Chapter 9. Enabling automatic install of OpenShift DR cluster operator

Once the DRPolicy is created successfully, the OpenShift DR Cluster operator can be installed on the Primary managed cluster and Secondary managed cluster in the openshift-dr-system namespace.


  1. Edit the ConfigMag ramen-hub-operator-config on the Hub cluster and modify the value of deploymentAutomationEnabled=false to true as follows:

    $ oc edit configmap ramen-hub-operator-config -n openshift-dr-system
    apiVersion: v1
      ramen_manager_config.yaml: |
          deploymentAutomationEnabled: true  ## <-- Change value to "true" if it is set to "false"
          channelName: stable-4.10
          packageName: odr-cluster-operator
          namespaceName: openshift-dr-system
          catalogSourceName: redhat-operators
          catalogSourceNamespaceName: openshift-marketplace
          clusterServiceVersionName: odr-cluster-operator.v4.10.0
  2. Verify that the installation was successful in the Primary managed cluster and the Secondary managed cluster do the following command:

    $ oc get csv,pod -n openshift-dr-system

    Example output:

    NAME                                                                      DISPLAY                         VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE   Openshift DR Cluster Operator   4.10.0               Succeeded
    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/ramen-dr-cluster-operator-5564f9d669-f6lbc   2/2     Running   0          5m32s

    You can also go to OperatorHub on each of the managed clusters and verify if the OpenShift DR Cluster Operator is installed.