Preparing to deploy in a disconnected environment

Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage 4.6

Prerequisite configuration for disconnected deployments

Red Hat Storage Documentation Team


Read this document for instructions on preparing a disconnected environment to install Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage 4.6.


When your Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage environment is not directly connected to the internet, some additional configuration is required to provide the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) with alternatives to the default Operator Hub and image registries.

See the OpenShift Container Platform documentation for more general information: Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks.

To configure your cluster for disconnected operation:

When these steps are complete, continue with deployment as usual.

Chapter 1. Adding mirror registry authentication details


  • Verify that your existing disconnected cluster uses OpenShift Container Platform 4.3 or higher.
  • Verify that you have an oc client version of 4.4 or higher.
  • Prepare a mirror host with a mirror registry. See Preparing your mirror host for details.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster using the cluster-admin role.
  2. Locate your auth.json file.

    This file is generated when you use podman or docker to log in to a registry. It is located in one of the following locations:

    • ~/.docker/auth.json
    • /run/user/<UID>/containers/auth.json
    • /var/run/containers/<UID>/auth.json
  3. Obtain your unique Red Hat registry pull secret and paste it into your auth.json file. It will look something like this.

        "auths": {
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
  4. Export environment variables with the appropriate details for your setup.

    $ export AUTH_FILE="<location_of_auth.json>"
    $ export MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS="<your_registry_url>:<port>"
  5. Use podman to log in to the mirror registry and store the credentials in the ${AUTH_FILE}.

    $ podman login ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS} --tls-verify=false --authfile ${AUTH_FILE}

    This adds the mirror registry to the auth.json file.

        "auths": {
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "": {
                "auth": "*****************",
                "email": ""
            "<mirror_registry>": {
                "auth": "*****************",

Chapter 2. Building and mirroring the Red Hat operator catalog

Follow this process on a host that has access to Red Hat registries to create a mirror of those registries.


  • Run these commands as a cluster administrator.
  • Be aware that mirroring the redhat-operator catalog can take hours to complete, and requires substantial available disk space on the mirror host.


  1. Build the catalog for redhat-operators.

    Match the tag of the ose-operator-registry in the --from flag to the major and minor versions of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster (for example, 4.6).

    $ oc adm catalog build --appregistry-org redhat-operators \ \
      --to=${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS}/olm/redhat-operators:v1 \
      --registry-config=${AUTH_FILE} \
      --filter-by-os="linux/amd64" --insecure
  2. Mirror the catalog for redhat-operators.

    This is a long operation and can take 1-5 hours. Make sure there is 100 GB available disk space on the mirror host.

    $ oc adm catalog mirror ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS}/olm/redhat-operators:v1 \
    ${MIRROR_REGISTRY_DNS} --registry-config=${AUTH_FILE} --insecure
  3. Disable the default OperatorSources by adding disableAllDefaultSources: true to the spec file for the Operator Hub.

    $ oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'

Chapter 3. Creating Operator imageContentSourcePolicy

After the oc adm catalog mirror command is completed, the imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml file gets created. The output directory for this file is usually, ./[catalog image name]-manifests). Use this procedure to add any missing entries to the .yaml file and apply them to cluster.


  1. Check the content of this file for the mirrors mapping shown as follows:

        - mirrors:
          - <your_registry>/ocs4
        - mirrors:
          - <your_registry>/rhceph
        - mirrors:
          - <your_registry>/openshift4
        - mirrors:
          - <your_registry>/rhscl
  2. Add any missing entries to the end of the imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml file.
  3. Apply the imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml file to the cluster.

    $ oc apply -f ./[output dir]/imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml

    Once the Image Content Source Policy is updated, all the nodes (master, infra, and workers) in the cluster need to be updated and rebooted. This process is automatically handled through the Machine Config Pool operator and take up to 30 minutes although the exact elapsed time might vary based on the number of nodes in your OpenShift cluster. You can monitor the update process by using the oc get mcp command or the oc get node command.

Chapter 4. Creating a CatalogSource from a mirrored catalog


  1. Create a CatalogSource object that references the catalog image for redhat-operators.

    Save the following in a redhat-operator-catalogsource.yaml file, remembering to replace <your_registry> with your mirror registry URL:

    kind: CatalogSource
      name: redhat-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      sourceType: grpc
        base64data: 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
        mediatype: image/svg+xml
      image: <your_registry>/olm/redhat-operators:v1
      displayName: Redhat Operators Catalog
      publisher: Red Hat
  2. Create a catalogsource using the redhat-operator-catalogsource.yaml file:

    $ oc apply -f redhat-operator-catalogsource.yaml


  • Run the following command to verify that catalogsource and pod were created correctly.

    $ oc get catalogsource,pod -n openshift-marketplace | grep redhat-operators

Chapter 5. Continue to deployment

After your alternative catalog source is configured, you can continue to the appropriate deployment process: