpenShift Dev Spaces.

Workaround: Log in to OpenShift Dev Spaces in a web browser using incognito mode.

See also #21352.

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4.14. Workspace panel in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank

In workspaces that use the default Che-Theia IDE in a proxied environment, the Workspace panel might appear blank rather than showing available commands, terminals, and applications.


  1. Run $ oc edit proxy cluster.
  2. Add to the spec.noProxy property.
  3. Run the oc command in the project where devworkspace-controller-manager is deployed, openshift-operators or openshift-devspaces:

    `$ oc rollout restart -n __<project>__ deploy/devworkspace-controller-manager`

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4.15. 503 Service Unavailable or 504 Gateway Time-out errors

Currently, you might encounter a 503 Service Unavailable or 504 Gateway Time-out error message after refreshing the page of a stopped workspace.

Workaround: Restart the workspace from the dashboard.

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4.16. Users cannot edit profile information in the dashboard

In CodeReady Workspaces 2.15, users were able to edit their profile information in the Account page of the dashboard. Because OpenShift OAuth is now used exclusively for user management in OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0, users can only edit their user profile within OpenShift. The Account page in the dashboard remains for display purposes only.

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4.17. 502 Bad Gateway or application not available errors

When launching a sample application from the workspace, users can encounter an error message such as 502 Bad Gateway or application not available. The cause of this error is the Theia IDE displaying the notification that the application is ready before the application startup is complete.

Workaround: Wait a minute or two, and reload the browser tab.

See the related issue #21377.

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4.18. Golang sample workspaces cannot be deleted on IBM Power

Currently on IBM Power, a workspace based on the Golang sample project might create files with file permissions that prevent workspace deletion.


  • Ask an administrator to delete the workspace.

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4.19. Creating a new OpenShift Dev Spaces instance using the OpenShift web console

Currently, using the OpenShift web console, OperatorHub, to create a new OpenShift Dev Spaces instance results in the instance deployed by default in the openshift-operators namespace for Operators.


  1. In OperatorHub in the OpenShift web console, install the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator.
  2. Create a <custom_namespace> project, for example devspaces. See Creating a project using the web console.
  3. With the new project selected in the drop-down menu, create a new OpenShift Dev Spaces instance.

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4.20. CheCluster custom resource retains its pre-upgrade name

Currently, the name of the CheCluster custom resource remains the same as before upgrading from CodeReady Workspaces 2.15 to OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0. Customers whose Checluster custom resource name is codeready-workspaces before the upgrade will find the same name after the upgrade. This issue has no workaround.

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4.21. Blank Welcome To Your Workspace page in Che-Theia workspaces

Currently, the Welcome To Your Workspace page in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank when the workspace loads. This is caused by a missing self-signed TLS certificate in the browser.


  • If you use self-signed TLS certificates to connect over HTTPS to an OpenShift cluster running OpenShift Dev Spaces, import those certificates into your browser.

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4.22. Workspace startup might fail if a ConfigMap includes environment variables

Currently, a workspace might fail to start if an applied ConfigMap includes environment variables, env.


  1. Delete any ConfigMaps that include environment variables for the workspace.
  2. Edit the workspace’s devfile to add the required environment variables for the workspace.

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4.23. Maven mvnw might time out in disconnected environments

Users running mvnw in disconnected or restricted environments might encounter a timeout error.


  • Execute commands manually in the tools terminal using mvn rather than mvnw.

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4.24. Maven commands failing for JBoss EAP

Currently, Maven commands might fail for JBoss EAP XP MicroProfile and JBoss EAP 7.4 because these devfiles use two separate users and containers.


  • In the dashboard, edit the devfile to add the .m2 volume to the EAP container so that Maven commands can use the .m2 folder.

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4.25. Java Gradle sample fails in restricted environments

Currently, there is a known issue with the Java Gradle sample in restricted environments. Running the 1-build command to build an application might result in the FAILURE: Build failed with an exception error and failure to load a native library or not resolving a plug-in artifact in plug-in repositories. This issue has no workaround.

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4.26. Conversion of CodeReady Workspaces Node.js workspaces with node-debug and node-debug2 plug-ins

Currently, using the Convert button in the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard to convert a Deprecated Node.js workspace with the node-debug or node-debug2 plug-in fails. The following error message is displayed:

Workspace conversion failed. Failed to create a new workspace from the devfile, reason: Unable to resolve theia plugins …​.

In OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0, the node-debug and node-debug2 plug-ins have been updated to js-debug.


  1. Edit the devfile in the editor in the dashboard page. If the editor in the dashboard page is disabled, copy the devfile contents to a new devfile.yaml file.
  2. Edit your existing v1 devfile(s) to replace ms-vscode/node-debug/latest and ms-vscode/node-debug2/latest with ms-vscode/js-debug/latest.
  3. Commit to a Git repository.
  4. Start a new workspace from the edited devfile by using one of the following options:

    • The factory URL, using the ?new URL parameter for starting a duplicate workspace:

    • Go to DashboardCreate WorkspaceQuick AddImport from GitGit Repo URL* Enter Git URLCreate & Open.

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4.27. Converted Red Hat Fuse workspaces fail to start

Currently, workspaces with Red Hat Fuse devfile v1 fail to start after conversion to devfile v2 by clicking the Convert button in the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.


  1. Edit the devfile in the editor in the dashboard page. If the editor in the dashboard page is disabled, copy the devfile contents to a new devfile.yaml file.
  2. In the devfile, rename the endpoint for the target port 8080 to name: port8080.
  3. Commit to a Git repository.
  4. Start a new workspace from the edited devfile by using one of the following options:

    • The factory URL, using the ?new URL parameter for starting a duplicate workspace:

    • Go to DashboardCreate WorkspaceQuick AddImport from GitGit Repo URL* Enter Git URLCreate & Open.

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4.28. Workspaces might fail to start in environments behind a proxy

Currently, workspaces might fail to start in environments using a proxy. This failure happens if you attempted to customize proxy settings by configuring the DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig custom resource and a component was restarted after that. In that case, the workspace fails to start while the Progress tab shows Waiting for workspace to start.


  • Apply additional proxy settings to the cluster OpenShift Proxy object rather than the DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig custom resource.

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4.29. Blank dashboard page in expired OpenShift OAuth sessions

Currently, when an OpenShift OAuth session expires, the dashboard page appears blank.


  • Use either option:

    • Clear the cookies related to the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard page from your browser.
    • Load the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard page in incognito mode.

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4.30. New workspaces cannot be started by using a GitHub pull request URL

Currently, OpenShift Dev Spaces fails to start new workspaces with a clone of a GitHub-hosted repository when using the #<user_or_org>/<repository>/pull/<pull_request_id> URL syntax. The workspace-starting page displays the following error message: Failed to resolve a devfile. Failed to request factory resolver: Internal Server Error occurred.


  • Enter the URL of the fork and branch of the pull request: #<user_or_org>/<repository>/tree/<branch_name>.

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4.31. Workspace starting and deletion might fail

Currently, a workspace might fail to start, and then you might be unable to delete it. This is caused by a persistent volume claim (PVC) issue. Subsequently, the same problem occurs with other workspaces.


  1. Remove the DevWorkspace object of the first stuck workspace.
  2. Remove the PVC that is bound to the invalid volume.

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4.32. Visual Studio Code on OpenShift with a self-signed TLS certificate

Currently, starting a workspace that uses the Technology Preview Visual Studio Code on OpenShift with a self-signed TLS certificate results in a blank browser tab.


  • Import the TLS certificate into the browser.

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4.33. Vert.x Health Check Example failing in restricted environments

Currently, deploying the Vert.x Health Check Example application by running the 6-deploy-to-openshift command fails in disconnected environments. There is currently no workaround for this issue.

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4.34. Dev Spaces Operator installing an additional DevWorkspace Operator

Currently, under certain conditions, such as OLM restart or cluster upgrade, the Dev Spaces Operator for OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0.0 might automatically install the DevWorkspace Operator even if it is already present on the cluster. This might cause severe consequences: the OpenShift web terminal might stop working, or the DevWorkspace Operator admission webhooks might not work properly, which might affect the behavior of the cluster.

You can detect this issue on your cluster by checking Installed Operators in the OpenShift web console: if this problem is occurring, you see multiple entries for the DevWorkspace Operator or one entry that is stuck in a loop of Replacing and Pending.


  • On OpenShift 4.10.23 or earlier, enable the subscription for automated updates and get OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.0.1 through the OLM.
  • On OpenShift 4.10.24 or later, follow the linked instructions for fixing the cluster.

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